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Protest Songs At Concerts


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Was at the Coachella Festival last weekend to see Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame. His technical approach to his show was outstanding! The sound and visual effects were fantastic and sharp! But at the end of his first set I got an earfull of his anti-Bush/Blair/Iraq War dribble. It's not that I think he has no right to put his opinions out there. I think we all do, it's just that I go to shows to escape and relax, not to get angry or energized about a cause. Especially when most people try and simplify things to a level that is so unralistic and one-dimensionable as to be ludicrous.

And this is before listening to the second set where we have to sit through the Dark Side Of The Moon! Try that sober! Now I know why I liked that stuff in my 20's! Very well done but can we say BORING? No doubt the girls next to my nephew and I were enjoying the show, ( Dilated pupils, blank smiles, flirtatious come-ons) we on the otherhand left early and didn't feel a bit sorry.

So just a word to all aspiring rock stars, LEAVE YOUR SOAPBOX AT HOME! I like your music, but I could care less how you feel about anything political. If you are not a protest singer, stay that way and just sing and play your thing. We could really care less how you feel about starving kids or refugees. Really. :angry2:

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I like your music, but I could care less how you feel about anything political.
Wife gave me the report of the first weekend of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. I was out practicing accuracy skydiving for an upcoming competition.

Great food. Good to see old friends from out of town. Stevie Wonder closed the weekend and was great when he wasn't on his political soapbox. And it seemed every other performer was spouting off on their particular issue. If it upset my wife, they had to work at it. I probably would have walked off mid day and went to the bar. Carlos Santana was a regular at the festival but his political rants got so bad that he wasn't invited to come back. Good riddenance.

When I hire you to play music, and when I buy a ticket that's what I'm doing, hiring you, play music. You want a political soapbox? Fine, but not on my dime or time.

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Not to be antagonistic, as I understand the rules. Something to consider is that if you disagree with their political views, open forums for them are probably not the best place to see them. The 1st Amendment works both ways. They can say what they want and we can too.

That said, I agree....it's annoying. I came for the music, not the preaching.


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A girl who works for us went to Coachella. She said Sean Penn got up on one of the stages at one point. She hasn't figured out that she is a lot more conservative than people tell her she is supposed to be. When Mr. Penn began to speak she said even the crowd wasn't overly happy. Mr. Penn even admitted as much. Apparently he told everybody to calm down, he wasn't there to talk politics, he was there for some volunteer organization.

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All of Pink Floyd's albums have always been extremely political and all about protest. Read the lyrics from any of their albums such as Animals, The Wall, or Wish You Were Here. I am a huge fan of their music but the causes they push have no significance to me. Was the show all floyd songs or did he do some of his solo stuff?

Edited by larry cazes
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It was almost all Floyd, only one Wates song that I can recall, and it was the one that he used for his prostest song. Yeah, you're right, most of Floyd's stuff is political. When I saw them years ago though, it didn't seem like I had to sit through ANY political tirades.

Yeah, they've got the right, just wish I'd known before I went. Could have gotten some sleep instead, or dryfired in the garage. At least the tickets were free! :rolleyes:

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There was a cutesy photo of ol Roger, in the Rolling Stones this month, of him in his little pink floaties ( Yes I was surprised that they make them for adults too!) Taking a bit of a bob ( I guess he can't swim from what the article implied) with a couple of Dolphins! I was wishing it would have shown a floatie and a surface eddy where ol Roger had been sounded with by Flipper after spouting off some of his drivel about save the Manatees...OOOPS I MENT YOU FLIPPER....blub, blub, blub! I'm with you!! Sing, don't spout, I've got a check book that opens and closes at my own behest! :rolleyes: Like Carlos, listen to Carlos on the radio or at other people's houses, but have NEVER bought ANY Carlos!

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How else is some washed up has been from 30 - 40 years ago going to get any press and sell tickets if they don't say something stupid to piss people off and get some press? They weren't that good in the 70's anyway..........

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Like Carlos, listen to Carlos on the radio or at other people's houses, but have NEVER bought ANY Carlos!

He is no relation of mine.

RE politics: back in the 90s, some co-workers went to see a "Michele Shoked" concert (is she even still alive?). The politics REALLY turned them off. And though I really like the music of Rage Against the Machine, I could live without their radical-fringe rants & their views.

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I dunno.. sometimes the politics thing can be refreshing.. Uncle Ted for instance :D

Boy did he ever lambaste some of our local politicos.. :popcorn1:

Though I did have to sit through one of those rants one time at a Santana show.. ugh, I was quite pissed off..

I like where he's been and like listening to his experiences as a musician.. but when they start spouting off about politics well.. I came to hear your music.. if you want to protest, go on a talk show or something.. like... Uncle Ted does...

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