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Light and Laser Invitational

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Wow! Talk about taking Practical shooting up a notch. When even the top dogs are throwing mikes around, I know where I stand. Dave Sevigny deserves the check as he far outshot everybody else, especially on the standards stage. And with basically a stock gun.

The clays 'oh by the way' segment on shooting springing teals was a big plus for me. Those things kick my butt on a regular basis like most everything else on the Sporting Clays course. But I now know at least two things I've been doing wrong.

And EERW, call up Direct TV and order the Outdoor Channel a la carte. $1.99 a month.

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Did anyone wonder why the IDPA guy did not have a laser? He said he did not have one and did not have time to get one before the match but was that not sort of like taking a knife to a gunfight? And who at Crimson Trace would not have jumped at the chance to overnight him one so they would have had yet another shooter in the match using their product?

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Did anyone wonder why the IDPA guy did not have a laser? He said he did not have one and did not have time to get one before the match but was that not sort of like taking a knife to a gunfight? And who at Crimson Trace would not have jumped at the chance to overnight him one so they would have had yet another shooter in the match using their product?

He only found out the day before the match.

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Did anyone wonder why the IDPA guy did not have a laser? He said he did not have one and did not have time to get one before the match but was that not sort of like taking a knife to a gunfight? And who at Crimson Trace would not have jumped at the chance to overnight him one so they would have had yet another shooter in the match using their product?

He only found out the day before the match.

I agree, there had to be reps from the company showing there wears there, that could let him use something. I think sevigney said he adjusted his and it made a difference. I still don't believe that there wasn't anything there for people to try and play with after all surefire, and Crimson Trace were both sponsoring it.

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I know I wouldn't want to throw a new piece of equipment on my gun that I've never had a chance to try that will mess up my grip and draw. It was probably the best move for him.

I talked with Bob after he found he was the overall champ, and basically he didn't want to add new equipment he'd never used before. Getting a laser wasn't the issue. Plus, he had been doing 3-4 hours of flashlight dryfire per day preparing for the match, and he felt he would do just find without a laser.

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The IDPA guy mentioned, Bob Vogel, won the Nationals last year and the day before the laser event ...He won the IDPA Indoor Nationals. (HOA) Because of that win he was invited to joint the other big dogs. He obviously didn't know he was going to make it into the laser match until 4:00 the afternoon before.

Here's a couple comments:

1. As the USA national IDPA champ (a couple times and once over TGO) why wasn't he invited?

2. Note---- he kicked the butts of every "invited" super squad shooter at the IDPA match?

3. Bob told me the night before the laser match that he was offered to have a laser mounted to his gun by a sponsor.. but that since he had done ZERO training with it.. He refused and stuck to using his regular light as he had in the IDPA match the prior day.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Bob for several years and shooting with him at state and regional matches quite a few times. He is a VERY talented shooter and should have a major sponsor by now. Check out his www site.

Edited by MichiganShootist
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I realize that this match was a promotional gig. S&W, Surefire, and CrimsonTrace obviously wanted to draw attention to their products and to attempt to create a new shooting dicipline withing the practical shooting community.

All of this is good. The match was cool, the TV coverage was great. I'd love to try it out. Our club only has one or two night IPSC style matches a year, and it's always bitter cold.

However, I'm generally put off by 'Invitational' type events. I know that in this case it was appropriate, given the limited space in the venue and the desire for publicity.

Although I enjoy watching the GMs, and admire their skills, I want to be a participant, not a spectator. I think an 'invitational' promotes an us-them mentality.

As our sport grows, I hope it does not take on more invitational matches. I really like the local and national match philosopy we currently have, and I think that super-squads are a great way to make the GMs accessable to spectators and TV. I also like that the GMs come to the local matches and participate for the fun of it.

My father plays a lot of golf, but will never shoot the breeze or share the tee with Tiger. I however, hope to go to the Nationals someday and be on the same scoresheet as Letham, ask Jerry Miculek about my revolver, and invite Julie G to dinner after the match.

Edited by Jeff686
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Jerry M. shot an exibition at the S & W match... a bunch of us Michigan shooters were talking with him after it was over... (several of us were shooting our wheel guns at the match)...so we invited him to join us for dinner.

The next thing I know Jerry, Kay, & their daughter are sharing a Mexican dinner....with "Team Michigan" the night before we and Jerry were shooting. Cool!!!!!!

What a great bunch of people.

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