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Real Life Marine Takes on Code Pink


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I saw that the other night on "The Daily Show". I was ROTFLMAO.

"If only there was an organization to defend that free speech, wouldn't that be great ?" PRICELESS

Semper Fi code pink Semper Fi !!

That was just awsome, What I like is how the interviewer did not even have to get involved to

expose them for who they are, they did it all by themselfs. This is where I start to back up the

IQ test requirement for voting.. :surprise:

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That was just awsome, What I like is how the interviewer did not even have to get involved to

expose them for who they are, they did it all by themselfs. This is where I start to back up the

IQ test requirement for voting.. surprise.gif

They had one in Florida, it was called the buttery ballot.

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Make no misteak people of this ilk are basicly Americal Taliban <_<

Where their ideology makes it ok...even nessessary to to stamp out the rights of others who have a differing opinion ..in order to fullfill their own agenda.

They really have no boundry in what they will do to achieve their goals.

Bombings...Murder...hate speach...civil disobediance are all are in their playbook.

In the 1960s...the propaganda that fueled this type of rabid behavior was provided by a communist government that we were at war with.

Today it comes from within our own institutions of higher learning...and factions of our own political parties.

I think people should see these leftist fringe groups as what they are....enemies of freedom, liberty,...and enemies of the American way of life!!!

Right now this minute....REAL Americans are putting their very lives on the line to defend us ALL from an enemy who has much more in common with Code Pink that they will ever know.

I would love to gather up all those who hate America...and deport them to Somolia for a year...let them get a taste of REAL oppression!!!

It would be very interesting to see how well they do....out in the real world with thier ideological bretherin!


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The part that shows the true logical, intelligence level of these, uh, .... inDUHviduals... he says "So, if we had no police, there'd be no crime?" and she hmms and haws and then says "Essentially...". Absolutely priceless....

You know, I really admire folks who are that idealistic and hopeful that the sort of world atmosphere that they imagine could be put into place. I seriously do. What ruins it all is that they fail to examine human nature, and several thousand years of history that suggest they're living in a pipe dream, and their serious lack of application of logic and reasoning around what a solution should be to this problem that they see.... You want no violence? Make the consequences for perpetrating violence severe enough, and there will be no violence... Oh yeah.. that takes backbone... :D

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Essentially this is pure imaturity, an eternal teenage mind. They dont know anything but

yet they "really" belive that they know it all. They cant even begin to understand why an

individual would act in any certain way such as to rape or murder so they come up with

explanations that make sense to them. It must be caused somehow by the government

, parents, or some form of authority causing them to rebel "unintentially" (victims of a

corupt systm) !!

An eternal teenage, party, drug, "self indulging", no responsability, know it all, no comprehension......

....... urhhghgg :angry2::angry2::angry2: HIPPIES !!!!

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It still comes down to people seldom taking personal responsibility for what they do, let alone what they THINK. I know for a fact that some people like to protest things simply for the enjoyment of the protest theatre. Same as the little teenage boys in the Middle East throwing rocks at passing cars in front of the cameras... they likely haven't a clue why they're throwing rocks--they just enjoy the rock-throwing and the notoriety. Jeez. People. Idiots abound. :angry2:

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Holy crap Batman.

How did these people take over California?

Berkely isn't part of California... we just don't know how to make them leave. They're total wack jobs, but the news always likes to report on them...

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