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Things to do when snowed in...


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Several suggestions to avoid cabin fever:

Dryfire! (Like I wouldn't say that)


Work out (Again...the obvious)


Enjoy the forums!


Study for finals :rolleyes:


What do you guys and gals do when the wicked winter wonderland wows your...w-area?

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Uncanny how much he resembles you or should I say un-caninely

Wah wah wah..... :lol:

Its funny...Micah has a garage door decorated just like mine :D

So my royalty check is in the mail Jim?


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Help the snowplow guy shovel out when his truck got stuck in the cornfield. Yes, even 4WD gets stuck when the plow carriage hangs up on a hunk of ice.

Tried to dry fire, made it 15 minutes before my arms gave out (pre-fatigued the muscles by shoveling, of course ...).

I think I hear a nice Imperial Stout calling my name ....

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developing and perfecting the ultimate snowball firing cannon.

DECISIONS: air launched, fuel launched, spring launched, tubing launched.

plastic (polymer) framed/barreled, metallic framed/barreled.

optically sighted, iron sights, laser sights.

load data: 4200psi tank, 3000psi tank, 90psi tank, 1 second fuel blast, 2 second fuel blast, compression springs or expansion springs, surgical tubing or bungee straps.

artillery type weapon or carry weapon, 3 foot barrel (CCW), 6 foot barrel (artillery placement)

range and accuracy requirements, long range anti personnel or precision use.

All these things need to be figured out, while you have the ammunition available.


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I've been spending hours trying to think of who I can bribe to come shovel me out of this sh*t.

I had finally decided to give in and just go buy a snow blower, but when I opened the garage and saw 3 feet of snow piled against the door - it dawned on me that I still have to shovel out of this sh*t!!! (we did not get 3 feet of snow - but we did get winds which piled it up rather well against the doors - we have 2 separate garages that are perpendicular to each other which created a lovely place for the snow to stop!)

I think I'll go play Command & Conquer :)

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Well, you might have missed this.


I completely broke down the 550 and cleaned up al purdy like. Then I loaded up 1000k rounds in preparation for the new gun to arrive.

Also took the 2 legged children out to play in the yard. My 3 & 1/2 yr old was having some challenges moving since the snow was about one third as tall as he is.

Good times.

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What's the matter Flex ... pulling a Seevers ? Why not trek down to Miamisburg on your snowmobile today and shoot 75 rounds ? ! ? :huh::ph34r::P

Ouch, who did that hurt the most. :surprise:

Now where is that hot chocolate? :cheers:

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