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Cop stabbed, scumbag walks

Forensics Doc

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It's been one of those days. I was watching the news this afternoon to see what the weather was going to be for the match tomorrow and they ran a story about an Athens-Clarke County (GA) Police Department sergeant who had been stabbed ten times by a nut case. As with many cops, she was working an off-duty job at Kroger and received a complaint about a suspicious person. In the process of trying to effect an arrest or perhaps just during his questioning (it wasn't clear), he knocked her to the ground and began stabbing her with a kitchen knife. Sorry to say, no one in the store was armed and she lost a massive amount of blood from a severed femoral artery and has been in a coma ever since December 11th, although she may be coming out of it. Also sorry to say that because this scumbag has a mental illness he likely won't be prosecuted.

I've been pretty much of a wreck ever since and work I took home is sitting unfinished. It's about all I can do to compose a coherent sentence here, much less do anything that requires much brain power. You see, I've known the sergeant, Courtney Gale, for about five years now. I've worked several forensic cases with her and she's the kind of young lady you'd be proud to call your daughter or to have your son marry. I was out of town when it happened, and to find out about it three weeks later through the news media was the worst possible way.

Her insurance isn't going to come close to covering three weeks in intensive care (so far, and counting) or the lengthy recovery process (assuming she lives) and fund raisers are being established for her.

It's so very strange. My office is 30 feet from the morgue door and I see autopsies every day. I see the young and the old, kids, homicides, suicides, the rich and the poor. None of them bother me, and I never go home thinking about what I've seen on the autopsy table. If I did I'd have to find another job.

But this has chopped me off at the knees. Try as I might, I can't get anything done for thinking about Courtney fighting for her life while some worthless scumbag will get a free pass because he's mentally ill. I've already seen two executions by lethal injection and I dearly wish I could be around to see this one but it isn't going to happen. Right now I'm praying for two things that are diametrically opposed--that she survives her injuries and that he rots in hell.

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Wow, what a terrible story. I'm sorry to hear of this. I wish more people were willing to help during senseless acts of violence. You hear about it all too often whether it's stabbings / shootings or people being pulled out of fires. I've had it up to here with Krogers and any other store that wont let it's very own PATRONS carry concealed. I mean what do they really think we're all going to do ... just FLIP OUT like this nutso did ??? It's backwards I tell ya.

But I dont mean to drift this thread in the wrong direction so I won't go on with that rhetoric. Sorry.

Prayers go out to all those who were affected by this.

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you have my hopes and sympathies.

for you,

remember to breathe.

food is a good idea.

Cry because it does hurt.

You have to realize you are looking at possibly losing a loved one.

I see you have two shocks here

The two shocks are the amazing arbitraryness of the crime.

and how important she is to you.

(the good people in your life become loved ones, all friends are like this)

Try to survive a while.

you will learn to function again soon.


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Sorry to hear about your friend, hopefully she will pull through this.

Reminds me off a local female officer who was almost killed a few years back over a stolen soda from McDonalds. He had her down and was pummeling her face and trying to grab her weapon. Thankfully a good citizen driving by stopped and diverted the guy long enough for her backup to arrive. She ended up with a broken wrist and broken bones in her face. Same deal "crazy guy" I think he got just a couple of years for it.

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Doc, it means that your humanity is still intact after you have seen some of the worst horrors in life. The cops you deal with aren't supposed to become victims, period. That is why it hits us doubly hard. Having been a victim of sorts myself just find something postive to focus on, and take it one step at a time. Times like this make us glad that we have whatever faith we do.

Hang in there... :(

Prayers inbound for her....


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Rick --

I know the 'thump' that socked you in the chest when you heard this (ER, 16 years). Lousy news and a really lousy way to hear it. I'm so sorry.

There's no way to reconcile this; no just, elegant way to make any of it 'right'. There's only time. Permit yourself to take that, to be angry and, if necessary, to grieve.

Prayers for her family, for the rest of the department, and for friends like you who wrestle with all the 'wrong-ness' of it.


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Yes, it IS heartbreaking, as Jim said. I am so unspeakably tired of hearing about whack-jobs and nut-cases and idiot-losers getting away with everything, up-to-and-including-murder, that I can hardly express my disgust. Though my role alongside law enforcement is minor, I work with some patient and dedicated people who really put up with a lot. Moreover, they have to deal with this so-called 'liability' nonsense, even if the nut-case is doing his best to kill the officer(s). It all makes me sick. Whatever happened to public flogging, anyway.....?...... :angry2::angry2::angry2:

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But this has chopped me off at the knees. Try as I might, I can't get anything done for thinking about Courtney fighting for her life while some worthless scumbag will get a free pass because he's mentally ill. I've already seen two executions by lethal injection and I dearly wish I could be around to see this one but it isn't going to happen. Right now I'm praying for two things that are diametrically opposed--that she survives her injuries and that he rots in hell.

As a member of an LEO agency for 18 years, my prayers are with you!

Just remember that the person that did this will be judged upon his death to the ULTIMATE judge. They will be accountable to him for everything they did while on earth.

I know it'll be hard to think in these terms, but I'm sure that judge will be able to inflict more pain on that person than we could possibly imagine. In time my friend....

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