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Friday Flame War 04-25-03


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It's time,,,This is the place,,,We're all here,,,

Ignition switch ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rain on the day the day I was wanting to finish a job ( and get paid!!!) suxs.

The road construction around here has just started to get underway. Driving the catacombs and sitting in jams is not the way to enjoy a spring day.

Whats so interesting about this maggot Scott Peterson. Isn't there still military crap going on in Iraq. Strap him into old sparky and move on!!!

Thats better,,,

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I hate the continual road road construction here in Indy. Not only do we have the pre "Hyper-Fix" making things miserable they have also decided that there should be a major or minor construction project on every other side of town. Monday night I sat in traffic for an extra hour trying to get home and then Wednesday night trying to get to shooting another hour wait in traffic. If they want to stop road rage limit the road construction so we don't have to drive in cone zones everywhere we go.

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How about Light Rail here in Houston. They have studied it for over 10 years for a cost of over 100 million and last year decided to build a 7 mile test from down town to the Med center. It is costing 683.00 PER INCH. Just the standard for our idiot mayor and his staff.

How about the economy in the dumper and our great mayor helps to pass the bonds for 3 new staduims, football, baseball and basketball and we still owe 82 million on the renovations for the Astrodome, and he also turned down 682 million in revenue on the parking from the new stadiums while we are closing libraries and cutting back city services. Boy his priorities are in the right place.

About the only ones with salaries equal to all the grossly overpaid pro athletes were the salaries of the Enron Execs and look what happened to them. The pro sports owners better heed the trend or the only ones in those new stadiums watching the games will be the players.

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I think the next pro sports team owner who suggests he needs a publicly-funded stadium in order to stay in town should be summarily executed on the evening news. Along with the Mayor of whatever town is trying to lure him away.

You bought the damn team, if you can't make a go of it you SHOULD go broke.

I also think that in every sports article in the paper where they mention any pro players salary, they should be required to post the percentage of said players salary they donated to charity.

Multi-million dollars a year, and you can't be bothered to give a dime to the Red Cross? You deserve to be laughed at.

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I have had it. Rain again this weekend. All week it is at leat attempting to be nice out, and Sat. we are slated for a full-on rain.

One better...my neighbor, who hasn't mowed her lawn in over a YEAR, has a mower parked in the driveway, in the rain, and will likely hang a for sale sign on it before she actually gets her lawn mowed!

I am getting tired of mowing her lwn when I can't stand it any longer. The weeds are a bugger to get through at 12" tall. Better yet, the back yard lwan got hight enough last year to blow-down.... like hay or grain!

She has $ to hire someone, she just doesn't... :angry:

Oh well, at least I have a privacy fence in the back yard.

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1. Crappy luck for friends:

Gets motorcycle back from dealership after 3 weeks there for the 3rd set of front bearings.

We go out riding, he gets a speeding ticket.

Same day-- less than one week after getting it back-- coming home from bar/watching Lakers lose, something blows in the engine... bike's done.

2. Crappy luck for me:

Thanks to the shite economy (which could have been prevented had Bush Sr. and Clinton done their jobs) and bad decisions on my part (young, well-paid, etc.), I'm going down the long road to bankruptcy. Luckily I've still got about 5 years of school left.

3. Crappy weather for SoCal

Is a little sun too much to ask for?

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You guys know about the Laci Peterson case back east in Podunk? They are talking about moving his trial from Modesto to some place like... San Francisco. It has always been top story news in the bay area. They say the trial might start in two years. Whatever happened to the right to a speedy trial? Lip service, like the other supposed rights.

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lynn jones,

oh yeah..... NICE idea. A little wind in her direction would help.

I am still hoping to live in a nice neighborhood, eventually, and maybe some day she will take the hint watching me mow out her kitchen window. I don't know why she would, she watched my pregnant wife mowing last year and did't even say thanks..... Then her fat kids walk their dog to my lawn for #2 in the same week!

I need to start a "bad neighbor" website....I think I saw one of those somewhere...

Also, I am currently preoccupied with her dogs that yap all night. I am going to borrow a paint-ball gun and paint that sucker green at midnight practicing paint-ball bill drills through my bedroom window..... where is the A zone on a Schnauzer? :P

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[Massive Rant Mode ON]

The "A" zone on a schnauzer is just about ANYWHERE!!! Go for it! Paintball his royal lower alimentary opening!!

Weather? We've been on the ass-end of an Alaskan Gulf front for about three f'n months!!!!! It's the 25th of April for cryin' out loud!!! Got up to a 37-degree morning. Arthritis sufferers are now certifiably on crutches or fully bedridden here in Eugene.

Moving the trial to SFO is going to HELP...? I don't THINK so!!!!!

Sports funding at Univ. of Oregon: That's the only thing this town IS putting money into any more. New jobs be damned... let's just keep Phil Knight happy so he won't pull his money out of the sports coffers any more. Let's close several grade schools and such and add more seats to U of O's Autzen Stadium so the rich folks who live up on Spring Blvd can sit thru the games and not get wet in their f'n climate-controlled, 4-figure skyboxes... while the parking lot there shrinks more each year so the average joe can't get to the games anymore anyway. SOMEBODY GO FIGURE!!!!!!!!

AAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

[Massive Rant Mode Sorta OFF]

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[supplementary Rant Mode Engaged]

Small Outrage-of-the-Week Item:

Just yesterday bought a little headlamp ($8) for my Sentra. Last year took same bulb unit to the local Firestone Tire guys and they installed it for free. THIS year they charged me over $22 to "pop the bulb in"....!!!!! Wha????!!! Was a special training program researched, developed and implemented in the meantime to show tire monkeys how to "pop in a bulb" somwhere between this year and last??!!! In BE's words, "Holy Crap!!" :angry: (fume, fume, sputter...!)

[supplementary Rant Mode Sorta Stuck in "ON"]

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we had a neighbor like that in my first house... a couple of neighbors fixed that problem with the round up. the bad neighbor ask "what we thought happened to his yard" we said he needed water. ha ha.

in my neighborhood now, my next door neighbor doesn't edge his yard. he cuts it like clockwork, but i have to edge the sidewalk for him. btw, he has a nice edger too!


me too. :D

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Fourth year of the dought here. Family farms are out of business, wildlife are dead or dying, ranches selling their livestock, and you folks are whining cause you can't go out and play because of the rain. I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

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[supplementary Rant Mode Engaged]

Small Outrage-of-the-Week Item:

Just yesterday bought a little headlamp ($8) for my Sentra. Last year took same bulb unit to the local Firestone Tire guys and they installed it for free. THIS year they charged me over $22 to "pop the bulb in"....!!!!! Wha????!!! Was a special training program researched, developed and implemented in the meantime to show tire monkeys how to "pop in a bulb" somwhere between this year and last??!!! In BE's words, "Holy Crap!!" :angry: (fume, fume, sputter...!)

[supplementary Rant Mode Sorta Stuck in "ON"]

What year/trim level Sentra do you have?

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You want to hear something that will really make you mad...

Everything is good here. I can't come up with anything to post a flame about.

Weather is great (80F, dry and sunny, no wind). I went to the range on my lunch hour and was shooting well. My job is OK (and relatively secure). Our club match is Sunday and I'm going to go set up a couple of stages tomorrow. I'm looking forward to shooting my first match as "B" class. I've got a cold one in my hand and there are shrimp boiling on the stove.

Life is good...

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I'll be over in about 10 minutes....! :wub::D


Sentra is 1998. Didn't matter what year or model. I brought the bulb in on my own. I was just flippin' stunned they charged me so much labor to do so little. Expecially given the courtesy 'install' LAST year..........

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Neighbors, ha! I couldn't put my new truck in my garage last night because a Land Rover Discovery was blocking my driveway. Not by a couple feet, but 2/3 or 3/4 of his Disco was blocking it.

Tow truck guy had to lift the front and put dollies under the rears, because of the Land Rover four/all wheel drive (center diff?). I said to my roommate, "Ooh, that's gonna cost extra."

Not five minutes after the wannabe Popemobile was towed away and I parked in my garage, a party of five or so yuppies were wandering around looking for it. Dude asked me if I had it towed. Eyup. At least he apologized, repeatedly. But WTF was he thinking parking there!?

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I hate "stealth" come-ons in the mail from mortgage, insurance, and especially credit card companies. I often get several in one day.

If they tell me on the envelope what it's about, fine. I can throw it away unopened--no harm done.

But if they print "Important Financial Information Enclosed!" or somesuch (or nothing at all) on the outside, I have to open it, even though I know the chances are 90+% it's an unsolicited come-on. (New credit cards, and sometimes checks, arrive in similarly incognito envelopes)

Why would I want to do financial business with someone who's sneaky?

My response, which would put a sudden end to this crap if millions did it, is to stuff all their junk in the postpaid return envelope and mail it back to them, at their expense.


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