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Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

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I read from your first post to your last post tonight, my bum is sore, I enjoyed your journey to this point, It read like a novel and I was inspired. The only thing missing in your "novel" is the ending chapter that says your A card came in the mail. Thanks for documenting your journey. When you reach the top, what ever that is, write a book and publish it for others to grow.


Your post has given me a smile that I have enjoyed for a couple of days :) Thank you.

Your mention of the A card sent me to the USPSA web site to see where I am.

Currently I am at 67.76% HOWEVER at Owensboro in August I shot a 75% classifier! Then at Riley the next day I shot a 46% classifier because one shot dipped down into a no shoot....take the no shoot/mike away/give me a charlie and I shoot a 81% classifier for that day.

I'm at a point where I'm naturally shooting A class without trying on classifiers (Bill Seever strategy). It's just a matter of getting enough of them strung together. ;) The A card is going to happen :) It's just a matter of time and opportunity. :cheers:

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I have been blessed to know Jane and Dave for many years. As I read some of the points in Jane's post. I had to smile at the memories of the past when Dave was coaching Jane and then when Jane moved past the coaching stage. We all saw the change. But Dave (God love him) was the last to know. You had to be there. It was a great joy to watch.

To say that I will miss these guys is a weak choice of words. One of the components of my love for this sport is the people I have had the chance to share it with. Jane and Dave will leave a void not likely to be filled. People of this character and passion are rare. What a gift that they found each other. A gift equally shared by both. True partners.

God's speed in all that you do.


"Jacob McCandles? I thought you was dead?"

John Wayne: "Not hardly"

That is some dialouge from the movie Big Jake.

Mike....we ain't dead yet!

I need to give some backgroud to my buddy Mike's post. Dave has resigned as the Indiana Section Coordinator for USPSA. He also has resigned as club president for Walbash Valley Practicial Pistol Shooter's Club (WVPPS). He served a 2 year term as Indiana Section Coordinator and I believe 4 or 5 years as WVPPS Club President.

He had the opportunity during that time to lead and work with some very fine folks who greatly elevated the quality of our shooting sport in the state of Indiana. It's been an amazing thing for me to watch as his wife. I have seen Dave grow as a person because of his leadership experience. We BOTH have been changed for the good by participating in this sport and we are both so grateful for the opportunities we have had.

Dave is tired. He is stepping down in some of his leadership positions so that he can have more time and energy for his family. He has lived a life (and I'm a witness) that has required him to have EVERY minute of EVERY day scheduled. That's not necessarily a bad thing but when you live that way for say....5-10 years in a row....it wears on you. I'm proud of him for making this positive change in his life.

Are we getting out of the shooting sport? No.

Dave has freed us by stepping down from leadership. We are now free to make choices about when we shoot. There's a big difference between want to and have to. ;)

Dave has done a tremendous service to our sport and to our club by providing his leadership over the last several years. However, we have reached the point where it is time for us to "follow the leader" and not be the leader. To every thing there is a season.

Thanks for the great post Mike. You have been a good friend for many years and also have served our sport very well in the state of Indiana. We've experienced a good thing. My hope is that we ALL have planted seeds that will continue to grow.

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"You're a better man than I, Gunga Din!"

Gunga Din is a good man

;) Geez, anybody who'll clean that amazing mud out of your mags consistently is all aces in my book ;)

And, no... you don't want to know how much that ammo cost... but it probably didn't cost as much as you fear :lol: I'm sure Mr. Ball would respond just like I do when Beth frets about money spent on some thing related to the horse or whatever... Did it bring you joy? Can you take it (the money you would have saved otherwise) with you when you die? Good enough, then... :cheers:

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I have been blessed to know Jane and Dave for many years. As I read some of the points in Jane's post. I had to smile at the memories of the past when Dave was coaching Jane and then when Jane moved past the coaching stage. We all saw the change. But Dave (God love him) was the last to know. You had to be there. It was a great joy to watch.

To say that I will miss these guys is a weak choice of words. One of the components of my love for this sport is the people I have had the chance to share it with. Jane and Dave will leave a void not likely to be filled. People of this character and passion are rare. What a gift that they found each other. A gift equally shared by both. True partners.

God's speed in all that you do.


"Jacob McCandles? I thought you was dead?"

John Wayne: "Not hardly"

That is some dialouge from the movie Big Jake.

Mike....we ain't dead yet!

I need to give some backgroud to my buddy Mike's post. Dave has resigned as the Indiana Section Coordinator for USPSA. He also has resigned as club president for Walbash Valley Practicial Pistol Shooter's Club (WVPPS). He served a 2 year term as Indiana Section Coordinator and I believe 4 or 5 years as WVPPS Club President.

He had the opportunity during that time to lead and work with some very fine folks who greatly elevated the quality of our shooting sport in the state of Indiana. It's been an amazing thing for me to watch as his wife. I have seen Dave grow as a person because of his leadership experience. We BOTH have been changed for the good by participating in this sport and we are both so grateful for the opportunities we have had.

Dave is tired. He is stepping down in some of his leadership positions so that he can have more time and energy for his family. He has lived a life (and I'm a witness) that has required him to have EVERY minute of EVERY day scheduled. That's not necessarily a bad thing but when you live that way for say....5-10 years in a row....it wears on you. I'm proud of him for making this positive change in his life.

Are we getting out of the shooting sport? No.

Dave has freed us by stepping down from leadership. We are now free to make choices about when we shoot. There's a big difference between want to and have to. ;)

Dave has done a tremendous service to our sport and to our club by providing his leadership over the last several years. However, we have reached the point where it is time for us to "follow the leader" and not be the leader. To every thing there is a season.

Thanks for the great post Mike. You have been a good friend for many years and also have served our sport very well in the state of Indiana. We've experienced a good thing. My hope is that we ALL have planted seeds that will continue to grow.

Jane your quote comes from my favorite movie. Thanks

Also this sport is better all over for having the Ball family in it.

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Thanks Doug!

I haven't touched a gun in 2 weeks and I'm kind of missing it.

Oddly, my mind has become obsessed with rifles.

First off, I want my own rifle that fits me and that I can shoot well. Second, I want to be able to hold a long gun so I can shoot accurately. My strength is terrible in that regard. I'm thinking about starting a dry fire program with a long gun so I'll be able to kill that deer in November.

Yes, some deer is going to lose it's life this November at my hand. Why? Because last year I didn't have the confidence or the competence to pull the trigger. This year I want to prove to myself that I have both and that I can take the shot and succeed. I also want the deer meat in the freezer. ;)

I didn't know that I would show such an active interest in hunting. All I got was that one little taste last season. Now I'm finding myself strolling through sporting good stores looking at camo and deer stands. No kidding!! I want my own tree stand. I want a 2 seater so I can hunt with my hubby, brother, or sons. I even stopped and looked at a pink camo zip up fleece. I had to laugh at myself. What has happened to me??

I think it's just a primal thing. Can I hunt to survive? Can I hunt? It's a question I want to answer.

So for the next few months that will be what I'm focusing on. Holding and shooting long guns and talking my hubby into getting me my own rifle etc.

Also, tomorrow I kick off my return to physical fitness. I haven't got my head totally wrapped around the fitness thing, but it's time to start doing something. ;)

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When you kill your first deer this it will be an expericence you'll never forget. It will be good for you to focus on something else for a while. You'll come back hungry and ready for the season next year.

This year will be the first hunting with my soon to be 6 year old. I can't wait!!

Chris C.

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Can I have your autograph the next time we shoot. You are now my favorite movie star now. I just saw you on Sighting In With Shooting USAS. Totally cool to see a freind on TV. Congrats.

Oh Good Lord....is this the ladies camp interview????? Did I look like or sound like an idiot?

I need details!!!

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Can I have your autograph the next time we shoot. You are now my favorite movie star now. I just saw you on Sighting In With Shooting USAS. Totally cool to see a freind on TV. Congrats.

Oh Good Lord....is this the ladies camp interview????? Did I look like or sound like an idiot?

I need details!!!

Yep it sure was the Ladies Camp Interview and no and no. :cheers:

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My 10 seconds of fame has quickly faded as no autographs were requested at the range today :lol: Such is life. B)

I had a great day at the range today. We were at Riley shooting steel. The weather was beautiful....cool...clear...perfect for shooting. I shot 2 guns. I shot the 40 cal open gun which I have not touched since Nationals and I shot a 10/22 rifle with scope mount. I was pleased with my performance with my open gun. It felt great to have that gun back in my hand. I broke the 3 second mark several times today which is an improvement for me.

I have very little experience with the 10/22. I need work mounting the gun. I hate to say "mounting the gun" but that's what it's called!! I didn't have a consistent cheek hold and the scope wasn't opening up for me as quickly as I would like. Basically, I took the gun out of the case and shot it. I've got some work to do.

After the match David and I took some shots with the Remington 700 rifle. Yeah Baby!!! I got a dead center shot at 200 meters, off rest, sitting. I KNOW NOTHING about shooting a rifle! My brother tried to teach me stuff last Spring, but I wasn't ready. I'm ready now. He's coming this week and we are going to work on the "find a gun for Jane to kill a deer with" problem. I'm looking forward to it.

My next clothing purchase will be some sort of shirt/jacket with padding in the shoulder. I don't care what gun I'm going to shoot...IT'S NOT GOING TO HURT ME! :)

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I'm looking in the Cabela's catalog for my shooting shirt with padding and I've stumbled on to some other stuff I want...

  • Apparently they make game carts which are too cool. It's like a stroller for dead deer :lol: I want one.
  • I'll need a Butt Out Tool...not looking forward to using that!
  • The claw skinning tool....sounds like a bad horror movie.
  • Some sort of Hoist system...many to chose from.
  • Field Dressing Glove Kit...a must!
  • Just saw a 10/22 high capacity clip...must have after todays steel shooting the 10/22.

This is like shopping for shoes on line! It's awesome. Now if Dave will just let me have the credit card...

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I've shot 2 deer with my iron sighted GP 100 .357

I think a great deer hunting gun for a woman would be a Remington Model Seven in 7mm-08.

Oops. edited for spelling

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I agree on the 7-08. I just had one built and am driving up to pick it up this weekend. Mine was built on a Rem700 S/A, Manners T4 stock, Broughton bbl, Badger Detachable Bottom Metal, Badger 20MOA base, and a 5.5x22x50 NP-R1 scope. It's going to be my deer hunting rifle.

I am taking a trip to Kentucky for opening weekend of rifle season to break it in right. I'll post some pics when I get home with it.

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I believe she will need a shotgun with slugs, handgun or a rifle in pistol caliber here in Indiana. A shame, but there's no deer hunting allowed with the rifles mentioned!


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I was walking through the OB waiting room at the hospital today and a magazine called "Outdoor Life" caught my eye. The word "Super Bucks" stopped me in my tracks. I picked it up and started looking through it. I was feeling jealously looking at all the pictures of hunters with their game. I actually started thinking about how I was going to pose my deer for my picture. It's so funny because I used to think those pictures were stupid...and now I really want one. :surprise: I'm planning on sneaking up there tomorrow and actually reading the magazine...tee hee. :rolleyes:

I had my first dry fire with a rifle tonight. I lasted 10 minutes. I did 10 reps of holding the rifle (AR) until my arms shook and I couldn't keep it on target...the time added up to around 10 minutes. I could hold it for about a minute before I would lose control. Practice makes perfect...

Thanks for all the suggestions on a deer hunting gun. In Indiana it's either going to be a pistol caliber rifle or a shotgun. I think I mentioned my brother is coming over this week and we are going to experiment with a pistol caliber rifle. I've got a hunch that is going to be my ticket. We'll see.

I'm talking a lot about deer hunting and some may wonder what that has to do with "training to win". I plan on explaining that in another post coming soon. ;)

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