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Improper wearing of military uniforms


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As someone who was proud to wear a uniform and can claim that all-important Veteran's preference I've noticed a disturbing trend for the last few years. I was always a stickler about wearing the uniform the way it deserved to be worn and one important part of that has always been that when you're outside you wear a cover (hat for non-military types). There are exceptions like on a flightline, riding a bicycle or in special areas on military grounds that are designated as no-cover areas. The rest of the time you'd better have a cover on or you're going to get an @ss chewing you won't forget.

For the last few years I've been seeing military people walk around outside without a cover on and it pisses me off. Around here they're almost always Guard members (Army unit nearby) or recruiters.....I can see a Guard unit being a little less rigid but still, it's annoying.

Today I watched three soldiers in uniform walk out of a fast food joint, walk across the parking lot and get in their cars to leave. The guy in front was an NCO and should have known better...couldn't see the insignia on the other two.

Yesterday there was a Navy Petty Officer in khakis along with two enlisted sailors outside of a quickie mart/gas station and none of them had covers on. The PO was on his cell talking the whole time I was getting gas....just standing in front of the store blabbing away setting a terrible example for the other two who went in the store then came out and waited on the PO.

It's times like this I wish I was still on active duty....I would have LOVED stopping them and asking them why they chose to disgrace their service like that....okay I probably would have just walked up to them and said "Where's your F'ing cover soldier/sailor?" but maybe being older and wiser I would have been nice :devil:

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When I was in we were lucky if we could wear our flight suits to the PX. Now I see flight suits everywhere and I 'm 20 miles from the base. We were finally allowed to wear utilities outside the gate if we lived off-base but no stops were allowed. I think that's gone by the wayside also.

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Yesterday there was a Navy Petty Officer in khakis along with two enlisted sailors outside of a quickie mart/gas station and none of them had covers on. ......


If the petty officer had khakis on, he was a Chief Petty Officer, at least an E-7. Most likely had 10+ years in the Navy. He really should have known better.

Apparently it's the Navy ( or service of your choice) not enforcing their uniform requirements or instilling enough pride in the uniform.



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I believe a friendly reminder to "cover" would have been appropriate.

If you have (or had) the privilage to wear the uniform, like many of us have, wear the complete uniform.


TM2 (SS)

USS Tullibee SSN-597

PS Go NAVY, Beat Army

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I would of asked "Where's your hat, sir". That is wrong on so many levels. Any squid knows it's a cover. And CPOs really hate to be called "Sir". But then, maybe that stuff is now all in the past too?

About utilities off-base: The skipper down at Pendleton disallowed the wearing of utilities off base except to/from the base. This apparently has totally screwed up the drive through service at the fast food places at lunch since our Marines can't get out of the car! Apparently they have multiple outside taking orders... I remember that the Core used to lead the pack in this sort of thing. Hell, I got bitched out for wearing a flight suit off the ramp at MCAS Iwakuni.

Now go get out the cotton balls and brasso and get ready for the Holiday Inspection...



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I've been retired from the Army for thirteen years and you'd think I'd have mellowed by now.

I live and work close to Ft. Knox. The pride (or lack of) in the uniform these days really pisses me off. I very rarely say anything. On occasion, I'll mention to some NCO that they are an embarrassment to the uniform. If they decide to run their jaw, I do have a bit of fun. My ID card may be grey but it says SGM. That still draws a knot in their rear.


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Funny you brought this up. I recieved the following in email from our Command CMSgt today.


Leadership Councils,

We continue to have a problem with properly wearing the PT shirt and we need to enforce the Standard immediately.

I've attached AFI 36-2903 Figure 2.6. The picture provides a good illustration on how the shirt should be worn. Clearly you can see the shirt is fully tucked into the shorts. You can also "clearly" see there are no folds of the shirt below the waist band.

The second page of the attachment contains the USCENTAFSUP guidance on wear of PT Gear.

We need to enforce this ASAP and it's not debatable. We are going to wear the gear properly.

Help me re-educated and motivate our Airman on exactly what the standard is...recommend keeping this attachment with you for visual reinforcement.


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First off, I am not a vet. (And I regret that, but it can't be changed)

I am painfully aware however of the degradation of dress in the US and likely in the rest of the world.

I run a small business. We have a constant battle to keep people looking 'business like' I have had young ladies in the office that on Monday were dressed like young lawyers and on Tuesday looked like they were in sweats. Guy in the field with the 'baggies' and too large shirts etc.

I trace this back to the removal of the 'dress-code' back inthe 60's.

To this day I rarely venture off my property unless I am in decent pants and a shirt. I can't remember going to Lowe's in sweats and a torn T.

I have seen, recently, a family out to dinner on Mother's Day with the kids in basketball shorts and dad in cut-off jean shorts.

It is Sad, but you are not alone.


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I feel guilty just being out on the street in the casual stuff I more or less have to wear at the Jail. I feel drab and unprofessional... but I do scruffy, dusty (and often physical) work for the most part there and also need to dress for the high heat in the housing units. This all adds up to me being 'funky looking' by my standards and I'd rather be slightly more up-dressed, if you know what I mean. It's how I was raised. And my parents were even more so this way.

Some of the garb and get-up I see in public places these days would curl your hair... or activate the gag reflex, whichever. Where did our sense of decorum go......?............. :huh:

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Did anyone catch the story on CNN, about the Business College Dean, that was requiring his students to look the part of a business man or woman, and wear a business suit to school. If he caught you on campus without on you owed 24 hours of community service.

The students were complaining to no end........................personally I think the statement about the U.S. and the Worlds degrading attire is on the mark. We have firefighters that are "given" uniforms to wear and they seem to insist on wearing them in an unprofessional manner, holes, torn, etc. It appears that the "vintage" look has prevailed.

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Did anyone catch the story on CNN, about the Business College Dean, that was requiring his students to look the part of a business man or woman, and wear a business suit to school. If he caught you on campus without on you owed 24 hours of community service.

The students were complaining to no end........................personally I think the statement about the U.S. and the Worlds degrading attire is on the mark. We have firefighters that are "given" uniforms to wear and they seem to insist on wearing them in an unprofessional manner, holes, torn, etc. It appears that the "vintage" look has prevailed.

I taught at Heald College for a while, which is the only career college that I know of that has a dress code for its students (and staff, naturally). The students complained all the time, and were always trying to get away with whatever they could. The employers kept telling Heald that they liked the dress code, but support for it waned recently.

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Back in the day when the Corps still had liberty cards( maybe they still do, maybe they still should). A shirt with no collar or trousers( women wear pants) with patch pockets, meaning jeans, meant no card. As for that CO he probaly dosent care what civvies think, he cares what Marines think. And if you dont think like he does, he will change your mind, or you can just stay on base.-----------Larry

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