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I hate hippies...


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downside ethanol is 30% less effective that real gas.
Thats why you don't see any "racing" cars and motorcycles running anything but real fuel ;)

Pardon my ignorance here, but don't Indy cars run on methanol? Or was that just an experiment I recall from long ago.

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downside ethanol is 30% less effective that real gas.
Thats why you don't see any "racing" cars and motorcycles running anything but real fuel ;)

Pardon my ignorance here, but don't Indy cars run on methanol? Or was that just an experiment I recall from long ago.

from msnbc:

For the first time in the race’s 95-year history, cars in the Indy 500 are burning a fuel that is 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent methanol. It’s a fuel change that some in the ethanol industry hope will hasten the adoption of the alternative fuel among ordinary drivers.

Ethanol boosters hoping for Indy 500 win

from IndyCar.com

Beginning in 2007, the fuel will be 100 percent fuel-grade ethanol in IndyCar Series cars, the same fuel that has the potential to replace at least 10 percent of the nation’s gasoline supply.

Ethanol will fuel the IndyCar Series


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Well, well, well. Shut my mouth. Unleaded is already mandated in MotoGP, but I had not heard this about Indy cars going "Green". Hmmmm! PC Racing, now I've seen everything. Racers are about as green as a 3rd world nation encouraging slash-n-burn agriculture in the rain forests. This move MUST be all about the sponsors and the consuming public horde and not at all about actually saving the earth, at least s to WHY the decision was made (not what they say about why, but actually why) ;)

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I don't hate hippies. I hate anyone who wants to legislate the way I live.

I'm not real big on hybrids, but as long as I don't have to bye one, I don't really care. If you decide to tell me how much better you are because you drive a hybrid, you deserve a kick in the balls.

One of the first Prius cars I saw was a few years ago. I went to Frontsight (shooting school near Vegas). A couple of guys from Berkly were there. Yes, Berkly (did I just mispell Berkeley?). They had a Prius damn near covered in NRA stickers. It was one of the funniest damn things I've ever seen.

Edited by J-Ho
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I wonder how many more rebuttals it will take to close this one down.....

**No ecologically-unfriendly molecules were expended to raise this question, although a few electrons were mildly inconvenienced.

I'm positive I lost an electron....

Were you negatively affected by the experience?

Not at all. Only positive vibes. :cheers:

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I think conservationist maybe, but not real tree huggers.

I don't find a problem in wanting to preserve resources by finding ways to reduce fuel consumption...it saves you money for shooting.

Spiking trees is on the radical side. Putting yourself or others in harms way to slow the progress of a supertanker is kinda radical. Actually...well, I've probably said enough.

And for the thread, can't those hippies find a brush or comb? I mean some dude with a bushy beard sporting remnants of last weeks bran muffin looks real bad.

It doesn't look good on the women either :surprise:



edited for grammar. One of my strong suits.

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Wow. Never knew there were so many tree huggers on the forum.

Hey there is nothin' wrong with tree huggers. Remember it's the tree huggers who file lawsuits that are the problem. I have a cousin who is a vegan, or at least she was last time I saw her. She doesn't go around telling me how horrible I am for eating meat. That's my kind of vegan. Doesn't bitch and saves the steak for me. ;)

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Doesn't bitch and saves the steak for me.

And dat's my take too. Each to their own, just don't try to make others like what you like. That's the freedom this country is about, not forcing your attitude around because it's what your idea of right is. Thank you J-Ho :cheers: More beer is what the world needs I say, I hope that isn't a problem for anyone ;)

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My "favorite" one lately is all the damn green organizations telling us that we shouldn't be using plastic bags at stores anymore <_< WTF?? Weren't they the ones that insisted we should be using plastic bags (made from wonderful recycled materials!!!!!) instead of paper, since we were killing off the rain forests to take our groceries home? Oh, hold it, now the landfills are filling up with those same (non-bio-degradable, mind you) plastic bags, so we should go back to killing forests??? <_<

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The NEW big greenie thing here ...is to use you own Cute little cloth bag :yawn:

About 10 miles from here...we have a little new age hippy colony <_<

I will have to get some pics...these folks have erected a circle of dead trees that we call TWIG HINGE :closedeyes:

In the spring and fall they sit around playing drums and dance naked around a fire there :surprise:

They have a sign out there ...it says Refuge of whirling light :blink:

Several times the locals have changed it to...Refuge of whirling BULL S$%^ :lol:


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My "favorite" one lately is all the damn green organizations telling us that we shouldn't be using plastic bags at stores anymore <_< WTF?? Weren't they the ones that insisted we should be using plastic bags (made from wonderful recycled materials!!!!!) instead of paper, since we were killing off the rain forests to take our groceries home? Oh, hold it, now the landfills are filling up with those same (non-bio-degradable, mind you) plastic bags, so we should go back to killing forests??? <_<

Oh heavens no. No paper that kills trees. No plastic to overfill the land fill. Now you should buy your own organically grown, bio-degradable, ecologically friendly re-usable canvas bag. I'm really looking forward to the day we find out how that is the cause of a major environmental breakdown and we must all be ashamed for foisting such an abomination on the world. :blink:

Edited to add Jim types faster than I. :D

Edited by AikiDale
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My "favorite" one lately is all the damn green organizations telling us that we shouldn't be using plastic bags at stores anymore <_< WTF?? Weren't they the ones that insisted we should be using plastic bags (made from wonderful recycled materials!!!!!) instead of paper, since we were killing off the rain forests to take our groceries home? Oh, hold it, now the landfills are filling up with those same (non-bio-degradable, mind you) plastic bags, so we should go back to killing forests??? <_<

Oh heavens no. No paper that kills trees. No plastic to overfill the land fill. Now you should buy your own organically grown, bio-degradable, ecologically friendly re-usable canvas bag. I'm really looking forward to the day we find out how that is the cause of a major environmental breakdown and we must all be ashamed for foisting such an abomination on the world. :blink:

Edited to add Jim types faster than I. :D

Canvas??!? CANVAS?!?!

Hemp dude, hemp.


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Doesn't bitch and saves the steak for me.

And dat's my take too. Each to their own, just don't try to make others like what you like. That's the freedom this country is about, not forcing your attitude around because it's what your idea of right is. Thank you J-Ho :cheers: More beer is what the world needs I say, I hope that isn't a problem for anyone ;)

How can you drink beer?!?!?!?!

Making beer requires the raping of the land!!! Barley, hops, wheat or whatever type of beer you are drinking. These crops are doing no good except to feed your sick, twisted, enviromentally insensitive, biggoted, racist, homophobic, rednecked, white, Southern, male chavaunistic, barbarian appetite.

I can't stand this thread!! You people are nothing but a bunch of uncivilized half-monkies. Now that my rant is over, I'm thirsty. Where did I put that bottle of bourbon....... ;)

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Beer was the first and most preferred use of cultivated grain in all early civilizations. I would call the choice of making beer malt over bread one of the points that elevated our ancestors to the level of civilized :-) When they did make bread (after there was plenty of beer and some grain was actually left over), they usually soaked the bread in beer to eat it ;)

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Beer was the first and most preferred use of cultivated grain in all early civilizations. I would call the choice of making beer malt over bread one of the points that elevated our ancestors to the level of civilized :-) When they did make bread (after there was plenty of beer and some grain was actually left over), they usually soaked the bread in beer to eat it ;)

Beer was responsible for civilization, but that is kinda my point. It's just barely civilized. Kinda like New Jersey. Distilled spirits, now that took some doin'.

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