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Donnie Darko


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Anyone seen it? Vibes, or in-depth analysis?

I was in the video store with a friend the other day who saw the DVD and said - "Just buy it." I did, and am on my 4th watching. I'm still not sure exactly what happened, and I'm not sure if I ever will. But there's definitely plenty to it. The website's pretty freaky - I think you need a secret handshake or something.


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If Travis were here instead of getting yelled at by some wannabe R. Lee Ermey, he'd tell you how good it is. On his recommendation I bought the DVD for my brother in law for Xmas. My brother said it's excellent. I've yet to see it for rent in my local video store.

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Ghost Dog

How do you know when you should stop trying to understand it?

Aren't you the funny one.

That's why I like it.


I picked it up at local music store for 12.95! (DVD)


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I finally had a free evening and stopped by the rental store and got it for 99 cents.

Wow. First, that soundtrack is great. Not just the good retro 80s tunes, but the original mood music. It was a big part of the feel of the movie.

The director says it's a Sci-Fi flick. OK, so it's about time travel. Not so fast. I think it's more about mental illness. It doesn't help that it ends with that Tears for Fears cover...

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

It's going to require another viewing or two.

It did have some great quotes...

Donnie: Why do you wear that stupid rabbit suit?

Frank: Why do you wear that stupid man suit?

Gretchen: Donnie Darko? What the hell kind of name is that? It's like some sort of superhero or something...

Donnie: What makes you think I'm not?

I can do anything I want... and so can you.

And when the current newspeak hostilities wind down, I'm changing my signature...

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!
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Thanks for that link Erik! I didn't find it during quite a bit of surfing. (I went right to the forum.)


Yea, the opening music really sets the mood. When watching time #2 and 3, I get a weird feeling like I'm "experiencing" the whole movie while listening to the opening music.

And it does have a boatload of one-liners!


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How do you know when you should stop trying to understand it?

When I was in school I took a lot of philosophy classes. Once, when I was taking a course on metaphysics, my professor, Susan Haack, told me that, when something is difficult to understand, there are two possibilites: either the author is trying to say something very profound but difficult to get across, or the author is just an idiot.

Sometimes we have to make this determination before investing too much time in interpreting something. Unfortunately, I had to put Donnie Darko in the latter category. :lol:


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I follow you Icarr - that was my first question - Is this "weird for weird's sake," or is there a message here?

I'm not much into speculation in general; e.g., is "time travel" possible, because we never leave the realm of learned or acquired knowledge. If we know something by way of direct experience there's no need to debate it. But I do enjoy investigating "reality," and in this case, for me, the reality of (what's called by some) "karma" - that every single thought and action determines each successive thought, emotion, and action - was cleverly expressed.


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Sometimes weird is just fun!

Sometimes books or movies or songs just strike a chord. Sympathetic vibrations.

I’m old enough that I’ve given up trying to justify to others why I like certain things. I just do.

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I rented donnie darko once. I watched it once, scratched my head, wached it again. I'm not sure why I liked it so much but I couldn't even leave to go to the bathroom.

It was violent ungly and life affirming all at the same time.

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I follow you Icarr - that was my first question - Is this "weird for weird's sake," or is there a message here?


If we know something by way of direct experience there's no need to debate it. But I do enjoy investigating "reality," and in this case, for me, the reality of (what's called by some) "karma" - that every single thought and action determines each successive thought, emotion, and action - was cleverly expressed.

You definitely got a lot more out of it than I did. I guess I lost patience and stopped trying to interpret it too soon. :)

As to "If we know something by way of direct experience there's no need to debate it," I guess that depends on what you mean by "know." Raw sense data is always "true," insofar as such data isn't really true or false, but, whenever we add an interpretation to it, that interpretation does have a truth value that could be correct or incorrect. If I see sense data X, the raw data itself can't be "wrong" because it isn't a proposition that has a truth value. However, once I say, "X is a cow," that statement could be true or false. :blink:

(Of course, I'm coming at this from the perspective of Western hard, cold, analytical philosophy. I know very, very little about Eastern philosophy.)


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If I see sense data X, the raw data itself can't be "wrong" because it isn't a proposition that has a truth value.

Nevertheless, the dichotomy of subjective and objective are established simultaneously with "I" "see." Therefore that statement does have a truth value, which can be challenged or investaged.

Encountering the "experience" of "I see" without using words touches a "new" realm.

However, once I say, "X is a cow," that statement could be true or false.

At this point we have "I" "see," and, "I" "see" a "cow."

Total confusion.


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Nevertheless, the dichotomy of subjective and objective are established simultaneously with "I" "see." Therefore that statement does have a truth value, which can be challenged or investaged.

Encountering the "experience" of "I see" without using words touches a "new" realm.

I'm sorry for not being clearer. By using the term "raw sense data," I was trying to get across the notion of bare experience, before any interpretation is put to it, even any interpretation about a subject/object distinction. I think we're saying similar things.


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I wonder if anybody will turn out to be the Patrick Swayze character.

The writer/director was only 26 years old when he made DD, and it's his first feature film.

Anyway, do you think there's any significance to Frank getting both stabbed and shot in the right eye? And of Frank being unmasked?

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