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Bass Pro Shop


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Ok, so yesterday on the way back from the match in Fredericksburg. I decided to stop by Bass Pro Shop's and pick up some primer's and powder. So after waiting in the line for about 25 minutes. I finally get a zit faced kid to wait on me.

So I say I want some primers, he naturally assumes 209 primers and brings me some. I look at him and explain that customer service would involve asking what type of primers since well that is not what I need. He looks dumb founded for a moment, and says well what would you need. I reply with a quantity of small pistol or small rifle primers. So he walks me over the gun safe they have them stored in and finally fines 1k winchester small pistol primers. At the same time I ask for a pound of HS6 to try out.

So then he asks for my license. Now I realize that in MD you need to verify birthdate to make sure someone is over 18. So I was like no biggie, then he ran a photocopy of it. He claimed that the state of Maryland had a law that says they have to have record of every explosive sale. So I proceed to ask, really what sort of law is this? I have bought lots of primers and powder from gun shops and never have had a problem with getting what I want, or with someone photocopying my ID. This sort of offended me more, as when I said that is NOT a law in MD, he says well MD requires it. So I explain tht approximately 2 months ago I bought 5k primers and never even was asked for the ID since they know I am over 18. So we talk and finally the manager comes by. Here is what I get.

BASS PRO SHOPS in MD will not sell any firearm related items to you without documenting the fact that you purchased it to the state of MD.

Further more

BASS PRO SHOPS in MD makes you fill out the Doctor's release of information form for the state of MD to have any medical doctor release your records to the State of Maryland so they can verify that you are not a mental patient. I sorta laughed and explained to the manager and zitty that they are further helping the anti gunners by giving them the position of well we already do it. This once again is not MD law. I have never seen anywhere that the state of MD or any state can make you give up any medical records. It does not affect me, but wow what kind of socialist invasiveness is this.

So basically despite the fact that I like bass pro shops I will never shop there again.

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I get your issue. Still, I'll shop with them. Because some idiot, as an individual, made something up doesn't make the company a bad company.

In today's environment, with several retailers refusing to even support fishing, hunting, shooting, guns etc. etc. I find it prudent to support any that still do. Even if sometimes an individual gets a little out of whack.

Retailers in today's world are held to such high standards, and the liability is so high, that I'm sure the manager was just trying to insure s/he didn't do anything wrong. In an effort to avoid the sue prone idiots that are out there.

Any company that supports getting outdoors, hunting, shooting etc. etc. is a minority company in America's culture. And up against a major brick wall socially. Grand Theft Auto is ok - but a Remington 870 is not. So if they support people actually getting out and doing something - and if they support the Constitution - I support them.

One individual does not a company make. Clearly they can hurt the image of that company, but in the end I try and look at the broader picture.

Think about how all of us (as IPSC shooters) would be judged by the actions of one idiot at Virgina Tech . . .

Just my $.02.


Edited by j1b
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while shopping there for a shotgun I noticed a big sign with some BS safety propaganda stating fire arms were a leading cause of kids acidental deaths, I asked for the manager and prompltly went off on him for posting such lies and propaganda, I asked if a similar sign was posted in the swimming section as many more kids drown, he didnt know, Well after leaving I went to a gunstore around the corner because BPS didnt have the primers I wanted and low and behold the same sign, turns out it was a legally required posting. So sometimes BS isnt the stores fault. But sometimes a manager is making up his own rules, I'd write a letter to the actual store dude in charge and to corporate. I believe photo copping ID's isnt legal either, I had a Circuit City try to do that when I purchased a computer for the Army with a GOv. credit card, He asked for ID figured he was just checking name, then the geek started walking away. I asked what are you doing he said photocoppiing, I said oh no your not. Well that's what we do... I dont give a rats ass what you do your not photocopping my military ID so every dirtbag you have here has it. Are you nuts. When I told them to keep the dang computer system I'll go across the street to Bestbuy suddenly it was no longer a store policy.

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Make it a written actual pen and paper letter not email, at least they may reply, The letter I sent about the sign came with a Sorry you feel that way...... we agree somewhat..... required by ordinance ...... here have a coupon. Cool I do give them credit though 10% off everything for Active Military, probably the only place in the world that still does that. So uh I guess if I buy all my cloths at the Basspro I might be a redneck.

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I would ask them a question(s) they can't answer...

What are you doing to protect my SSN or drivers license number? (I don't know in MD if SSN is on Drivers License or not.) How are you obeying the Home Land Security Act & the Privacy Act?

Just my 2 cents worth.


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Bob - the manager got it all wrong.

It is NOT an MD state law nor is it a state regulation.

Rather, it is a Maryland State police "program" whereby your ID and signature are kept in a "log" for the police to use for investigating you. Now, you have not done anything wrong when you are logged in, you are merely one more suspect or "person of interest" in case anything, and I mean anything, goes wrong. Innocent people never get wrongly convicted; if you have not done anything wrong, then you have NOTHING to hide, right? Why do you want your privacy rights anyway?

Now before we go down this "Big Brother" path any further, you should know that the program is technically voluntary - for the vendor. Don't like it? Take your business elsewhere. Imagine this: you own a business & a state trooper shows up with a gun, "asking" you to participate. How many retailers do you think said "no"? Funny thing, like the cartridge "fingerprint" required in MD, there is not one - not a single case - where all this survailence of lawful gunowners has resulted in a prosecution for any crime.

Wal Mart makes the process even easier - they simply scanned my old MD driver's license when I told them I was buying .22 LR ammo for use in a "handgun" (gasp). They like to monitor that too. They swiped my license just like it was an ATM card.

As for the new total waiver of all your medical privacy rights (yes - that is what they are doing in MD), keep in mind that medical privacy is the basis for Roe v. Wade. Funny how some rights are more equal than others in MD, isn't it?

If you want to fight these sorts of abuses, look at www.cato.org

PS - just accept the HaxMat fee next time. Or buy out of state. THere is a Gander Mountain near Quantico.

Edited by Carlos
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I hear from the managers at my weekly trip to the gun range/shop that MDSP has "asked" gun dealers etc to begin logging ammo, powder, primer, etc purchases. I got the vibe the shops are feeling pressured. Not a law, but a reality. Before writing Bass Pro HQ, write your rep in Annapolis!!!


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I hate this place... I will never forgive the AF for sending me back here. :angry2: Only one of the five gun stores I used to frequent when I was here 10 years ago is still here in Waldorf. All the rest are gone. No place local to buy reloading stuff. I walked out of my apartment the other day wearing a USPSA Nationals t-shirt, and one of my neighbors gasped and said, "is that a gun on your shirt?" I said, "no, there's two guns on my shirt." She looked mortified.

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I am well aware it was not a law, but a request. It just miffs me that they bend that easily. I am writing to several people regarding this situation.

The big one is when he told me about the medical release form. Now they don't have STI's in stock so no big deal to me, but wow.

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The medical release form sucks horribly, but I don't think MDSP will approve a transfer w/o one. A buddy of mine bought like 4 guns a couple weeks ago just because he knew he was going to get them eventually and the forms peeved him off so he wanted to 'stick it to the man' by getting them before the need for the forms went into effect. Again, we need to be pinging on delagates...

The ammo thing is pure crap, too, and I wish they wouldn't bend to that. How is the MDSP going to use this information anyway? It's retarded. Someone somewhere gets capped by a 9mm so they are going to start questioning everyone in the state who bought 9mm? I'm willing to pay extra for buying on-line (while I still can) just 'cause it peevs me so.


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I don't see how they can not approve a transfer without one. I would think that would be law suit material since the law even in the state of MD does not require one to complete a transfer.

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I don't see how they can not approve a transfer without one. I would think that would be law suit material since the law even in the state of MD does not require one to complete a transfer.

They can do it just fine --- until someone sues and wins. And that's typically what the people who infringe on others rights count on --- either that no one will care enough, or have enough dough, to file suit; or in the alternative "that we still managed to stop 3 transfers and acquire 15,000 people's medical records prior to being ordered to shut down....."

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The problem is that the government has various ways to pressure shops to do such "voluntary" things.

For example, BATFE "compliance inspections" frequently reveal technical errors in the maintance of the bound book, shop inventory, etc. that are sufficiently minor as to be dealt with via informal counselling of the business as to correct procedure. Commercial ranges in Massachusetts were asked to "voluntarily" maintain a logbook of persons renting lane time. Of course, the commerical ranges could have declined the request - and hoped that the next minor technical flaw in paperwork would still result in informal counseling rather than an enforcement action. The ranges I know of chose not to find out the hard way.

Here in MA, shops do not need to fill out state gun paperwork on stripped frames an AR lowers (4473/NICS only), however, fewer than 20% of the shops (% based on my observations) have declined to "voluntarily" treat frames as if state firearms sales paperwork were required on them. [Note: This is because the MA state and federal definition of "firearm" differ]. Same thing - businesses in fear of the government finding some way to get back at them for not "cooperating."

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I just flat out hate Bass Pro Shop. I have 2 within and hour of me and never go to either.

They are crowded and over priced. Then you have to put up with crap like this, not worth the trouble.

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I am planning to write corporate about this, but am trying to put together a nice letter.

You know all you're going to get back is a "In light of recent tragedies...blah blah blah"

That particluar Bass Pro is the worst I've been to. It is an MSP RULE (not law) to add the medical release form when buying a handgun. Refuse and you'll just get a "Disaproved". Although, they should still tell the MSP to stick it when it comes to documenting purchases. Since they don't, I tell Bass Pro to stick it and buy my ammo from someone who doesn't take such measures.

Edit for additional: There is an ongoing thread about the medical form on the local Maryland Shooters Forum


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The best part of that page is the statement, does the MSP have to meet the ethics of every doctor and abide by the HIPPA regs.

No --- HIPPA applies only to medical providers, their employees and facilities, and insurance companies. And HIPPA protections are routinely waived by patient's signing a release, authorizing said providers to release the protected health data to family members (who may have to make treatment decisions if the patient is no longer able to), to other healthcare providers or facilities, to gyms, to prospective employers (in the case of a pre-employment physical or drug screening), or in some states to the police. When I lived in New Jersey and applied for my Firearms I.D. Card, one of the forms I was required to complete, was a release giving the police access to any mental health records that might exist.....

With the exception other health care providers, none of the people on that list have a duty to protect your private medical information......

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