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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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OK, I have 3 1/2 days to kill between being in Malmo, Sweden and London in September. I have heard GREAT things about Reykjavik ;)

So, I am thinking of making a little trip over there to check it out. Any thoughts from those that live there or have been?

Keep in mind, I am single ;)

Won't be shooting as I don't have my guns with me. Mainly plan to have a good time, see some sites and check out the hot springs etc....

OK, lets hear from the Benoverse travel guiders ;)

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Back in my AF days ..I was through there...its pretty!!!!

WE were warned NOT to mess with the local girls...they get kinda pickey about that :blink:

Take your camera!!!!!

Oh, there HAS to be a story in that somewhere....you can't tell me you listened to what they said about the women!

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Nope cant tell...fifth amendment.

I remember that you need to be selective about the hot springs.....some of them will give you kooties. :blink:

They also do some awsome four wheel drive stuff.....totaly crazy stuff for sure!!!


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Google up Goose / Waterfowl hunting in Iceland. It may be too early in the season, but it's worth checking into. I was thinking about going on a trip there a few years back. I think renting guns is no problem.

Too bad you're not going later, you could get some skiing in.


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Been there many times back when LearJets had short legs.

Unfortunately these were one nighters, so my advice is four words.

HOLLYWOOD BAR after midnight.

And that's all I am going to say about that. :rolleyes:

Edit: Buy a sweater in Reyk. Iceland wool is excellent.

Edited by TxD
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I almost do not know where to start. My college professor did a lot of work in Iceland, so I learned about more about the place. Additionally, during my service time we had a sister base in Iceland and some of those folks got shipped to my base.

They pretty much price gouged the American servicemen.

Horse meat is like goat, lamb or beef to the rest of us.

Genetically Iceland is the most pure place on earth. Tons of bioresearch is done there. THey can trace their families back hundreds and hundreds of years. The language is very pure also.

Women used to get paid to have a baby. No stigma attached to single mothers. The women are unbelievably beautiful. They are very independent as is almost everyone in that nation. Remember their gunboats firing on other country's fishing vessels. They are kind of like the John Wayne toilet paper, they do not take S#%%it off of anyone. Well their women are like that also. Be real with them and you will do fine, try to play them and they will ignore you.

Go and have a great time.

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Z in a recent playboy they had an insert about vacationing in iceland. I will dig that issue back out and let you know what it had in it.


That is not a publication I get/read!!

I would appreciate the info


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ok, the recomend the hotel borg - en.hotelborg.is

apotek restaraunt - veitingar.is

Kaffi Brennsia - brennsian.is

Pravda - pravda.is

Blue Lagoon Thermal Spring - bluelagoon.is

Akureyri Golf Club - arcticopen.is

Those are their top pics.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Lived there for 2 years. Go to the bars have fun, the girls will probably treat you better knowing that you are not a service member. Do buy a sweater of two. Check out the Blue Lagoon. DO NOT BRING ANY GUNS!!! Complement anyone you talk to about the "natural beauty of the land and how it seems to be majestic yada yada yada..." and do bring a camera.

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