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I have been in an absolute funk the last two-three weeks. I never have been a top-notch shooter, but it seems as if I can't hit nuthin' right now. I try slowing down, speeding up, changing stance, grip and even socks :angry: But to no avail.

I've taken all the changes back out (except the new socks) and still seem to be in a terrible slump. Is this common? I don't have to win, but I do want to be competitive if that makes any sense.

Any words of wisdom.

In the Dump of Dixie


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<_< Well if we were talking about Sporting Clays this would not be that uncomon of a problem. The corection was to get some good coach to watch you shoot and look for the cause. = normaly is was a (Ballanc) thing of shifing off behind the gun or not staying steady on both feet during the shot. -= I see quite a few handgun shooter shifting left and right and bending at the waist left and right during the shot.

=set up a video to the side and to the rear and look for the cause starting at the ground up.

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I had a great conversation today with Steve Anderson during our match regarding mental programming. He said was sharing about how the mind doesn't know the difference between a successful or unsucessful mental picture. It only recreates what you visualize and what talk about. It sounds like your current slump is being perpetuated buy the slump itself because of working so hard to get out of the slump.

Did you see the movie Tin Cup, when the guy had the shanks? Trying NOT to shank only made things worse.

Loves2Shoot probably said it best. Quit trying.

Here is my thought, for what it's worth. I would find something like a drill or shooting and reloading combination you like doing. There is a point where you could slow it down and execute it perfectly. Repeat it to build back the image of successfully doing it. Then keep visualizing that going forward.

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Dajarrel, there is no way you can top what I went through today. My shooting is now hopeless.

And the most awesome part is what I discovered after the match in about 300rds. of practice. I'm not in a slump!!! I can't and never could shoot.

When you put no-shoots and hardcover all over the place I can't call a shot to save my life.

I can have both eyes wide open, no blinking, crisp sight focus, call an easy A all day long, and the hole will be in the F'n no-shoot every time. Oh and I can also miss a 5yd. target with ease.

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You guyz not used to shivering while you shoot????

That might be some of it :lol:


I appreciate the replies. John is probably right. I'm not in a slump, but I'm not shooting up to speed. I like what JD45 said "...I'm not in a slump!!! I can't and never could shoot." Sometimes that's the way it feels.

But, It will get better.


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Hi John, cold weathers no problem, it was nice here today. I even went to the match in a great mood thinking I'm going to shoot a good shot on each target and not try to do anything extra. Just shoot. Didn't work to well.

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You guyz not used to shivering while you shoot????

That might be some of it :lol:


I appreciate the replies. John is probably right. I'm not in a slump, but I'm not shooting up to speed. I like what JD45 said "...I'm not in a slump!!! I can't and never could shoot." Sometimes that's the way it feels.

But, It will get better.


I am not sure repeating "I can't and never could shoot" creats a successful visualization either. ;)

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I am not sure repeating "I can't and never could shoot" creats a successful visualization either. ;)

No, I hope that wasn't taken as my solution. I was just chuckling at what JD45 said. Apparently he is having difficulties as well. His seem worse than mine though.


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When ever I realy blow something wheather it be shooting, at work in karate I just start laughing. :D:D:D:D Hell no body died I just look like a fool. :D After the tention breaks things usually go much better. I tried the tennis thing too ..... :angry::wacko::angry: smash my racket, cell phone keys what ever on the ground.

Laughing works much better and you don't feel quite so stupid when you're done. It's cheeper too.

Edited by shadetree
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A funny thing happened at the trap range a while back. (Why is it that I'm learning more about shooting a handgun at the trap range than shooting a shotgun at an IPSC stage?)

Anyhow, I was walking back from a particularly horrid round. One of the seasoned veterans was watching the round and he said two words. "Quit thinking." Huh. "You're thinking too much. The mind is a terrible thing and you must stop it. You know how to smoke a bird. Just do it."

The harder I try the worse I do. The less I think the better I do.

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I hit fast reply, but this will be anything but.

A slump is usually caused by one of these issues:

1. Loss of pay value: Why are you in the game? Without a clear answer to this question it will be difficult to stay motivated to train. the answer must demonstrate a tangible benefit to the effort required to get and stay good. the guys who are questiing for M and GM cards have the best motivation. Those upper cards are great motivators. Once you get them, new pay value must be found or motivation will ebb.

2. Insufficient training to achieve the desired result. You're not gonna improve or even stay the same without a regular training program. Once you establish #1, you gotta design a training program to get there.

If your pay value doesn't generate a plan, it's not good pay value.

That's about it. You need a reason to WANT to get better, then you need to design a plan to get it.

I doubt there are many accidental millionaires, and I bet there are very few accidental GMs and ZERO accidental world champs.

Flex and I talk about pay value all the time...it's the pay value that gets you to the range or gets you to put your gear on to dry fire. You need a fresh goal that means something to you...

So a slump or burnout is almost always caused by a lack of pay value...

Find some or take a break until you do. We'll understand, it happens to most of us at one time or another. This is a sport that requires way more input than it provides output. You're never gonna get rich doing it, and you'll never be on the cover of Sports Illustrated with Tiger Woods and Beyonce'.

However, WHEN you find pay value, you'll discover the motivation that was waiting for you all along.

Ask Flyin 40 or Pharoah Bender how far they've come...They have found pay value and are Kicking Ass and taking names along the way. Pharoah is inspirational to me, and Flyin 40 will be a GM anyday now.

The answer is in YOU, you need to ask yourself: Why am I doing this?



Edited by Steve Anderson
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go to your next match to have FUN. stop trying so hard, just let it flow.

Squad with your friends and don't compare times or scores. Enjoy your shooting again and something magical will happen.

Edited by basman
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The "pay value" stuff is great. if you've read much of any motivational or improvement books, then you've likely seen this in some form or another. But, hearing how Lanny Bassham applies it to shooting....it's a nice 'light bulb' moment. (And, reading it again after a period of time kicks on a whole set of lights).

Sometimes though, putting things in terms of 'pay value' is kinda hard to do.

(a different way to look at it...)

One of the most powerful things...and ways to do something is to decide.

Funny, I don't think I've really talked with Steve about this much (if at all). Maybe I just took it for granted. But, the start of his first book has a dedication to his Father in it. [eta: that is relevant here]

Nik H. brought this up on the forum recently. And, I was using this to help somebody work out a change in life (job) issue recently.

Just the mere act of deciding might be the most powerful thing in the world. When you truly decide, then you have 100% clarity...100% focus...100% effort. It's like...OK..there is my destination...time to start stepping.

(For the shooting issue here, I'd suggest a return to focusing on executing the fundamentals. http://brianenos.com/pages/words.html#fundamental Execute the shot, call the shot.)

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Here's one thing that I haven't seen suggested yet:


By that I mean go out an set up a single target at 5 yards.

Do a slow holster draw and put one in the A zone, slowly.

Do it again with two shots.

Now try to do it at normal speed.

If you don't get both A's, slow down again.

When you can get both A's at 5 yards, move it to 7 and repeat.

Repeat until you're at 15 yards.

When you've gotten out to 15 successfully, bring it back and repeat the whole thing with two targets 3 yards apart.

What this does is force you to get the basics back to where they should be.

As I've said before, I'm hardly the best shooter here by any strech, but I've found that when I start sliding backwards, it's because I'm blowing one of the basics.

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I have been in an absolute funk the last two-three weeks. I never have been a top-notch shooter, but it seems as if I can't hit nuthin' right now. I try slowing down, speeding up, changing stance, grip and even socks :angry: But to no avail.

I've taken all the changes back out (except the new socks) and still seem to be in a terrible slump. Is this common? I don't have to win, but I do want to be competitive if that makes any sense.

Any words of wisdom.

In the Dump of Dixie


Dennis, you just stay in that slump for about 8 more weeks. Maybe then I will have a chance against you in the MS Classic. <_<

Seriuously though, just relax and don't try so hard. It will pass.

See you in Jackson and Tulsa.


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