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Pennsylvania May Become Nj

Hey QuicksDraw!

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copied from another board...

Get off the couch and make those calls and make the phone ring. And while your at it let them know we want an investigation into these %##&$. I ask that anyone on the forum call harrisburg. I will get numbers and let them know what we think. I feel you will all get a fuzzy warm feeling letting the state police come into your home once a year to do checks. Read the bill carfully, its also bans auto pistols, shotguns and magazine fed BOLT GUNS!



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copied from another board...

Get off the couch and make those calls and make the phone ring. And while your at it let them know we want an investigation into these %##&$. I ask that anyone on the forum call harrisburg. I will get numbers and let them know what we think. I feel you will all get a fuzzy warm feeling letting the state police come into your home once a year to do checks. Read the bill carfully, its also bans auto pistols, shotguns and magazine fed BOLT GUNS!



Holy CRAP! This is worse than NJ! I trully hope that does not pass. I was hoping to escape to PA some day.

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This bill is insanity! It might pass, but it will go through dramatic changes in commitee. I cant even imagine the PA State police wanting to deal with this, not that it matters. I really think the "Inspection" section is illegal. The only precedence I can think of is federal and pertains to FFL holders.

Tell your friends, organize your clubs, write some letters and make some calls.

Any thoughts?


Edited by Kevin J
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If you look it is the Philly crowd that introduced it. It will never see a vote out of comittee. We still put over a million people in the woods every for deer season. The rural (which is most of PA ) areas would have a public hanging of any legislator that votes for it. Easiest solution is to give Philly to NJ then they can pass all the stupid things they want.

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And they want to hold the IDPA Nat's near Allentown, PA this year?

Fly into anti-gun Philadelphia?

Methinks there are better states that I would rather spend by gun-tourism dollars in.

Edited by Chills1994
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If you look it is the Philly crowd that introduced it. It will never see a vote out of comittee. We still put over a million people in the woods every for deer season. The rural (which is most of PA ) areas would have a public hanging of any legislator that votes for it. Easiest solution is to give Philly to NJ then they can pass all the stupid things they want.

Well-posted, Chris. I had spoken with my State Rep here in Western PA. He is on board against this, as are a goodly number of folks. Locally, FOAC (Firearms Owners Against Crime) has been sending members out to Harrisburg to visit people and rallying the troops to make phone calls. It is having an effect.

FOAC is based in Allegheny County, but serves the state. I live in Westmoreland County and am a member. Brought them in when some council members in my local community wanted to do some illegal handgun banning a few years ago.

Any PA folks - or 2nd Amendment supporters - should look into joining this grassroots group. Only $10 and it is money well spent. FOAC

Edited by vluc
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I noticed a couple of things in the bill that are directly related to what we have here in Canada. The exceptions for competition for example, nice attempt to keeo the competition shooters from fighting against it since they'll be 'exempt'...except that once it passes, no exemptions will be allowed, thats what they did here with our high cap mags. We still are allowed by law to buy high cap mags for competition purposes, as long as the province allows the exemption...none have ever been allowed.

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What I would like to know from the ignorant A-holes is:

What exactly is their beef with pistol grips, barrel shrowds, and high capacity magzines - or come to think of it a rational argument for ANY restrictions on law obiding citizens. Can any of them point to an istance where a criminal had ever based his choice of a firearm for commision of a crime based on what was legal in his particular localle?

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I don't see how this is much of a surprise. Disturbing but not surprising.

Pa is rapidly transforming from a Red state to a Blue state, and it is only going to get worse as many NY/NJ residents try to escape their high taxes by heading to Pa. Just look at who the state has elected in the last couple statewide elections for proof that it is happening.

Sadly, 10 years from now there will be enough votes in Philly, Pittsburgh, and the rest of Eastern Pa. that stupid laws like this will squeak by. I hope I am wrong but I doubt it.

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holy CRAP! First Maryland proposes a back-door-pistol ban and AWB and now PA too?

It really won't matter if they ever pass another national AWB so long as the states keep proposing or passign these bans. We ALL need to fight - even if you do not live in MD or PA. Make the calls!


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The real issue is States rights and a clear decision from the Supreme Court on these state bans. The whole concept is that states can offer more constitutional protections not less than what the feds do. The guns are an easy target for the liberals rather than dealing with the root problem of the drugs and gangs in Philly. The only saving grace is that even with the high population of the city areas the rural legislators won't go along with it due to career suicide. National and State office elections will continue going down hill but they won' get much done in the state house or senate.

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I have more information on more bills and a form letter that you can send to the politicians.

You can read the following bills by going to the link below. Search by bill for the 2007-2008 Regular session and put the bill number precedded by "hb" example hb 18. Then select text to read the bill.


Form letter;


I am writing to you in order to urge your opposition to what is nothing short of the most frightening attack on our civil rights I have encountered in my lifetime.

Specifically, I refer to these pieces of proposed legislation:

House Bill 18 - Limit on Firearms and and ammunition

House Bill 22 - Limit on Handgun Purchases

House Bill 23 - Philadelphia-specific One-Gun-A-Month law

House Bill 25 - Philadelphia-specific ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN

House Bill 28 - Philadelphia-specific limitations on firearms

House Bill 29 - Lost Firearms

House Bill 30 - Assault Weapons Ban

I'd like to draw your attention to provisions in house bill #30 which are egregious. This attack on our civil rights patently violates article 21 of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which states:

Right to Bear Arms

Section 21.

The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.

I believe this document is meant to be relied on to protect the rights of the citizen in the commonwealth, however the legislators introducing this legislation clearly do not, and thereby violate their oath to support and defend it.

It then takes the civil rights attack forward, and introduces language that literally legislates the Pennsylvania State Police into the homes of citizens without warrant, or probable cause, to conduct "Compliance checks."

To what other end must I forecast and tolerate the presence of government force in my home? In your home?

Not only do I insist that you oppose this legislation, but I ask you in the name of the constitution that we are both sworn to uphold and defend to take the additional step of exercising the full power of your office to bring these egregious violations of our rights to an immediate, early, and certain defeat, such that the entire chamber is not forced to sully itself with the issues specified in them, in black & white.

Please respond to me with your opinion on how quickly this legislation will meet its defeat, and how you intend to address it legislatively.

I thank you for your continued hard work, and tireless support in ensuring that government works for the citizens of the commonwealth, instead of against us.




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sslav wrote:

What exactly is their beef with pistol grips, barrel shrowds, and high capacity magzines - or come to think of it a rational argument for ANY restrictions on law obiding citizens. Can any of them point to an istance where a criminal had ever based his choice of a firearm for commision of a crime based on what was legal in his particular localle?

Yeah, man, didn't you hear? All the criminals are "jonesing" for guns w/ bayonet lugs and screw on flash hiders.

Ya know, for the drive-by bayonet-ings and muzzle jabbings. Ouch....nothing like getting poked with one of those sharp flash hiders.

Mnnn...that'll leave a mark.

What was that cool quote I read or heard somewhere?...."Nobody gets killed with the 11th or 12th round".

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The real issue is States rights and a clear decision from the Supreme Court on these state bans. The whole concept is that states can offer more constitutional protections not less than what the feds do. The guns are an easy target for the liberals rather than dealing with the root problem of the drugs and gangs in Philly. The only saving grace is that even with the high population of the city areas the rural legislators won't go along with it due to career suicide. National and State office elections will continue going down hill but they won' get much done in the state house or senate.

I hope you are right about PA. Here in CA what the rural voters think no longer matters because we are outnumbered by the voters in LA and SF.


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