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Litebrite Terrorism


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Riigght, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a children's cartoon, m'kay.

:blink: Never seen it. Don't care to. I hear "cartoon" and I automatically think little urchins gorging themselves on Capn Crunch on Saturday morning. :rolleyes:

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I hate that the media is not making fun non-stop of the Boston authorities for going ballistic three weeks after these toys went up in 10 different cities. :D

Don't tell the Feds LightBrites are everywhere. Sleeper (D) cells have infiltrated Toy's R Us. :ph34r:

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Can we prosecute the city for being stupid? The panic was not created by harmless devices, it was created by overreaction by the city officials. They where the ones who paralized the city. Last I check there was nothing illegal about leaving a tablet of pretty lights somewhere. Well, I guess it could be littering, but thats about as far as it goes.

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I think the police, ect have to respond to any call about suspicious packages

Yes, and after you treat the first one like a bomb and look at the spare parts left over, your bomb squad should know it ISN'T a bomb and rather than ratchet up the terror alert and get on the phone with other city's emergency management folks and send out MORE bomb squads and generally treat the ramining battery operated light arrays as the work of terrorists over the next 8-12 hours, perhaps your job is to inform the public that it's a stupid and harmless prank.

The policos should also realise that heavily advertising you can make something that is big enough to be a destructuve device, put animated blinking lights on it, and attach it to pieces of infrastructure you don't want blown up for a good 9-10 days without the police doing anything might just be a bad idea for everyone.

As for the press conference, although immature, I think it underscores the media's BS attitude that they deserve information from anyone they ask it of and have some authority over you. It's the media. A little more contempt for it might be a good thing.

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As for the press conference, although immature, I think it underscores the media's BS attitude that they deserve information from anyone they ask it of and have some authority over you. It's the media. A little more contempt for it might be a good thing.

Well said.

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One thing that might be missing in this story. There was also a pipe bomb discovered at New England Medical Center on the same morning. The pipe bomb, (a fake) was planted by an unhappy worker. This may have led to some of the reaction of the Boston police. As I heard one guy on the radio, sneekers used to be just sneekers, till the guy had a bomb in his on the plane. Not to mention the "sports drink" bomb not so long ago in England. It was a difficult call no matter what.

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I do remember hearing something early that morning about a pipe bomb, and then something about a light display, and I wondered "how a light display could be shaped like a pipe bomb"? Everyone knows what a pipe bomb looks like. A PIPE!

Now it seems to make sense. The media dropped the story of the FAKE pipe bomb, for a much more believeable story about Dangerous Cartoon Marketing Destuctive Devices ............. :huh:

That's what bring in the ratings.

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These guys should work at the whitehouse press room. Damn can they avoid the major questions.

I thinks the press conferance is hilarious. What they did..no so much. They did, however do a good job doing what their lawyer told them that is not talking about the subject. The thing that gets me is why the media would continue to talk to them after the hair thing was brought up and they said that is all they wanted to talk about. Real idiots=media.

I hate how the media blows things out of proportion and then make a fool of themselves in the process.

Edited by austinkroe
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These guys should work at the whitehouse press room. Damn can they avoid the major questions.

I thinks the press conferance is hilarious. What they did..no so much. They did, however do a good job doing what their lawyer told them that is not talking about the subject. The thing that gets me is why the media would continue to talk to them after the hair thing was brought up and they said that is all they wanted to talk about. Real idiots=media.

I hate how the media blows things out of proportion and then make a fool of themselves in the process.

But that's the kind of thing that happens when the media is driven by two things:

1. A need to capture viewers, which is now done by entertaining the public more than informing us. :(

2. Picking reporters based on their having a "screen presence", not on having a "brain". Take someone who's self-absorbed, tell them that they're special and that what they think is important, and put them in front of a camera. You have either; a typical modern reporter, or a typical politician. <_<

One thing's likely -- these two will have people banging on their door to hire them -- they managed to pull off exactly what they wanted to do, WAY beyond the expectations of the people who hired them. Is there ANYONE in the U.S. who has not heard of this cartoon now?

Edited by Punkin Chunker
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The DA here is playing the "someone's gotta get convicted even if they did not commit a crime and I have the legal muscle to make it happen" game.

The MA law on hoax devices is clear - it's a crime to plant one if the intent is for someone to mistake it for an instrument of destruction. The DA is claiming (falsely) that the law makes it illegal to place something someone mistakes for a device, even absent intent.

I just hope that TBS is as stand up about funding counsel for the two nobody's caught in the mess as they were promising reparations to mumbles (as the mayor of Boston is known out here).

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