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Dillon 1050 Case Feeder Driving Me Crazy

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now that the KISS bullet feeder is running at high volume, a problem that only bothered me occasionally on my 1050 is happening a lot more often. 9mm cases aren't dropping down the drop tube, instead they are somehow turning sideways and getting underneath the collator plate. at first one or two don't do anything, but then the third one jams the whole machine up. now I need to use long needle nosed pliers to get in there and get them out. anyone have a solution for this? I don't have that many cases in the hopper, but the collator plate does seem to rise up a bit from the pressure of the cases in the hopper.

I am flummoxed!

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I have the white plastic funnel, that's what's really annoying.

There is a spacer that is supposed to go under the shellplate (spacer #13703) It is for loading longer cases, 30 carbine, 45 colt, magnum cases. I would check and see if you might have that spacer installed. For your 9mm you would need to remove it if its there.


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no spacer at all. I actually was thinking of putting a spacer of somesuch between the motor and where it mounts to step it back a bit, but then I am not sure if the collator plate will catch the drive pins or not.

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hmm hadn't tried slow speed to be honest.

Is there a way to shim the motor so that the case feed plate is almost dragging all the way around the hopper? when it reaches the top of it's arc it has a lot of play.

oh and the feeder is plumb.

thanks for all the help guys!

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I had the same issue with my 650, I put the white funnel thing in but I gave it a real healthy chamfer on top so the case would slide in rather then fall. No problems since then, and at high speed. knock on wood

Edited by Mike Dame
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yup, that won't help me Pete, my problem happens where that piece of nylon doesn't make it to.

I am trying the slow setting. I don't remember why I was using the high speed one before. I think maybe the clutch was adjusted wrong when I got it or something and the slow didn't do anything.

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This happens to me when I load too many cases in at one time. What happens in my case is that two cases will ride up to the drop off point and wedge at the top. I only put a couple hundred cases in at a time now and put a drywall screw through the side at the top area to "push" off the top case if it comes through. Seems to work ok now.

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I had no problems to speak of with my casefeeder with 40 S&W but when I went to 38 super I had alot of the porblems mentioned in this thread. I placed a small wooden doorjam shim under the shell plate at the bottom of the feeder. This forced the top of the plate to run on the feeder thus pushing the cases from the bottom not the middle. I have not had a case not feed in the tube since then. I am thinking of changing the wooden shim to a piece of nylon. Just make sure it will not catch on the bottom of the shell plate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so I tore the whole thing apart after discovering that I don't really have a slow setting on my collator. even with only 100 cases in it, it barely moves on slow. So I took it apart and stuck washers between the gear box and the collator bin. this makes the plate have less movement up and down as the drive shaft is not so high up. seems to be working pretty good now. Except suddenly I am getting some upside down cases, but not a big deal, I think maybe I need to bend the little knocker tab a little more. It probably got straightened when I took the case plate out.

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oh when it's empty it has two speeds, but with even just 100 cases in it, it only has one speed. The slow speed won't turn, probably need a new motor or something. This is an old RL1050 afterall.

if I start going crazy again, after my attempt at a fix above, I'll contact Dillon and see about getting a new motor.

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  • 3 months later...

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