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I disagree with is the guys shooting 610 shooting minor.
You're correct Tom, I shot Major and every 610 shooter I came across did too. Maybe Jeff was thinking of what people have said about shooting minor with 646's.

Jeff, I had to break down the picture email into 3 seperate emails. I suppose the first email was too large, it got kicked back. Let me know if you would rather I crop or reduce them and I do it and resend.

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Jeff, thanks for stepping up to the place to write the article.

so it is very important to make your shots count, as an average reload is around 2 seconds.

We're going to have to start calling you "Jerry" LaFave. ;) My "average reload is slower than that. :unsure:

The sport is dominated by the Smith & Wesson 625 platform or some derivation of it (25-1, 25-2, 25-3, 25.4, etc…).

I think the 25-2 is the .45ACP version. The 25-4? is .45 (Long) Colt.

. There are also some hardy folks out there who shoot their Smith & Wesson 610’s (that shoot minor) and even a few who shoot a Tauras or Ruger.

And one silly guy shooting a 686x6 Major .38 Super. :wacko:

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You know, it would probably be safe to say the S&W 45 acp is most frequently used but others also compete with 10mm, 40SW, 38 special and 38 Super guns. Lord knows :rolleyes: there some people out there that shoot something other than a S&W.

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This is exactly why I posted it here first. I don't want any misinformation. You are correct about the 646 and minor scoring (that is what I was thinking about), that was an oversight on my part, and I will correct it. I was particularly thinking of Bill Nesbitt shooting 9mm at Ohio. I will also list 10mm as an option (in honor of 10mmDave), as well as 40S&W and 38 Super. I will also change the reload time (I am a GM typer)...I was in a hurry as I typed it...it was intended to be 2-3 seconds. I also need to put a little plug in there about how revo guys really stick together and help each other to grow in the sport. As for the photos, I have now created a bigger inbox at:


Please send the photos there, along with who shot them, and who is in the photo, so proper credit may be given. Sorry for those of you who bounced emails due to my anemic inbox at the other address.


Anything else guys???

Edited by Barrettone
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Great job on the write-up. You did a nice job of capturing what Revolver Division is all about. It was nice to meet you at the Summer Blast, keep up the good work.

As to a stand alone revolver nationals, like Flex said, "If you build it, they will come." If somebody could put together a match with great sponsorship, easy access to most shooters, good RO staff, great range to shoot on, no conflicting dates with other large matches, no cost to USPSA, excellent word of mouth and advertisement, etc., you'd be sure to have a hit, Revolver Nationals, Rubber Band Around Your Thumb And Pointer Finger Nationals, whatever.

The problem is doing it. The IRC is a great example, fits most of the aforementioned criterior, and at this year's IRC Robbie went because "There was space in my schedule." If you gave people an excuse to go and they had the time and money to make it, they would.

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As for the photos, I have now created a bigger inbox at: jlafave@inbox.com

Please send the photos there, along with who shot them, and who is in the photo, so proper credit may be given. Sorry for those of you who bounced emails due to my anemic inbox at the other address.

OK send another to the new address. The second failed on the original address.
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Nice writeup Jeff! I will send along a couple photos to your new box, but you may want to change the moonclip price to say that dependent upon the type, they range from 100 for $29 to $1 each (Ranch products, over the phone, sells 100 packs for $29 shipped...you just have to ask for them). That'll REALLY get them going, capacity to hold 600 rounds for the price of a mag or two????

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Jeff, I sent you a bunch of pictures from the 2005 Nationals and 2005 Ohio Sectional featuring all sorts of revolver luminaries from across these United States. Help yourself!

(If any of my photos are used in the article, the small royalty check they ordinarily send should be redirected to the USPSA Junior Program.)

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Jeff, I sent you a bunch of pictures from the 2005 Nationals and 2005 Ohio Sectional featuring all sorts of revolver luminaries from across these United States. Help yourself!

(If any of my photos are used in the article, the small royalty check they ordinarily send should be redirected to the USPSA Junior Program.)


Always a CLASS act!!


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I would love to shoot more revolver in USPSA but there is so little competition at the local matches. I recently made an agonizing decision and went out and bought a Glock 35 for Limited and Production. I really don't like the autos at all, but I like the competition. The lack of revolver competition at the local level is really discouraging, and at this point the bigger matches just aren't a reality for me. Revolver participation is suffering in IDPA as well, probably due to the constant rule changes which are apparently meant to punish the revolver shooters. I believe ICORE is more popular because of Open division and 125 Power Factor. I prefer USPSA because of the six shot capacity, iron sights and the scoring advantage of 165 Power Factor. The greatest irony is that many perceive the 625 to be the consumate game gun, while mine gets carried concealed everywhere I go and sees very little use in any matches these days.

Dave Sinko

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I would love to shoot more revolver in USPSA but there is so little competition at the local matches. I recently made an agonizing decision and went out and bought a Glock 35 for Limited and Production. I really don't like the autos at all, but I like the competition. The lack of revolver competition at the local level is really discouraging, and at this point the bigger matches just aren't a reality for me.

Welcome to Revolver Division. Most of the guys has resigned themselves to shooting alone or in a small group at local matches. This can be fixed by converting/recruiting as many guys as you can.

This is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt, but the only point to divisions and classes is for payout.

Everybody gets the same scoresheet and can compare hit factors if they like. Part of the fun with Revolver Division is beating up on the guys with "better" equipment. The first time you get the high hit factor of the match on a stage or classifier you'll know what I mean. It can be done.

I like to compete, too. If I didn't I'd just go punch holes in paper, it's lots cheaper. If you're competitive you can always find something to compete over. Try a side bet with another shooter, who get's the most A's, least penalties, or even highest hit factor on a classifier (most are revolver neutral). Go for it!

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This is the catch 22 that we all have to deal with, more often than not. :angry:

No one to shoot revolver with, so it gets put up for a auto, or not shot at all so then no one sees you shooting your revolver and then they never shoot thiers.

Damn if you do, Damn if you don't!!!

I will tell you this though.

If you don't shoot Revo, then your example will NOT get anyone else to shoot Revo for sure.

It may take some time, or you may have company pretty quick. OR you might not ever get any to shoot Revo with you, but don't let it be your fault for lack of trying. ;)


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The lack of revolver competition at the local level is really discouraging

C'mon dude, don't you have any kids you can force to shoot revolver against you???


How much for the hair????

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Another little tactic I've used to try to convert others to the enlightened side is to "trade" for a match, or a practice. Take their auto for your revovler for a match or a practice- let them see how much fun (and how challenging) it truly is.

Bring many extra moons- once one guy walks off grinning, others will want to try as well. If you convert one or two per year, it's at least SOME growth.

With enough encouragement, and promotion, and the price of brass and other components going up, 100% brass and live ammo return is also a good selling point.

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Another little tactic I've used to try to convert others to the enlightened side is to "trade" for a match, or a practice. Take their auto for your revovler for a match or a practice- let them see how much fun (and how challenging) it truly is.

Bring many extra moons- once one guy walks off grinning, others will want to try as well. If you convert one or two per year, it's at least SOME growth.

With enough encouragement, and promotion, and the price of brass and other components going up, 100% brass and live ammo return is also a good selling point.

We all need to start an adopt a bottom feeder program... get some actor/actress spokes model and advertise on late night television :D

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Do what I do. Shoot for yourself.

I pick out someone I know that is shooting Limited (Since that is what USPSA thinks I am shooting). I try to find someone who I feel is 25% better than me. Then I spend the day trying to compete with and beat that person.

It means I have to read the stage, shoot the scores, etc. like it was a real match.

It puts some value to the match. I don't tend to blow off errors 'cuz I'm going to win anyway.

What is the effect?

I am shooting better every week. At the first match of the year at one club I attend 6 additional people shot with Revo's. Some because it looks like fun after watching me. Some because they have seen the talk about the class, and even though they are not normally Revo shooters, they don't want anyone to lose their 'class'.

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Do what I do. Shoot for yourself.

I pick out someone I know that is shooting Limited (Since that is what USPSA thinks I am shooting). I try to find someone who I feel is 25% better than me. Then I spend the day trying to compete with and beat that person.

It means I have to read the stage, shoot the scores, etc. like it was a real match.

It puts some value to the match. I don't tend to blow off errors 'cuz I'm going to win anyway.

What is the effect?

I am shooting better every week. At the first match of the year at one club I attend 6 additional people shot with Revo's. Some because it looks like fun after watching me. Some because they have seen the talk about the class, and even though they are not normally Revo shooters, they don't want anyone to lose their 'class'.

Jim, great post. This is how to do it, guys!!

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Finally got my FS. How come the only picture they have of the revolver champion is him shooting a bottom feeder and noting he came in 34th in Production?

Even my wife noticed the lack of mention about revolvers and she always gives me a hard time about shooting antiquated guns.:)

Edited by COF
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Hey Hop,

I don't think that you really see the cost effectiveness of these things.

First - I save a ton (actually a pound) of money by not using as much powder. That's $20 I can use to buy some other go fast piece to add to my Revo. Plus factory sponsorship is easy to get.

Second - Holsters cost a lot of money. What I have decided to try this year, (and I will be lobbying the BOD for) is I am going to add a lanyard, although I may have to register as a Canadian Mountie. Again this is a savings of $80+. This money can then be diverted towards match T-shirts and other important memorabilia.

For additional cost saving tips stay tuned for future matches on the Revo-palooza Tour. B)

Edited by aerosigns
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