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Slide Glide #FF needed


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The world needs a new Slide Glide formula compatible with tight-fitting, heavily-compensated, loosely-sprung Open guns.

Having shot my Open gun four weekends in a row, I am sick of the seeping spooge created by Kellube and combusted 3N37. I'm sick of taking a sight picture and seeing oil spots on my C-More lens. I'm sick of the spray of oil in my face as I dry-fire my newly-cleaned-and-lubed pistol.

I have been spoiled by Slide Guide #1 in Limited guns and #3 in Glocks. I propose a super-light Slide Guide #FF for foo-foo guns.

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I had to stop using SG on by new open piece because after 50-100 rounds it started having lockup problems....and with a light spring, forget it.  Went back to FP-10 until the gun loosens up a bit.  

+ I found that SG and 3N37 aren't very happy living together, esp. when shooting 140pf or so....not enough burning and black crappola everywhere!!!!

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I know it's not SG, but have you tried lithium grease?  It's a lot less viscous than SG, but you still get that great grease goodness.  It *does* milk around, but it's not as bad as oil.  I used it on my 1911's until I discovered SG.

What I really used to like, but can't find anymore is EEZOX.  It dried slightly after application, but still provided decent lubrication.  (Don't ask me why it never took off.  It was the only snake oil I ever liked.)


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I've recently started putting SG#1 on an around all the lugs and mating surfaces. I just know it's not going to work on the rails. You think maybe I could use it on the cone? Up until recently I had to use a very light oil, which flung off immediately and the gun dried up quickly. Now Kellube is OK, and enough of it stays on. It just drools out the front and back of the rails.

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  • 3 weeks later...


My open gun is one of the first STI Grand Master series.  In the time I have owned it, it has been mostly down for maintenance.  The only truly good news is that since going back to SG1 from Kellube is that the slide performance is less degraded by use or temperature.  I followed Brian's original guidance and just stuffed the gun with SG1 and after wiping off the seepage, it just goes on and on.  SG1 is on the rails, the cone, link and lugs.

For those of you who detest the oil spotting or filming of the C-More after a few rounds, this eliminates that problem.  As my barrel has some small ports in it, I am using the Kidd blast shield to assist in this area.

Shortly (I hope) I will pick up an SV pistol that is capable of ejecting when clean and that won't hang up only at matches.  That gun will also eat the SG1.

In the Limited guns (both SV) SG1 works extremely well, even in the cold we are starting to get up here.



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I'm working on the "Open Glide" - when I get a few samples I'll send you guys some so you can test it. If you'd currently like a lighter version of SG for your Open gun - meaning S-G #1 is too thick for your gun - send me your address in an email and I'll send you a little when I get it.


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I still have three samples of the new (prototype) "Slide-Glide Light" left. If S-G #1 is too thick for your Open blaster, especially in cold weather, send me an email with your address and I'll send you a tub to test.


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Got it SGlite on one of my comp guns...that stuff is great...stays put and gun runs great...feels like a new gun..got it on the rails, comp cone, spring guide, barrel lugs..

My other comp gun is at the platers..so it will come back tight...hopefully the weather will turn cold again..and see what happens...

Thanks BE..

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  • 2 weeks later...


I finally got a chance to try prototype SG Open.

Temp 38 and gun was stuffed with SG including guide rod and left in the trunk all day. It did not stall or jam in 250 rounds including 50 light steel loads. My gun is a WELL broken in, hard chromed, 38 Super STI with a 7 lb spring. Now I will say the gun seemed to cycle fast but felt softer in recoil. I am not sure that's good or bad. Further testing on a timer will give more info but probably won't happen til spring. Those who know me, know that its a rare event to get Bill to shoot in the cold. And its just getting colder.

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"Those who know me, know that its a rare event to get Bill to shoot in the cold. And its just getting colder."


It sucks to be you! But nevertheless, thanks!

So far the input seems like we're close on viscosity.


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