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2006 Uspsa Revolver Nationals


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Thanx TMC! :)

Congrats to the revolver deity, Mr. Miculek.

Good job Nils, Mike, John, Cliff and Dan!

Can't wait for final results. We need to demand press coverage of the Nationals. It is a spectator sport!

I don't know if this is up to date but from Jim Scouten

News notes for the week:

We now have four shows completed and heading to The Outdoor Channel for the debut of the new season the last week of September.

Here’s what’s coming, on Saturday nights starting September 30th:

Show One: Revolver, Limited and Production Division Competition for the USPSA National Titles from Barry, Illinois.

Show Two: John has a profile of Alan Zitta and his ZM Weapons that have revolutionized AR design and performance.

Show Three: USPSA Three Gun action from Las Vegas.

Show Four: End of Trail from Founder’s Ranch in New Mexico.

We’ll be posting the details in the TV Schedule of the website in the next few days and we’re continuing to produce more shows that will first appear in November.

Congrats to all.

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Congratulations to all revo shooters, specially to my big friend Cliff Walsh!!

Congratulations guys!!


Congrats to Lefty45 for overcoming some self-destructive tendencies to still come in 2nd in B-Class out of 17. Very impressive for his first Nationals.

Also, big kudos for "young" Sam Carmoney for putting a hurtin' on a lot of the B-class guys and coming uncomfortably close to doing the same to me. Sam is very talented and his shooting has dramatically improved in just one year. If he sticks with it he'll be in A-class in short order.

Great to meet some of the record making revolver shooters for the first time and to see old friends as well. It was a great match and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves even if they didn't shoot as well as they had hoped.

Our Prez even managed to rectify last year's perceived slight by starting the awards with the Revolver Division. A point that was not missed by many of the revolver shooters. Thank you Mr. Voight. B) No mention of the record breaking attendance of revos but that can be overlooked.

I've had to change my tag line....the quote was just to hard to pass up. :lol:

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Nils shot 92% of Jerry! Can you say First Time Ever?

The 80something% club is a nice place to hang out too! Great job guys! :)

Hope you had all the fun!

Not only did Nils do that but he did it by not being in the Revo squad. He was the ONLY revo shooter in his squad. He may not have beat Jerry anyway but imagine if he'd been in a revo squad.

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Here's what I took away from the 2006 "Race For Second Place":

-I suck

-There's a new dance craze sweeping the ranges of America, soon everyone will be doing "The Jerry" (sorry, Steve Lowe was to slow with the camcorder to get it).

-Don't post other shooter's phone numbers on the forum because:

-You might be filmed asking the RO to help you find your moonclip during a stage ("Hold on, I gotta find one!").

-Some shooters have a magic concotion they drink to rid the after effects of the silver bullet.

-Fat chicks need love, too.

-C&S firing pins can survive a full Nationals (gee, how many folks were using 'em, fellas?).

-"There's that sound!"

-Soon everyone will show up to the match with their "murse" on for the entire match, just in case.

-Jerry uses the "granny grab" to keep his moons in his high tech duct taped "murse".

-"Murse's" are illegal, unless you use them the whole match.

-Some competitors practice for the stages the night before in just their underwear and gunbelt using the bathroom door to simulate a prop.

-The switch from strong hand to weak hand to open a door costs you a tenth, but lets you get the drop turner.

-No white guy was safe the first half-day.

-Some times leaving a swinger behind so you can back into the RO is one of the luckiest moves you can make.

-Dave Sevigny was the winner of the 2006 USPSA "Half Fag" Division, and Max Michel won the 2006 USPSA "Half Fag With Only Ten Rounds" Division.

PLEASE, PLEASE. PLEASE take that last one in good humor, you had to be there to understand the context (and level of inebriation) it was said in. I have all the respect in the world for Limited and L10 shooters, no matter where they end up in the standings.

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RickyLopez was 96% at the worldshoot last year.

Congratulations Cliff!! Fernanda also is congratulating you!! (she only asked me: "Was he the 5th again?" - Don't worry man! She doesn't know what does mean to be the 5th in a USPSA Nationals. ;):D )

Edit: For those who doesn't know, Cliff had some problems with his gun some days before the match. So, he had to shoot using another gun. B)

Edited by Vericio_Brazil
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What a match!!

There was great wheelgunnin' going on everywhere you looked!

Among the truly impressive performances:

Nils Jonasson: Wow. If we're not careful here, this game might just become a "race for third place." Exceeding 92% of a strong-shooting and healthy Jerry at a USPSA Nationals was truly a first. I shook his hand at the prize tables, but did not actually see Nils shoot. However, looking at the results will demonstrate very clearly that he is a phenomenal wheelgunner and fully worthy of his Grandmaster status. Guys, this young man is the real deal.

John Bagakis (pronouced with the emphasis on the second syllable): John's been a factor in the revolver world for some time, particularly as a steel shooter, and now that he's taken up USPSA seriously, he has quickly become a real factor in this game. At this, his first USPSA Nationals, John performed excellently at 86%, good for a solid 4th place. John is not long for A class, that's for sure.

Cliff and Dan: Despite each having a disappointing and costly stage or two, these two diehards managed to make up enough ground to grab 5th and 6th places in the toughest revolver field ever mounted on U.S. soil. With Cliff at 84% and Dan at 82%, both shot percentages that weren't far off from last year's numbers. Good job, my amigos.

And of course, Jerry: What can anybody say that hasn't already been said? He's the most talented wheelgunner that ever walked the earth, and a true champion of whom we can all be extremely proud. This year Jerry was under more pressure than ever. We all knew the field was improving, getting faster and tougher. We knew the new young GM was going to show us his stuff. And Jerry whomped us all again. To put it in perspective: There are 33 shooters on the final results list, and the largest percentage difference between any two consecutive shooters on the list is between 1st and 2nd place. In the "closest" Revolver Nationals ever, Jerry still won by a margin of almost 8%. Unreal.

Congratulations to the winners of the other divisions as well: Dave Sevigny and Max Michel are also truly great champions, and both faced extraordinary battles to achieve their respective victories. Great job, guys! It's a pleasure to watch the true masters play the game, regardless of the type of handgun being wielded.

This was a phenomenal world-class event for wheelgunners. I truly enjoyed every aspect of this match. Jumping the Revolver participation up this year by more than 50%, along with the smaller squads and the half-day schedule, made all the difference in the world--instead of being all put together in one squad, we were everywhere! The presence of the Revolver division at this match was palpable. And I believe the "powers that be" at USPSA took notice of that. Plaques were awarded to the top 4 overall finishers, as well as plaques to the top performers down through the class ranks. As already mentioned, Revolver was the first division recognized, which was a very nice touch. The Revolver prize table was also dramatically enriched from last year, with a total of 8 guns/frames and a bunch of other great stuff. Overall, the 2006 Nationals was very well done.

My personal thanks go out to the leadership of USPSA for giving us the chance to prove ourselves as a division, and I want to especially thank all the Revolver shooters from around the country who stepped up and traveled in for their first USPSA Nationals. It was great spending time with all of you. Our division continues to grow. Next year--let's shoot for 50!!

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Well, I predicted 2 out of 3, thats not bad! Mike I had you in 3rd, behind Jerry & I had John instead of that new gunslinger, missed that one. Congratulations to the 3 Amigos & all the revolver shooters & especially to my buddy Kal, he's coming on boys!

Looks like friends Kevin & Steve from Colorado also did well.


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RickyLopez was 96% at the worldshoot last year.

Well... Ok Cliff... I was thinking of nationals...

Would be nice to have Ricardo and Bjorn at nationals next year.

Well said Mike. Are you up for a revolver division article for Front Sight?

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Are you up for a revolver division article for Front Sight?

I'm kinda hoping somebody else can do that......but it clearly needs to be done. If nobody else is willing and able, I'll whip something up. I would need some help collecting photos, though....I didn't take my camera this year, knowing I would be hustling along the shoot-through format.

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Just got home, What a great match. Thanks to all for the kind words.

Allison, tell Fernanda thanks. It was good to be 5th. I died on stage 14 but still had a great time. Seeing all the guys was great and meeting many new friends. Mike showed up and shot the entire match in 2 days without having any time to walk any stages. He shot an amazing match. Go Mike.

Little Sam Carmoney won C class even with all the hair in his eyes. That is one smooth kid.

ps ( hair for frame, think it over)

I hope more of the armchair revos will come out next year and make it 50.

Nemo and Luke, I'm looking at you......


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I would need some help collecting photos, though...

I don't think that would be a problem... I know this guy that's fairly good with the camera and I think he took plenty of photos of the Revo Bunch. Guess we just have to ask him nicely... ;)


Nemo and Luke, I'm looking at you......

It's in the planner Cliff. Will do my best.

Edited by Nemo
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Quick note while clothes are drying...........gotta go BACK to Kentucky.........AGAIN!!! :angry:

Airedale I'm sorry........but I'm really starting to dislike your state!!!!

Anyway, back to the original programing.......

Jerry..............is Jerry!!!!! Nuff said.

the ICORE guys showed up..............and Delivered........way to go John and Nils!!!!(and I'm still not giving that Danbagger anything......but a hard time ;) !)

My Buddy Mike Carmoney..........2 years in a row at 3rd!!!!! Pretty impressive to say the least.

Oh and John Bagakis.........with your 86% at Nationals................Welcome to Master(That's supposed to be automatic).

Cliff and Jerry had 1 and 2 wrapped up.......until stage 14..........don't worry Cliff....It wasn't as bad as my 18 last year. <_<

Shooting with the rest of the "good" guys.........I should have been on Mars instead.

Got to see most of the other squads shoot at least once........Many hard fought battles, you guys all should be proud.

Now here is the Challenge I bring forth..................

Each one of you return next year but with a catch.....................another revolver shooter so the 33 can bust 60!!!!!!!!!

I am already working on 2......one has given in and if he gets a slot (already claimed from the section CO)......the other will take a little more work, and depending on the time of the year.

I personally don't intend to shoot much revolver next year, but will allow you beat up on me again next year, but not without a fight. ;)

Now to get ready for the North Carolina Section(Benny Blaster here I come)

Congrats to ALL !!!!!!


Edit to add:

Sorry Nemo, Just couldn't get it together.......but I had you covered on the first day! ;)

Edited by hopalong
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I had a great time shooting the match and meeting all the revolover shooters.

What a great group of shooters, I watched the other Revolver squads and everyone looked great.

Not taking anything away from the other shooters, But Jerry did not have a very good match, he had several stages that did not go well, yet he still shot a great match.

I talked to Nils and he said he about five stages that did not go well, That's pretty scary!

I watched serveral of Mike's stages and he was on fire, He had a great match, I think he had only one miss for the whole match.

I had a pretty good match considering I started with two misses on stage (18) a high piont stage and one miss on stage (16) the highest piont stage of the match.

I saw some great shooting from all the competitors, Dan and Cliff just had some stages go way bad.

I am looking foward to the Gator Classic and Area 2, Dan and I will have to get our Sh#T together if we want to put some pressure on Nils and Jerry at Area 2.

I hope to get Jason Pettitt out there next year.

It was great meeting and shooting with everyone.

Take care and see you next year!


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My Buddy Mike Carmoney..........2 years in a row at 3rd!!!!! Pretty impressive to say the least.

Danbagger was 3rd last year......I was 4th.

With the level of competition this year, I was very pleased to move up just one notch! Anyway, it's obvious that the coveted 2nd place spot is going to be harder and harder to achieve from here on. I think Jerry was only half-kidding when he said he hopes Nils will hurry up and get a wife and a mortgage. :P

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I am looking foward to the Gator Classic and Area 2, Dan and I will have to get our Sh#T together if we want to put some pressure on Nils and Jerry at Area 2.

All right! Another revolver at the Gator And a Master to boot. It'll give you and Dan another chance to sharpen your skills against Jerry before Area 2. B)

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After the prize table I went back to the Holiday Inn across the street to try to find some of the other revo guys in case they wanted to go out to dinner. I didn't find anyone but I happened to look in the video arcade and there's Nils playing a video game with his little brother...what a good kid. I don't think he has any idea how impressed we all were that he did what he did.

Both Sam C. and Nils seemed like they were just having fun and it was no big deal that they shot so well. It's great to see such talent without seeing the stress or importance placed on the competition - they seemed like they were just shooting. It was refreshing and really put it all back into perspective.

Thanks to all the revo guys for such a fun week.

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