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1911 Or Glock For Esp


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just came back from a Regional match...in ESP i noticed a balance towards the 1911 in a bigger way...and it seemed that nobody felt under gunned by 1 round or 2...just wonder what if there is really a big difference...and does anybody shoot the S_I guns in ESP??..guess what i'm asking....if you shoot a 1911 type gun in ESP ..how is it setup..G'

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just came back from a Regional match...in ESP i noticed a balance towards the 1911 in a bigger way...and it seemed that nobody felt under gunned by 1 round or 2...just wonder what if there is really a big difference...and does anybody shoot the S_I guns in ESP??..guess what i'm asking....if you shoot a 1911 type gun in ESP ..how is it setup..G'

I use a single stack 9MM in ESP. I can't stand Glocks so the choice was pretty easy for me. If I had to pick another gunfor ESP I would go with the 5 inch XD in 9MM but am happy with what I am currently running.

As far as being disadvantaged by having 9+1 vs 10+1 it is a non issue for me. I can'tecall ever shooting a stage that required 11 shots. The nice thing about 9+1 is that unless there is steel or the COF requires 3 shots on a target you will never run dry on a target. YMMV.

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I'm trying out a couple of different IDPA ESP setups right now. I have a STI commander length 9mm setup with a SVI magwell, and 126mm magazines etc.. Great piece. I'm also trying a CZ setup out, so I can remain consistent for next year as my production gun for USPSA is a CZ. I'm probably going to end up selling the STI setup (I use Chris Stewart holster and mag carriers btw...) just so I can stay consistent with the same gun frame when playing in two classes :) If it wasn't for wanting to shoot some USPSA production, I'd NEVER stray away from the STI.

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I shoot a 1991A1 Colt 9mm for IDPA ESP. It will feed 9mm RN from the 10-round McCormick Super magazines, although my Springfield won't. Integral ramp, you know.

If yours won't, I don't think 9+1 is a major handicap although if it is a convenience, then the MD has little imagination and is putting in too many straight doubletap stages.

I see a few tricked out Glocks and some XDs although the XDs are there because the shooter usually bought the gun and then decided to try IDPA, not knowing the Divisions.

I know of one STI 9mm in use and a light load .40 in the works.

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Yeah, I know. Ain't it great?

But you ain't seen nothin yet.

Me and Joe D. have been working on .45 Minor ESP. We have 9 round .45 single stack magazines that fit The Box, feed reliably and slide stop. A 200 gr SWC at 650 is soft to shoot and knocks enough bigger holes in the target to pick up a couple of points in a day's stages.

And Bill W. thought he was just providing a home for obsolete single stack iron sight .38 Supers. Heh.

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A 200 gr SWC at 650 is soft to shoot and knocks enough bigger holes in the target to pick up a couple of points in a day's stages.
You might want to look at 250 grain LRN/FPs. They'd make the PF at 500 fps, and if you realized you pulled a shot, you could Groucho-walk up behind them and do an in-flight correction. :D
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I use a old Colt .38 Super setup for 9+1 which works really well at the local matches. Could do 10+1 but would be tempted to dump a round here and there which I believe is a bad thing. I run fairly strong (145 PF) minor loads. If I shot IDPA more I'd likely try to get the gun to run on some 126 PF loads I have.

I'd shoot my G35 in a heartbeat as well, just haven't felt the urge to make it IDPA legal yet. I still need to play with dropping the PF on those minor loads down from 140 to 130 or so.

I don't think the gun matters much. Whatever you shoot best.

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Yeah, I know. Ain't it great?

But you ain't seen nothin yet.

Me and Joe D. have been working on .45 Minor ESP. We have 9 round .45 single stack magazines that fit The Box, feed reliably and slide stop. A 200 gr SWC at 650 is soft to shoot and knocks enough bigger holes in the target to pick up a couple of points in a day's stages.

And Bill W. thought he was just providing a home for obsolete single stack iron sight .38 Supers. Heh.

You retired guys have way too much time on your hands. :o

Joe's retirement age right? :rolleyes:


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I tried retirement once at age 55. Got bored - after climbing Mt. Everest a couple of times and the other Big 10 mountains I decided to work again. Even those two Shuttle trips got old.

Went to a different Dr. yesterday. He injected my hand with steriods in an effort to clear up that darn jammed knuckle. The hand surgery part is completely healed - no more "trigger finger". It actually feels better already.

ESP guns? Tried the 9mm 1911 route a few years back. Did not like the recoil cycle. Bought a .40 Kimber. It is much easier to shoot than a 9mm. Makes bigger holes too. A .45ACP 1911 is really soft when loaded to a 130 PF. No, I don't buy into the waiting on the slide crap that some on this forum spout. You cannot pull the trigger faster than the gun will cycle.

Yes, I have some .45 mags that will hold 9 rounds and fit into the box. Starting a stage with 10 rounds works most of the time. I like 11 better. Yes, I admit openly on a public forum that I will dump a round on occasion. So break my sword in half and strip the buttoms from my tunic. Start the drum roll.

I just finished building a .40 STI 2011 a couple of weeks ago. It is set up up for IDPA and IPSC. It is very soft shooting. I built it just for grins. I think a really hot set up for ESP would be a 2011 in .45ACP. I may just stick a .45 top end on this one and see.

Bottom line is a shoot my G35 better than any gun I own. Stick a full length guide rod in it, add a steel mag well and you are good to go for ESP. That's right I said a steel mag well. Can't use a brass Seattle Slug but you can use a steel mag well. Talk about another dumb IDPA rule.

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"I just finished building a .40 STI 2011 a couple of weeks ago. It is set up up for IDPA and IPSC. It is very soft shooting. I built it just for grins. I think a really hot set up for ESP would be a 2011 in .45ACP. I may just stick a .45 top end on this one and see."

Joe,got any pics ??? sound kinda stealthy.. :ph34r:

Bottom line is a shoot my G35 better than any gun I own...we all know that to well :lol::lol:

and thats part of the question...once we get proficient with one type of weapon...and the way it "runs",what propells us in going to the next direction of something better.. B)

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I have a SV 9mm bushing gun that Sandy built me for IDPA shooting. It fits the box and complies with all the rules. It is one of my favorite guns to shoot and I am especially partial to it since it was my first SV. Shooting 9mm 2011's are the way to go for me with the lack of recoil and big magwell. The ultimate "gamer" gun in my opinion.

It is the one with the scott grip in the front.


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I am not trying to start the " glocks are better than 1911" debate. But, I have a question. I see more guys at matched fighting with their 1911 doing the rack/slap drill to clear their 1911. i have very rarely seen a glock/xd do the same. The only times I have seen it with other than 1911 is when guys I know mess with the insides of the gun or shoot reloads. Shooting my glock is boring, it makes for no drama.

Is my perception correct?


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The 1911 was never designed to run with such a short cartridge. As a result if the gun isn't properly set up or properly maintained you will have issues.

I have a Caspian built by Tripp research that runs like a swiss watch. The only problem I had with it was with a bad Ed Brown extractor hook which sheared after only 5,000 rounds.

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IMO, if you are going to use 9 round mags in a 9mm then you are better off buying a .40 1911. I have never had any feed issues with my .40 Kimber. I have some 10 round .40 mags that fit the box and run great also.

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rather shoot 38 Super in SS than any 40 or 10... :)

you need to go with the sti or sv. In my opinion my sti .40 cal. idpa gun shoots softer than the 9 and it also kicks butt in limited division. With this combo you can shoot IDPA until you get bored or fed up with the inconsistant RO's and then you can go shoot uspsa/ipsc. One gun that does it all is the way to go. Nothing wrong with the 1911 or glock, the sti/sv are better options if you are serious about competing in either idpa/uspsa/ipsc.

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Funny but most folks have not figured this out yet. A .40 is softer shooting than a 9mm. Another plus is a .40 feeds much better than a 9mm in a 1911/2011 platform.

that is true about downloaded .40 being softer. I bought my 9mm SV before I had the ability to handload, so 9mm was the way to go. Although I have a Dillon 650 with setups for 4 calibers, I will still shoot 9mm WW when I shoot IDPA club matches just because I get too lazy to change the press over and load a bunch of 9mm. When I would shoot out of town IDPA matches it was more convienent when flying to buy my ammo when I arrived to the match city. I just had to check my gun and mags and I was good to go.

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I have a very similar SV 9mm 1911 to Dave's (Sgtsvi) and it is really great. I got if after having bad luck with a 9mm single stack built by Briley. IMO the single stack 9mm's are harder to keep running versus the 2011. The SV mags are the way to go in 9mm - no spacers needed. I may still have my SV build sheet if you are thinking of getting an SV. Having an example build sheet is useful when specing a gun with SV.

If I were doing it again I would get the gun in .40 since then I could use it in USPSA Limited/Limited 10 as well. I didn't shoot USPSA or reload when I got the 9mm so it was the right choice at the time.

On the other hand I really don't think that a properly setup Glock is at a disadvantage in ESP - not in the least. The Glock platform is also easier and cheaper to get setup and running 100%. The way the Glock's work I would get it in 9mm vs. 40 for ESP. In a 1911 platform you have more options with the springs than on the Glock. With the Glock the 9mm feels better to me than minor .40. You have to try both for yourself and see.

Edited by vincent
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