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Been Thinking


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The A-8 post has gotten me to thinking about some stuff.

Flex said I was the biggest card carrying.........

Carmoney said I was a large driving force.......(not in those words though)

And many others have said I have influenced them in one way or another (I hope it was good)

After trying hard to get more and more enthusiasm, and participaton in the Revolver Division shooting all the majors I could afford (and then some) for the last two years it would be pretty hypocritical of me not to participate in the largest of the USPSA Nationals yet (in revolver).......and I am NO HYPOCRITE!!!!

So I will be asking Kim to change me over to the wheelgunners division for the Nationals in Barry this year.

I again want to thank all for their kind words, and it appears that what I have done in the past is acutally helping.........BUT DON'T EXPECT ME TO NOT SHOOT THE BENNY BLASTER AT TIMES!!!!!!!

NOW let me add this............

I have contacted one Jerry Miculek, an we had a short talk about this "Souther Revolver Nationals" thing........... He said it would probably go, and we might be able to have it at the Clark range (where A-4 has been shot for the last 3 years) and we're looking at late October in 2007. :D:D:D

That is all for that, so as of now it is only in the "talking" stage and I need to get back with him and Kay and Jim Clark jr. about the range use.

For this to happen I will need MUCH help. when we get it ironed out better I will start asking for help with things that other folks can do better than I. :)

Think about it and let me know what you want to volunteer to do. :D


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Jerry V.

Hell NO!!!!

I wouldn't squad with those 3 jerks if they were the only 3 left ! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You know I'm avoiding them. ;) Oh I forgot, I wasn't supposed to tell.....


Now think about what you, and the other guys out west can do to help at a match in Louisiana in the fall of 2007. ;)

Edited by hopalong
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Carmoney said I was a large driving force.......(not in those words though)

Yes, but I said that in reference to last year's Area 5 match......and that terrible moment when I found poor Cliff all broken and sobbing on the floor of your motel room......


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After trying hard to get more and more enthusiasm, and participaton in the Revolver Division shooting all the majors I could afford (and then some) for the last two years it would be pretty hypocritical of me not to participate in the largest of the USPSA Nationals yet (in revolver).......and I am NO HYPOCRITE!!!!

So I will be asking Kim to change me over to the wheelgunners division for the Nationals in Barry this year.

Ahhh... Excellent idea!

You are truly the ambassador of the revolver division and largely responsible for the state of affairs (increase in revolver participation). There is no reason you shouldn't enjoy the fruits of your labor and help continue what has begun. B)

Wish I could make it. The October 2007 match in LA sounds interesting. Keep us posted.

PS: Let Jerry know we have started shooting monthly ICORE matches in Jackson.

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YEEEEE HAAAAW !!! way to go SAM!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

i can hear it at the range ...ding. ding .ding .ding .ding .ding...1.000255 sec..dingding....dingding...dingding....1.000255 sec....ding...... ding..... ding..... .ding..... ding....... ding...... .weak hand :o:o

good luck!!

Edited by GmanCdp
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YEEEEE HAAAAW !!! way to go SAM!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

i can hear it at the range ...ding. ding .ding .ding .ding .ding...1.000255 sec..dingding....dingding...dingding....1.000255 sec....ding.... ding.. ding.. ding... ding.. ding weak hand :o:o

good luck!!

....about right!!!! As a whole, watching how revolvers are shot on a typical stage, it is just too cumbersome and slow for me. A couple of weeks ago, Sam let me shoot his revolver at a local match......after a few shots, I turned and looked at him and asked, "HOW DO YOU SHOOT THIS THING AS FAST AS YOU DO???"

Not that I have any desire to shoot revolver, but I quickly got a an appreciation of what it takes to shoot that type of gun and even more of a appreciation and respect for Sam's performances.

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The A-8 post has gotten me to thinking about some stuff.

Hope you didn't hurt yourself... :lol:

Flex said I was the biggest card carrying.........

Carmoney said I was a large driving force.......(not in those words though)

And many others have said I have influenced them in one way or another (I hope it was good)

and I can say that meeting you, squadding with you at A6, and our subsequent conversations played a major role in my conversion to the way of the round gun. Thank you mi amigo!

So I will be asking Kim to change me over to the wheelgunners division for the Nationals in Barry this year.

One out of my two predictions! :) Although I said it would take you 3 weeks to make the determination, so I was off a little. Does this mean it is possible for Cliff to win Nats? :o Sure he can! [Vader's voice] Use Luke's force Cliff. [/off] If I'm off a litle again on that one, then he'll finish above 90% of JM.

I again want to thank all for their kind words, and it appears that what I have done in the past is acutally helping...

Por nada compadre! Thank you for all your effort towards our game!


Can you hunt deer with a .40? Knock yourself out! :lol:

NOW let me add this............

I have contacted one Jerry Miculek, an we had a short talk about this "Souther Revolver Nationals" thing........... He said it would probably go, and we might be able to have it at the Clark range (where A-4 has been shot for the last 3 years) and we're looking at late October in 2007. :D:D:D

Count me in and let me know what I can do to help you.

Glad to have you back!

Yes, but I said that in reference to last year's Area 5 match......and that terrible moment when I found poor Cliff all broken and sobbing on the floor of your motel room......






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YEEEEE HAAAAW !!! way to go SAM!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

i can hear it at the range ...ding. ding .ding .ding .ding .ding...1.000255 sec..dingding....dingding...dingding....1.000255 sec....ding.... ding.. ding.. ding... ding.. ding weak hand :o:o

good luck!!

That picture answers my question if he changes clothes between matches (see A8 2006 photo) :lol: I'm telling you he's not human!!! It's not a shirt it's his skin!!!! :o

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Carmoney said I was a large driving force.......(not in those words though)

Yes, but I said that in reference to last year's Area 5 match......and that terrible moment when I found poor Cliff all broken and sobbing on the floor of your motel room......


Ok, you can't just throw out something like that and not spill all the gory details. What happened to "poor Cliff"? Inquiring minds want to know, not to mention those of us who just love to hear a good story. :D

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RGS - That shirt is AWESOME! Where did you get it?

I had them made for three of us. Right down to NROI patch embroidered on one sleeve and USPSA on the other. S&W on front with first names.

They were made by Chip Calverly at East Coast Screen Printing and Embroidery. I sent him the bus and what I wanted and he did the rest. Chip is a shooter and does shirts for a lot of clubs and matches. He is a real great guy to deal with. http://www.eastcoastscreenprinting.com/


Edited by Round_Gun_Shooter
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Carmoney said I was a large driving force.......(not in those words though)

Yes, but I said that in reference to last year's Area 5 match......and that terrible moment when I found poor Cliff all broken and sobbing on the floor of your motel room......


Ok, you can't just throw out something like that and not spill all the gory details. What happened to "poor Cliff"? Inquiring minds want to know, not to mention those of us who just love to hear a good story. :D

Search and ye shall find. (hint: try searching for "cretin") ;)

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I have searched, and I have found. The question is, Who's story do I believe? I know Sam and have shot with him, thus I have to place more credence in his version than that of those others that I don't know, unless you have some gory detail that wil sway me to your side. My biggest question though is "How did Young and Innocent Master Walsh lose the Innocent part? That is undoubtedly the best part of the story. looking forward to aedking him at the TN Sectional.

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