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Dropping An 18" X 24" Steel Gong On My Toe


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Helping Xre set up our club's monthly Steel Challenge match, I dropped a gong on my left big toe.

At first I though "wow, that's gonna hurt". Then about 45 seconds later it did.

Now, nine hours later, it's all swollen and black. This can't be good. <_<


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We're going to have pass a mandate, now, that everyone wear steel toed work boots for setup, lest someone "pull a Chethro".... :D

That pic is ugly - hope you get to keep the toe..!!! ;)

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Friend of mine says, to soak the toe in warm water, then take a CLEAN (new) spade or paddle drill bit (the kind with the triangular point) and spin it slowly between your fingers, up close to the cuticle (this is the softest part of the nail) until it slowly drills a hole in the nail.

This should relieve the pressure. Of course YMMV. :o

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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Friend of mine says, to soak the toe in warm water, then take a CLEAN (new) spade or paddle drill bit (the kind with the triangular point) and spin it slowly between your fingers, up close to the cuticle (this is the softest part of the nail) until it slowly drills a hole in the nail.

This should relieve the pressure. Of course YMMV. :o

Yeah, don't use a twist drill. I did that once. Ever drill something thin where the drill gets grabbed and pulled through the material right at the end instead of finishing the hole? YEEEowowowowch!

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Yeah, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow morning.


Been there, done that, got the scar(s). If it is broken there isn't anything the Doctor can do for you except give you a 'script for pain meds.

Good Luck,


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Lynn has the best idea.

I smashed my thumb in the trunk of my car the day before a state match. My thumbnail was black and hurt like hell, so much that I couldnt flick off a thumb safety. Just before the match my dad found an old fishhook, straightened it out and heated it up with a cigarette lighter. As soon as it made contact with my thumbnail, it instantly burned a hole through the nail, relieving all the pressure. Best part, I didnt even know when it happened, the only truly painless procedure I have ever had.

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This thread is worhtless without the pics ! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Here's the pic. As you can see, the toenail wasn't affected. It's the bone closer to the foot.


Doctor update: No fracture! Just "massive hematoma".

It's not feeling too bad today. B)


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Reading this thread was like a suspense novel...build up, create your own mental image, and then the payoff pic.

I hate those big, ugly hematomas. But at least they're not acutely painful, mostly annoying and sore.

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We're all laughing cause it did not happen to us...but we know it hurt like hell...

Glad it was not broken...yes, cut your toenails...no, drilling thru the nail won't help...yes, lots of adult beverages might help... :lol:

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This thread is worhtless without the pics ! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Here's the pic. As you can see, the toenail wasn't affected. It's the bone closer to the foot.


Doctor update: No fracture! Just "massive hematoma".

It's not feeling too bad today. B)


you're lucky it didn't hit your toe nail. but, it's still bad.

good luck


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