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People Who Break Their Wireless Phone


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I dread going to work on Monday and not for the reasons most people hate Mondays. I am so tired of people bringing their phones into my store all pissed off because they are no longer working properly. What happens is people tend to do all the stupid stuff on weekends and this means their phone suffers from their stupidity. I have seen it all here is the top ten things that people do to their phones in order.

  1. Dropped on concrete
  2. Dropped in water
  3. Sat on
  4. Purposely thrown against wall
  5. Child or dog chewed on
  6. Sent through washing machine
  7. Stepped on
  8. Break antenna
  9. Fill up with dust lint or other particles
  10. ran over with vehicle

All of these actions are not covered under the manufacturers warranty. I always tell people "your phone has to stop work for no apparent reason!!!!"

Of course people assume that since they pay us $85 per month and have been with us for 8 years we can afford to just give them a new phone for $20!!! It doesn't work that way. The phone you buy somewhere for $20 cost our company around $100 we subsidize the price of the phone so that more people will buy them and we will make back the subsidy in the long run, but if you break it inside of you service agreement you are screwing yourself over.

Phones and cars have a lot in common. If you owe $10K on your car and the tranny goes out your finance company is not going to give you a new car. If you put 300K miles on your car in 12 months it is not going to run as well as it did brand new. Cell phones are just like any other machine they wear out. In my experience 90% of the phones that I send to our repair center are for people under the age of 30. Once you get over the age of 30 the phone magically seems to work just fine.

Thanks for listening to my vent if you can take any advice from this please don't sign up for a service agreement for longer then 12 months. I very rarely see any phone lasts longer then 1 year. I hate to see people in a bind because they take the special right now that requires a 24 month agreement. Also think of your wireless phone as a delicate electronic device, it is not designed to be dropped or gotten wet. If you can avoid those two things you just might make it to the end of you 24 month contract.

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I melted one in the oven. Its replacement went into the washing machine and worked for another year after I dried it out. If you want a telephone to last forever get one with a cable attached to the wall.

My guns seem to last forever. Have you ever considered making a phone out of steel???


Edited by AikiDale
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Just in the past week, I have had mine fly off into a toilet, bounce down a stair case, and get soaked (along with everything else I had on me) in a driving rain. Before that I had no problems, just a bad week I guess. Thank God it is my work phone, and not my personal one.

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This is why some folks make ruggerized phones. I keep on droping and kicking mine, but I've learn how to pick phones I won't break: Small, simple, no hinges, no external antenas.

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I dread going to work on Monday and not for the reasons most people hate Mondays. I am so tired of people bringing their phones into my store all pissed off because they are no longer working properly. What happens is people tend to do all the stupid stuff on weekends and this means their phone suffers from their stupidity. I have seen it all here is the top ten things that people do to their phones in order.
  1. Dropped on concrete
  2. Dropped in water
  3. Sat on
  4. Purposely thrown against wall
  5. Child or dog chewed on
  6. Sent through washing machine
  7. Stepped on
  8. Break antenna
  9. Fill up with dust lint or other particles
  10. ran over with vehicle

All of these actions are not covered under the manufacturers warranty. I always tell people "your phone has to stop work for no apparent reason!!!!"

If you work at a cellular phone store isn't that your job? Customer Service? Taking care of your customers. Why not? They sign you up for a two year agreement everytime you buy a stupid phone, so why not stick it back to the man? We've gone from Customer Service and the Customer is always right, to this isn't covered or that ain't covered. What have we lost along the way.

It seems like poor decision making along the way led to an unfulfilling career.

I think Morris Schechtman (Aurthur from Working without a net and the Fifth Wave) said it best "Poor actions and poor choices over time leaving you sucking on the icicles of regret".

All the best,


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Clovis --

quoted from the top of this page:

"In a nutshell - Rebuttals are not permitted.

If you cannot contribute supportively, please do not reply at all."

Edited by ima45dv8
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Clovis --

quoted from the top of this page:

"In a nutshell - Rebuttals are not permitted.

If you cannot contribute supportively, please do not reply at all."

Whoa, wait a minute. I'm not rebuting anything just asking a question on the Customer Service. I was just trying to offer more or less offer a solutionairy statement.

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Funny, I had a warranty that said if "you break it" you get a free replacement, well I managed to break the antanae and they said it wasn't covered, but if I ran it over with the car that was covered, so guess what...

... I offered to take it to the parking lot and run it over. I did get a new phone :)

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Daniel that is way to funny of a picture.

Loves2shoot....sounds like what I would say.

Actually had a boss that made me so mad my phone flew out of my hand and into a concrete wall. I went to the cell phone store expecting to have to pay for a new phone and the guy was so cool, he understood and said he'd take care of it. Got a brand new phone right then and there for nothing. Now that was service.

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Daniel that is way to funny of a picture.

Loves2shoot....sounds like what I would say.

Actually had a boss that made me so mad my phone flew out of my hand and into a concrete wall. I went to the cell phone store expecting to have to pay for a new phone and the guy was so cool, he understood and said he'd take care of it. Got a brand new phone right then and there for nothing. Now that was service.

See, that's all I was talking about...Customer Service. Taking care of your people.

Sturmruger, Todd Duncan did a great book called "High Trust Selling". He emphasizes putting your clients needs before your own.

Zig Ziglar said "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll eventually get what you want".

That's all it is Sturm, Customer Relationships.

I hope I could share some insight and help with a paradigm shift.

Bigbadaboom, nice picture! Now if we can superimpose the eskimo in the cellphone store...

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I have a Mot "timeport" oldie but goody (no GPS) and mine has been through everything but 5&6 (dog chew toy& washing machine) and still works fine.

It's been in run over in the mud/water by back-hoes and dozers, thrown from a moving vehicle (more than once), stepped on, covered in lint and a few other nasty things. It even had a dime wedged in the charger slot at the base and after 10 minutes of trying to figure out where that un-godly skreeching sound was comming from I pulled the dime from the charger slot and made a phone call and it still worked.

I HATE THEY DON'T MAKE THE DAMN THINGS ANYMORE. This is the toughest cell phone I have ever owned going all the way back to the audio-vox briefcase phone of the mid 80s.

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I had a work phone fall in a porta-john once. Luckily the Porta-john guy was on site and retrieved it for me. He dunked it in the blue porta-john cleaner and put in in a zip-lock bag for me. I took it in to work and told them what happened and that I needed another phone. Our I.T. girl traded it out for me and put my old "Crappy" one in the drawer with all the other screwed up phones. One of the guys from our shop got the phone (Because it was more upgraded than the one he had) and took it apart and sprayed the inside completely with WD-40 and let it dry. It started working like new. When I told him what actually happened to the phone (a few weeks later after he had held that phone up to his mouth no telling how many times) he went to the I.T. girl and jumped her butt because apparently she had told him I had dropped it in a ditch full of water. Niether one them of found the humor in it while I was laughing my butt off.

I guess I'm not the only one who would never want to use a phone that had been dropped in a porta-john no matter how clean it was.

Edited by Bigbadaboom
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The "Hate Forum" is a place to vent.

If you want to vent along with...fine, that is supportive.

If you want to tell somebody how you think they ought to handle their issue...this probably isn't the place for it.

If you want to tell us your hate...and, it isn't in line with the thread starter...then, perhaps you could start your own vent.

I'm going to close this one now.

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