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9-11-01 Movie Trailer Too Upsetting

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I just read this headline on yahoo. I can't freaking believe it.

As a country as a whole are we just a bunch of dumb birds that stick our heads in the sand?

Is this the reason most folks want us out of the War? They can't be reminded that we were attacked?

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but is America really this screwed up?

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Differing opinions on what is appropriate and what is not, that's all.

Hollyweird might have overtstepped or mistimed the market. If they figure they can make enough money off the project it will go ahead. If they figure it will be a nonstarter at the box office it will not see the light of day.

As to why most folks have changed their opinions about current international policy - that's something that we will figure out some years down the line. History is like that. With a bit of time and reflection and more information things sometimes look very different - more thought and less emotion leading to smarter action. And sometimes it's dumber too.

This covers another project. I haven't seen it but the interview with one of the people was interesting.


Edited by Viggen
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I know I'm preaching to the choir, but is America really this screwed up?

Yes...it is.

SPC Richard A. White, Senior Medic

249th MP Detachment (EACF)

Camp Humphreys, ROK

3 months left in the ROK and then Fort Bragg!!! Back to the Real Army!!!

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I know I'm preaching to the choir, but is America really this screwed up?

Yes...it is.

SPC Richard A. White, Senior Medic

294th MP Detachment (EACF)

Camp Humphreys, ROK

3 months left in the ROK and then Fort Bragg!!! Back to the Real Army!!!


We have to get together before you leave here. Come on over for a visit one day or at least give me directions to Humphreys. Are you planning to shoot A4 this year? If so, I will be there.


The time passes quickly. I feel like I just got off the plane. It's been nearly 90 days already.

May the Lt Col, USAF, Ret. lose her retirement check. What she's done is unthinkable. She's put her own bretheren in more danger. How lost is she? :angry:


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No problem. I've got my last PT test (in Korea) in 2 weeks and am training (and doing some dieting) for that. Afterwards though, I'll be taking about a 2 week break wherein, you can guarantee that I'll be at Chili's (for those not in the ROK...yep we FINALLY got one!). First round (hell first 3 rounds) of Southwestern Eggrolls are on me. :D

I'll be in Osan though this Saturday hanging out with a "friend". We should have lunch.


The time flies at times but crawls like molasses flowing uphill in the winter time most times. A good friend is finishing her first rotation in Iraq as a medic attached to a cavalry unit and then from there switches brigades to go back to the 'box' with an infantry unit. First off, how cool is that for her? Unfortunately I get stuck in Korea for a year. It wasn't all bad, but come on....there's a war on and I can do more good in Iraq/Afghanistan than here. Just my opinion though.

Getting back on topic though. I would love it if ANY movie about September 11th was as graphic and horrifying as possible. It should be. It was one of the biggest (if not the biggest) event in this century for our nation. Our personal security was completely destroyed in a matter of a couple of hours by 19 people. Not an invading force or nation(s) like the Cold War or the World Wars taught us, but rather from a small, well organized, highly motivated and well funded group that was completely set on destroying our confidence in ourselves and the fabric of our national security. Terrorism is that powerful because it is that swift. That's what should be transmitted in the film and that (among many other things) is what's missing in our nation.

SPC Richard A. White, Senior Medic

249th MP Detachment (EACF)

Camp Humphreys, ROK

Oh....I should be at Fort Rucker, AL during the month of August (Flight Medic School). Any matches in the area?

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Yes it is disgusting but since the Antique media wont put any footage on to show the horror and most of the good but selfish people in American dont want to think about bad things cause it makes them feel insecure or bad......of course this makes them feel bad. :angry:

They need to show the Twin towers footage once a week on all channels along with any other footage of the earlier world trade center bombing and any other Al Queda terrorist act to remind people who we are dealing with.......

I just spent the last two days with my 2 new cops at the range, one of which just got back from a tour in the "Ghan". It is refreshing and at the same time heartbreaking listening to his stories of reacclimating to civilian life and all the ignorance........

I try to make peace with the fact that I live in the liberal bastion of the midwest, but a lot of these people around here in the populated areas are all screwed up..... :(


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Saw the trailer with my daughter a couple of nights ago at the theater. Then at home I visited the site the eerw links.

It looks to be pretty powerful. The director's interview on the web site says he based much of it on meetings with the familys. Really hope they just show what we believe must have happened on the flight and leave out any reference to politics. But it's coming from Hollywood so...

Another thought I had while watching it was that if it stirs the emotions of that time then it will be really hard on people living here whose families came from the middle east. The blog that vluc linked might be right. Maybe while GW is in office there is no way for us to remember 911 without misplacing the blame...

Either way it's gonna be a tough movie to watch.

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I watched the A&E movie a while back. I have to wonder why we didn't see all this hubbub on the A&E version. Maybe only people that actually think and learn watch that channel and were aware of what was on???

Interesting sidenote.... 9/13/01 was my 30th birthday. My wife and I planned on heading to Orlando to spend a week w/ my dad at Disneyworld. Our flight departed Austin at 0730-ish on 9/11/01.... We were in the air when it all went down... That was the spookiest damn feeling, esp. being entirely unarmed in the midst of all that...

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I just read this headline on yahoo. I can't freaking believe it.

As a country as a whole are we just a bunch of dumb birds that stick our heads in the sand?

Is this the reason most folks want us out of the War? They can't be reminded that we were attacked?

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but is America really this screwed up?

I'll tell you what North I lost a bunch of really good friends that day and I have no desire to be reminded of their loss. I am reminded every time I see one of their wives, children (one of which was born 3 months after those bastards murdered his father), mothers, fathers, brother and sisters. It is personal for me because not only did I lose friends that day I was also one block away when the first plane hit. Ever have the chance to watch a friend die? It isn't much fun.

When you have a bunch of friends murdered right in front of you one day and someone decides to make a profit off their loss less than 5 years later feel free to preach. Until then you will never be able to convince me that this movie project is worth while.

Sorry for the tone but this is a very raw subject for me.

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There are 2 seperate issues at work here....

1) The medias reluctance to show the 9/11 footage, which is criminal.... (we should be reminded every day - and as painful as it is for those who lost freinds and family that day, would we rather have everyone forget, and have their deaths be meaningless?)

2) The Hollywood machine's desire to make $$$ on every subject, regardless of taste.... I agree that movie as entertainment is not the venue to remember 9/11, especially at a profit.....

But we should all remember (which most of do)...... but for those among us that to easily forget, be forcibly reminded regularly that we don't all live in a big warm and fuzzy world.

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I just read this headline on yahoo. I can't freaking believe it.

As a country as a whole are we just a bunch of dumb birds that stick our heads in the sand?

Is this the reason most folks want us out of the War? They can't be reminded that we were attacked?

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but is America really this screwed up?

I'll tell you what North I lost a bunch of really good friends that day and I have no desire to be reminded of their loss. I am reminded every time I see one of their wives, children (one of which was born 3 months after those bastards murdered his father), mothers, fathers, brother and sisters. It is personal for me because not only did I lose friends that day I was also one block away when the first plane hit. Ever have the chance to watch a friend die? It isn't much fun.

When you have a bunch of friends murdered right in front of you one day and someone decides to make a profit off their loss less than 5 years later feel free to preach. Until then you will never be able to convince me that this movie project is worth while.

Sorry for the tone but this is a very raw subject for me.

I lost 19 brothers in Somolia in 1993 (4 of them I went through Basic, Airborne School and R.I.P. with and 2 were in my Ranger School class) and I watch "Black Hawk Down" at least once a month.

It's not about "my" feelings. It's about their sacrifice.

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I've been Active Duty USAF for over 14 years. I don't know anyone except my newest troops that have not deployed to the sandbox at least once. I have two troops there now. I will be deploying my second time this fall.

"We" don't seem to mind talking about our troops deaths and injuries and show the results of IEDs on prime time, but we can't even mention 911 (the reason we are there) anymore.

I getting tired of this sacred cow. It happened, deal with it, and support those of us that are doing something about it!

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Ever have the chance to watch a friend die? It isn't much fun.

No it's not, so I chose to remember, "How they lived" and remain vigilant so as not to allow this to happen again. EVER.

Too bad the bulk of the population including many of our political leadership chooses to remember neither how they lived, nor why they died.

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No flame intended but did you feel the same way when "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" put out Fahrenheit 911?

Secondly the director has 100% support from the victims families from Flight 93. It is something very rarely seen but the production company went to the pains of contacting interviewing and researching in order to put out a product that honored the sacrifice of the victims ala bigbadda's statement.

Personally I was on the ground in New York 2 on 9/13 and spent the following 14 days on the pile. Three of the folks who have had very large influences on my career, died in the Tower collapses. I have many raw and unhealed emotions about the events surrounding 911.

My personal take is that neither time nor an attempt to ignore or guard myself from those events will ever effect the power and connection of those emotions for me. I am reminded of those feelings everytime I teach a structural collapse rescue class, I was reminded when my USAR team deployed to Katrina, I am reminded everyday as I am teaching my recruits this business, however it is not a movie company's, news show, or anyone else's responsibility to protect me from those feelings. It is my responsibility to handle them within the best of my abilities when and whereever they may occur.


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I know I'm preaching to the choir, but is America really this screwed up?

Yes...it is.

SPC Richard A. White, Senior Medic

294th MP Detachment (EACF)

Camp Humphreys, ROK

3 months left in the ROK and then Fort Bragg!!! Back to the Real Army!!!


We have to get together before you leave here. Come on over for a visit one day or at least give me directions to Humphreys. Are you planning to shoot A4 this year? If so, I will be there.


The time passes quickly. I feel like I just got off the plane. It's been nearly 90 days already.

May the Lt Col, USAF, Ret. lose her retirement check. What she's done is unthinkable. She's put her own bretheren in more danger. How lost is she? :angry:


Anger gets in the way of thought. That's how I initially felt about Somolia back in 1993. That's my connection to Osama and his merry little band of what should be very dead people. I trained with guys who died on that one. After a bit I started to ask that very dangerous question, why? Then I started to look at how and why policy decisions are and have been made by the governments or administrations in our country. By backing away from the words the politicians use and look at the actions they take and the lies they make it becomes obvious that neither party gives a rip about the country or the guys on the ground. It's all manipulation of some sort.

If anything she is shedding a bit of light on how intel or information was ginned up for what has turned into an international policy disaster by the current administration and something we will have to live with for years to come. In this case it's the civilian leadership unaffected by the realities of combat that are a disgrace. Invasions and occupations are not to be taken lightly. History is littered with examples of I&O's that went bad.

Terrorism, a tactic not an enemy, is best handeled by surgical SpecOps strikes, not with the blunt trauma of conventional forces. Kill the bad guys not a lot of others, unless you want to create more bad guys.

Don't be angry, it clouds the thinking. Start reading.

The Colonel has been pretty gentile about a lot of things. You should read what General Butler USMC with a CMH gave as his assessment of foreign policy during his day. It has not changed.

Be upset, be mad. But then settle in and start to read. Figure out what is happening. Question everything. Somewhere out there the truth is hiding.

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No flame intended but did you feel the same way when "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" put out Fahrenheit 911?

I don't recollect reading that thread but if it were legal to do so I would have beaten the snot out of "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" a long time ago.

I getting tired of this sacred cow. It happened, deal with it, and support those of us that are doing something about it!

Good for you. I have dealt with it and I don't need some internet blowhard giving me advice about it. So get over yourself.

however it is not a movie company's, news show, or anyone else's responsibility to protect me from those feelings.

Craig I don't believe that I should be protected from anything. I detest the sleazebags in Hollywood using what happened as a vehcile to make money.

"We" don't seem to mind talking about our troops deaths and injuries and show the results of IEDs on prime time, but we can't even mention 911 (the reason we are there) anymore.

I mind so don't include me in your "we". I think it is grotesque and disrespectful. Given the tone of your post I get the feeling that it bothers you, as it should. It's no different.

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