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Downer Movies


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If anyone hasn't seen "A Simple Plan" I can highly recommend it.  The cascade of bad decisions by seemingly decent characters leads to a truly "downer" ending.  Normally I'm, "tough enough to eat the boogers out of a dead man's nose" (Full Metal Jacket), but this one got to me.  Anyone else see this?

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Rented the Jacob's Ladder DVD. Totally different than the first time around. Total obvious what was going on. Almost like I was watching a whole different film. I checked out the special feature with the director and writer and one of them said you can't watch this movie analytically you just have to experience it. That was my problem the first time around.

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Aha, a question I can answer (since it's just my opinion).

Last of the Mohicans - a great movie. Fabulous soundtrack, great story, well acted, but although the end is sad the overall tone of the movie is not a huge downer, and the hero does survive.

Go Tell the Spartans - also a great movie, but the guys in the story are so heroic I didn't find it a huge downer.

The English Patient - this is almost a GREAT movie. Incredible camera work, editing, acting, and story. It is definitely a downer. The story is so incredibly, crushingly sad that I hate to think about it. I DO NOT want to see it again. I couldn't stand it. If I could stand to watch it more than once it would be my top pick.

The best downer movie -

Falling Down - Michael Douglas does an incredible job of acting the ordinary guy who has just been beaten down by life until he can't take it any more. I watch this one when I can (but I sometimes don't watch the end).


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Falling Down was an up movie! I was cheering him on through most of it, LMAO, having a good time. Then it turned and went downhill from the neo-nazi scene to the end.

BigDave, yeah I checked out the deleted scenes and commentary. Glad they dropped the antidote scene. Interesting how they worked out an ending.

Leaving Las Vegas was a great story about unconditional love.

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I found Memento to be an incredibly bleak movie. The message I got is that you can't trust anything. You can't trust your senses, you can't trust anyone, you can't even trust yourself. Everyone lies to Leonard because he's helpless to know he's been lied to. In the end he even lies to himself, and kills an innocent man (well, innocent of what he was being killed for, anyway) because he's too much of a coward to face the truth, even for a minute - which is about all the time he'd have to face it, if you think about it.

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"A Simple Plan" was fascinating in how ordinary people, attempting to reach beyond their ability, found themselves confounded at every turn.  And were embittered by it.

If you want a bleak movie, go find "Miracle Mile" with Anthony Edwards.  Talk about no way out, and nothing works.....

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Sorry, I don't mean to be that way, but I have everyone trumped on this.  In fact I have several, in different catagories!!!  WARNING: DO NOT WATCH ALL OF THESE MOVIES AT ONCE, I CAN NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS.

#1: FINAL APPROACH. For sheer false advertising and time suckage this little beauty takes the cake.  A sort of "Bad Movie appetizer" Final Approach is/ was advertised as some high tech SR-71 retrofit goes down kinda spy thriller.  They add a little to the hook by featuring the most gorgeous woman on the planet (Madeline Smith Osbourne from Urban Cowboy, and Funny Farm).  I'll save you the trouble.....Turns out dude crashed and is waiting to die / ascend to heaven or whatever, hence the title "Final Approach". As my Brother put it "Ha ha, no ending".

Runner up: Back to the Beach.  Waiting (and wading) through two+ hours of Frankie and Annette to get 5 seconds of live SRV seemed a triffle unfair.

#2: For bleak, "jeez that SUX!!!" kind of anger at waste settle down with Mel Gibson and the Aussie runners turned trench fighters in WWI set GALLIPOLI.  Sound like fun? War History buffs already know what happened there.  Got to give them credit, but it still sucked.  If you are ever so happy that it just doesn't seem right, Gallipoli can fix you right up.  About like a torturous Greek tradgedy set in 1918.  

#3: I saved this one for last.  Call me a "downer elitist", but I will not believe any who claim to have seen this and do not agree with me.  Yes, I patiently read the whole thread, and was surprised it never came up.  This is without a doubt THE super King Kamayah Maya Biyatch of downers. And so with out further ado........for sheer no way out frustration there can be only one.....JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN.  "JGHG" is the lighthearted story of a WWI soldier who dives in a shell crater just as another hits.  He is rendered not only Quadrapalegic but also (naturally) blind and deaf.  Yee Haw.  You spend the next two hours watching this poor basket case (yes, that IS where the term came from) learn he is still alive, they are keeping him so, cannot communicate, and cannot die.  

OK, I made part of it up for drama, he was a radio man, knows morse code, taps it out with his head and asks to die, a nurse tries to help him but is stopped.

So as we leave our fallen hero he fades into his lonely, everlasting, hellish silent night.

Yup, this is the little opus clipped in that Metallica video.  Not much of a remedy for this one, stay well clear, for THIS IS THE ALL TIME DOWNER MOVIE.

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For foreign film fans, give the French trilogy Blue, White and Red a whirl.  (Three separate films...the idea is to watch them in order.  Red is in the VCR right now.)

Blue:  Juliette Binoche loses her family in a car accident.  See it just to see her, if nothing else.  


White:  Picture your most nightmarish love/hate relationship with a significant other.  "White" is worse.  

Red:  Morality.  Love.  Betrayal.  The end is more open ended than down.  But it's a downer nonetheless.


(Edited by EricW at 9:45 pm on Oct. 16, 2002)

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Vanilla Sky had me depressed for about a week. The original spanish movie seems to be even worse. My brother saw it and told me that if the Hollywood version depressed me, I should definately stay away from the original.

Strange though, that movie depressed me, but would definately be in my all time top list of movies.

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New addition to the list: House of Sand and Fog, with Jennifer Connelly (from another downer, Requiem for a Dream) and Ben Kinglsey. Fantastically well-acted, superb direction, appropriate music, a very good movie, but not a happy one. Unfortunately, it was apparent there wasn't going to be a good solution to the irreconcilable conflict and I don't like the way the movie handled it.

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Definitely House Of Sand And Fog. I didn’t like the resolution either, but after I thought about it, I realized my dislike for the movies twists and turns was part of it’s power.

Just watched 21 Grams and got a similar heavy duty negative/positive thing from that one too. Try a previous film by the same director (Alejandro González Iñárritu), Amores perros.

Hillary Swank also does a good job of pissing you off and breaking your heart too in Boys Don’t Cry.



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Gummo. House of Sand and Fog is on the list. 21 Grams was the feel good movie of the year, for sure.

BE: Dead Man is one of my all-time favorite movies...but I don't think it's a downer, I actually laugh out loud for alot of it :) Some of the best gunfights on film.

- Gabe

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