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Music that gets you "jacked up!"

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Bill, when I got iTunes (Apple MP3 player) I went on an oldies/one-hit-wonder search for songs I haven't heard in years. Some of them held up well, some didn't, maybe my taste changed.

Madmark, you can't listen to christian bands and Rush. Rush are a bunch of Canadian satan-worshipping atheist heathens. You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice...

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Eric W,

You may be right about Rush. I will be praying for them! At least I chose a tune with no lyrics! You know, except for "Passage to Bankok" they really were kinda wholesome!  And in thier portrayal of Good vs. evil, good always won.  "Art as expression, not as market campaigns, will still capture our imagination" If you"re open minded, and like the heavy stuff, download mp3's of the stuff on my Christian list.

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hehe, pray for them, I like it! Anybody who can quote from Natural Science is OK by me. But Strangiato has lyrics, sort of. Geddy is humming some nonsense and says "hey" or something. (Maybe that's only in the live cut from Exit Stage Left.) On the drug thing, some guy has a web page with a dissertation about them being big-time acid-droppers with references to tripping scattered throughout their work through Grace Under Pressure. Methinks he did a wee too much blotter himself. http://www.egodeath.com/rushacid.htm

Anybody slightly amused by Rush needs to check out the Shockwave animations at http://www.rush.com. Al's Tiki Bar and Geddy interviewed by his dog.

Meanwhile, back to our regular scheduled thread...

The B-52s' Private Idaho is a stereo-cranker, as is Lust for Life by Iggy Pop.

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Ok, had to add this one.  I just picked up Edward the Great by Iron Maiden, which is a sorta greatest hits.  Its actually only the second Maiden album I've ever owned (the other being No Prayer for the Dying).  Anyway, off of Edward the Great:

Run to the Hills

The Number of the Beast

Wasted Years - like this one alot

Good old stuff.  

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Is it considered a thread drift if you refer to a post about  six posts ago ? If you like SRV and Hendrix, you owe it to yourself to go see Robin Trower live, his cd`s dont do him justice. He flat out grooves in small auditoriums!           Travis F.

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Here are a few that open my eyes when I start to drift off.

Warren Zevon-Werewolves in London

Guns and Roses-Paradise City

Great White-Once Bitten Twice Shy

Charlie Daniels Band-Trudy

Meatloaf-Paradise by the Dash Board Lights

Deep Purple-Smoke on the Water

Anything by The Who

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That would be a great trade Steve…I wish you were closer!

Rotovibe, that’s the one! I’m playing it through a Fender Blues Jr. :) I’d hate to admit that I’ve been playing as long as I’ve been shooting ('cause it doesn't show), but I can’t lie. ;)

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Holy crap, we could have a serious guitar forum going here. For me, it's my custom Jaros and my Mesa Tremoverb. The rig kills! My last band (which was mostly together so we could play the stuff I like) did a lot of trower, so i bought a crappy old CE1 chorus pedal. Noisy, but nailed Trower pretty well. We also played a lot of Mule and some Derek Trucks. Trucks is way cool. -deke

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Italian?  Oh yeah.  Good to know there are some other Piasano's in the nieghborhood.  I'd like to hear a distorted mandolin, by the way, maybe to the tune of Crazy Train?  There you go, an accordian, distorted mandolin and an empy Chianti bottle!  LMAO!

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Guitar and shooting have loads in common.

I like shooting better, because your score is your score, and no one can say they don't like it or it wasn't  "_______" enough.

(except Flex, he thinks I can always do better )

Some other comparisons:

You'll never shock yourself on the mic while singing at a match.

It's much harder to drink your pay at a match.

Guns and guitars both need to be tuned, but the good ones stay there better and longer.

I think of my caspian/c-more as a 7 string Ibanez w/ Floyd Rose and midi pickups. Built for speed and noise, hated by purists.

My Berettas are like strats...not brutish, but extremely versatile.

My big Gibson 347 would be a .45 single stack. Classic.

Now...to improve your playing Travis.

Musicians are hampered by 2 limitations:

1. Technical.

You hear it in your head, but your fingers cannot execute the required manipulation of the instrument.

2. Creative

You can execute the notes, but there are no notes in your head that want out.

Solve (or improve) the technical on guitar like this.

Set a metronome on easy, and play frets 1,2,3,4 on every string with the corresponding finger on each string. It would be 1234 on each string. When you get to the high e, move your hand up one fret and go down on each string 5432, 5432 etc on down to the Low E. When you get to 2 on the low e, move up and go 3456 on each string.

Go all the way up to the top, and all the way back down. Then speed up the metronome and do it again.

Play two notes for each metronome click (eighth notes) and use alternating pick strokes. up down up down.

Half hour a day of this, you can play anything you want.


Hum, sing or whistle a solo phrase, then figure it out note for note. Get good at this and your solos will drastically improve.

The cool thing about this is that it circumvents all thought of technique, scales, riffs or anything else and just creates pure music.

Sound Familiar?

Sorry for the length and drift, but for once I have as many answers as questions.


BTW, on a strat...  Run the biggest strings you can stand. My custom set when I played all the time was .12 High E thru .058 low E. Bridge Cable! And the tone.....

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SA- Now we’re talking….thanks for the tips! I’ll start doing number 1. I think I heard B.B. talking about number 2, and I’m really glad you brought it up. I'm jamming along with CD's etc, but when I go to the local blues jam, my soloing is, well, blah. So I spend most of that time comping LOL.

12’s? You’re an animal Steve! I tried them but all my bends were flat lol. It sure sounds awesome.

Do you think there’s a particular axe that is more suitable for small hands? My Les Paul spends most of its time in the case, even though I find the scale a little bit easier for my "short reach", than the strat. I tried an SG, but I had to hold the neck up (is that just me?).

Just pick one and play, right?


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I always found the les paul uncomfortable standing up, that's why most of the cool guys wear 'em low. The sg is similar is feel.

The strat is the best for small hands, but different strats have different necks. The american standards are flat and thin, the stevie ray (my fave) is rounder, and the jeff beck strat is a baseball bat. Also, each guitar will have a slightly different neck feel too. I used to have 11 strats, but once I got the SRV model, I traded most of them for other stuff.

The binding on the les paul neck can increase the reach, just a little, but they are very flat and can have lower action than fenders. I always raise the action on my strats so the strings can vibrate wider. Better tone.

For a quick improvement in soloing, restrict yourself to one octave of the pentatonic scale, just five notes. Work those five notes, playing the notes as they come to you. You will start to hear possibilities (internally) much faster when you restrict the notes like this, and you'll be more creative than if you run familiar riffs all over the neck.

That's the difference between playing with your fingers and playing with your brain.

If you listen to BB, most of his soloing takes place in a very small range of  notes, he just works 'em perfectly. He's also a master (grand master) of mixing major and minor pentatonic scales while soloing.

Have you gotten to the point where you van visualize a minor pentatonic scale all over the neck? That's  a good goal if not.

Oh...if you have acoustic, running that excercise (1234) on the acoustic will yield even faster results and your electric will feel like rubber bands when you go back.

Also, if you want to run bigger strings, tune down a half step. (not for a blues jam, they'll all be tuned standard)

In a small group or alone, it improves tone and makes bends easier.

If I can help anymore, just message me.


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12's?!?!? You are a monster! That was good advice that you gave TT. When I play a lot, I can only bear the torture of 10's. I find it interesting how many shooters are into guns and vice versa. Like you said, they do seem to have a lot in common.


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