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Florida Open 2006 - Match Discussion

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The BE squad in front of a broke down H-model.

SmittyFL, new"ride" new DOH, and holding his breath.

Me-n-TJ, talkin' bout rock shrimp at Dixie Crossroads. :)


Uhh...Todd's was so quick because he didn't have a gun!

The picture's proof...look, mags where his gun should BE!


Great job Eric, Todd, Jeff, Mike, Angus and Cliff.

(Holy crap guys, 10% win in Open and limited. Talk about domination...)

Edited by TDean
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You had to ask didn't you Daniel; :(

My gun developed a nasty case of hammer follow on the 1st stage I shot, I believe it was 9, was able to get it running again and finished with a 67% on the stage.

My next stage, 10 it choked completly to the point of almost getting me a DQ as it went bang into a target one of the times I cycled it, but it was a mechanical malfunction. Lost a chunk of my thumb from the slide biting it. Note to everyone, never ever ever thumb cock a gun that is following, even if it catches it won't hold.

Thought I had it working on stage 1 after me working on it as well as 2 gunsmiths. Nope; I shot it in like 60 seconds at about 18% using it like a high cap pump open gun going through 4 mags in the process of trying to cycle rounds through the gun as it was following like mad:wacko: Shoot one cycle 3 shoot one cycle 2 good hits till I ran out of ammo though?

Tried replacing the sear then the disconnector at the match to no avail. Got home and replaced all the fire control parts using all my limited guns guts and "I think" its fixed. No way I could have shot the whole match on Sunday, not to mention my mental game was lost. Did good at the Glock match on Saturday though.

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Matt, Time for a back-up gun?

Eric, Better they made you run with your hands over your head than jump straight up, ehh.

The old "holster test" was performed with an EMPTY gun. I would never design a stage where the holster retention was tested with a loaded gun. Did you have to run to a mag and load the gun or what?

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Nope, it was LAMR, grab handles and run them about 15 feet until you cross a line, then you can draw, step up on the plank and shoot.

So loaded, con 1 you run hands over hear for maybe 15 feet. Check it out this coming weekend. Kydex rules. B) (except for jumping straight up and down, yes, that's correct). <_<

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Great match, great squad to shoot with. The match was well organized and ran smoothly and had a lot of challenging stages. You know the stages are good when the 11 people on your squad shoot them 6 to 11 different ways. Boo took 2d C in Limited and walked away with a plaque and some prize money. (Boo, make sure you get both from Harry.)

I heard the final DQ count on the Skydiver stage was 10 including one shooter who dropped his gun and then punted it about 10-15'!

Some international shooter stole my Harley at the drawing and the prize tables were basically a random draw by Division rather than in order of finish. I'm not sure that it is fair that a middle of the pack guy like me walks off with a $250 watch and someone at the top takes home some toothbrushes and bullet samples (just a joke, I don't know what the lower value prizes were.)

Overall it was well worth the trip halfway around the world and I'll definately try to be back next year. Thanks to the rest of the 3-E, er umm, I mean, B-E squad!

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Great match, great squad to shoot with. The match was well organized and ran smoothly and had a lot of challenging stages. You know the stages are good when the 11 people on your squad shoot them 6 to 11 different ways. Boo took 2d C in Limited and walked away with a plaque and some prize money. (Boo, make sure you get both from Harry.)

I heard the final DQ count on the Skydiver stage was 10 including one shooter who dropped his gun and then punted it about 10-15'!

Some international shooter stole my Harley at the drawing and the prize tables were basically a random draw by Division rather than in order of finish. I'm not sure that it is fair that a middle of the pack guy like me walks off with a $250 watch and someone at the top takes home some toothbrushes and bullet samples (just a joke, I don't know what the lower value prizes were.)

Overall it was well worth the trip halfway around the world and I'll definately try to be back next year. Thanks to the rest of the 3-E, er umm, I mean, B-E squad!

Hiya EricB -- you definately deserve whatever you took off the prize table. Very solid shooting, throughout the match. Thx for the update yesterday am, too -- airport security wasn't bad, but traffic ended up being heavy enough I couldn't have waited.... <sigh>

BTW, if anyone knows Harry Tindell's email address or ph, I'd appreciate a PM -- I'd like to thank him for picking up the plaque and check, for me....It looks like he hung in there, too, with some tough competition to take 3rd B in L-10? And also Bryan Reid from our squad -- looks like 2nd A in Limited? That's terrific. I know Randall probably still doesn't want to hear the word "baseball" anytime soon...he had a terrific match going until that stage.

Jon Merricks -- for being sick, you sure shot nicely! High A in Open??? Man. I see a couple other names I recognize from North Carolina -- Dan Bone, Chris Tilley, Kert Gaskill -- that did well, and I'm sure there were others....

Heh, I'd forgotten about the 3 bullets and toothbrush. (The goodies one received with the registration packet). I left mine for the motel maid, in case she wants a head-start on reloading. Also put a $5 bill and some change with it, 'cause no doubt she'll need primers, powder and a press. :)

Anyway, good again meeting everyone, and wish I could have met more BE'ers, there. One thing I thought about -- I was really impressed with how upbeat and positive everyone in our squad was, even when hitting some rough stretches, or having gun problems, that were obviously discouraging. I noticed some other squads where folks were carrying on, ranting or storming about. Not cool, IMO.

Dirtypool -- get some mags of the right capacity that work. Man, how could you hit this big a match w/out your equipment working?? :(

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Dirtypool -- get some mags of the right capacity that work. Man, how could you hit this big a match w/out your equipment working?? :(


not a normal DOH!! like when Homer slaps his head, but the slow, tired, woke up sunburned and sick on my birthday after shooting like crap and fighting mags all weekend "doh".

Message received.

Derek has the offending mags and the new DP40 gun and is tuning everything. more to come. In fact we spoke as I drove to the drug store a few minutes ago. "I don't care if that gun EVER locks open, drill the dimple all the way through or saw the tab off, I dont' care!!!" were my exact words. Followed by something like "Those mags all hold 20 reloadable, I need to be able to hose 21 rounds out of that gun every time." Make it so.

live and learn. I seem to make the same mistakes, let's hope it;s less and less and less....

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Dirtypool -- get some mags of the right capacity that work. Man, how could you hit this big a match w/out your equipment working?? :(


not a normal DOH!! like when Homer slaps his head, but the slow, tired, woke up sunburned and sick on my birthday after shooting like crap and fighting mags all weekend "doh".

Message received.

Derek has the offending mags and the new DP40 gun and is tuning everything. more to come. In fact we spoke as I drove to the drug store a few minutes ago. "I don't care if that gun EVER locks open, drill the dimple all the way through or saw the tab off, I dont' care!!!" were my exact words. Followed by something like "Those mags all hold 20 reloadable, I need to be able to hose 21 rounds out of that gun every time." Make it so.

live and learn. I seem to make the same mistakes, let's hope it;s less and less and less....

Eric S. (one out of three E's in the BE "Nut Squad")

Does that mean you will, or will not have your new blaster ready for this week-end "encore" Revenge/Redemption Match at Frostproof?

It was indeed a very strenous/stressfull match. I personally had very little sleep during the days prior to this match and my "mental" part was not that alert. Which explains why my misses were mostly from targets I didn't shoot to at all, because I blanked them out completely during the shooting. Add to that the deceiving perceived distances we were shooting at some of those targets. While we thought we were aiming at ten/fifteen yards we were actually shoting at over twenty five yards. It really can screw up your calculations and windage corrections in an offset mounted C-More sight. I made some shooters aware, who asked me about their inacuracies or inabilities to calculate/correct for it. I even had Chris Patty explain it to another shooter who quite couldn't understand how to correct after being used to shooting a Serendipity C More and a slide mounted Docter (which do not have a left side offset). I was a victim of that one myself after compunding it by smacking my sight during lunch, just before the infamous "Baseball". But no excuses, I shot terrible. Period. And, funny thing ... I blame the whole thing on my gunsmith. :lol:

By the way, Eric: as long as my gun seems to look, it is still considered a "Shorty" as it is only slightly over nine inches total lenght muzzle to hammer !!! :P And, yes it has a six inches barrel ... which chrono'ed at 1380fps with the 124 gr. bullets. Not bad for a 9mm Major, eh?

But I am already planning for redemption/revenge this coming week-end. Although belated, it will be good for my ego and self esteem. I will make sure I have plenty of sleep the day before.

I want to thank all the BE Squad members for a great time. A truer group of gentlemen (and gentle lady!) would be impossible to find anywhere. Kudos, y'all. :D:D:DB)B)

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Hey guys sounds like everyone had Fun.Wish I could Have made it. Matt Burkett has a Pod cast of the Match up on his web sight that shows him shooting most every stage. Real cool, but you need I TUNES on your computer.

One Question? WHat did the Bowling Ball do? i saw it roll down the ramp and hit a pin did it activate something?

Edited by scorch
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Hey guys sounds like everyone had Fun.Wish I could Have made it. Matt Burkett has a Pod cast of the Match up on his web sight that shows him shooting most every stage. Real cool, but you need I TUNES on your computer.

One Question? WHat did the Bowling Ball do? i saw it roll down the ramp and hit a pin did it activate something?

It activated an "appearing" target directly in line about ten yards from the bowling ball stop. This target would only slide out/activate and be visible after the ball ended its run. It took the ball around four seconds for the run during which you couldn't run past the entrance where that target was placed. Really neat.

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So it activated the Drop[ out targets at the end of the Ramp is that Right?

The two drop-out targets were at the end of the ramp, but the ball activated them about halfway down the ramp. The super squad took one extra stationary target from the starting position to keep from having to wait for the appearing targets. Had little impact on "Normal" shooters.

I see the SS division was a huge success. 3 more shooters than Revolver.

I don't think that the word got out soon enough that he was going to "recognize" the SS division. I think that many thought that they would not get anything if they won. Jeff Gambrel shot a great match and would have been pretty hard to beat anyway.

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Matt Burkett has a Pod cast of the Match up on his web sight that shows him shooting most every stage. Real cool, but you need I TUNES on your computer.

I couldn't find it. URL please, thanks

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Eric S. (one out of three E's in the BE "Nut Squad")

Does that mean you will, or will not have your new blaster ready for this week-end "encore" Revenge/Redemption Match at Frostproof?

No that means Derek had the new DIRTYPOOL40 gun in the white ready to go off to the platers and I shot the older L2443 Standard gun and mixed mags. It's my fault. (there was a thread about taking responsibility, so there, happy??).

So this weekend is with the same gun, and mags. <_< Other stuff is off at the platers.

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Scuttlebutt has it that in the Revolver division.........

Richardo is having gun problems, Fail to fire, ect.

Master Walsh had a bad day with several Mikes......Good thing Frank doesn't like No shoots as he'd likely be in them too.

Keith is lurking in the shadows, not much news good or bad with him so he'd be one to watch.....Even Master Walsh said so.......so I hear. ;)

We'll see how it all ends up when the smoke is clear.


Well, I had an OK day on Saturday with a couple of misses. One of which was on a swinging turtle target, but those are gimme's, right? :D Comparing notes with Cliff we had a couple of very similar times and penalties for the day. The rest of the stages he and Ricardo had me by 5 seconds or more. In the end Cliff won 6 stages and Ricardo won the other 4 stages. I'm just happy I seem to be getting more consistent in these bigger matches.

Sunday kind of went downhill when the sun came up and the timer went off. :rolleyes:

All in all it was a great match to start the year out.

Edited by Keith
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Hi guys, sorry it's took so long for me to post, but work comes first. I had a great time shooting with the 3E/BE squad. You know the deal, Great match, Great Staff, Great Squad etc, etc, etc. Looking back I can't help for feeling like I missed out on the best part of the match. Making new friends with the shooters on my squad and seeing old friends while I was there. I just didn't feel right all day Saturday and my match performance showed it too. I think I even snapped at Venry after he asked me why I use Power Pistol for the 9th time. :wacko: Sorry Venry, that's not me. I think I may have had something in my eye or something (ANDREA). :wub: Now that was dirty pool. Eric your strategy works great. ;) The two of you make a great looking couple. I did shoot better Sunday, not great, just better.

I'm still not sure about the holster test stage. I don't know what they were thinking when they designed that one. Those shooters payed a lot of money to shoot the match, not to get DQed. I'm not trying to start something here, I'm just thinking out loud. I done my walk through at full speed one time to make sure it wouldn't come out. Eric L did and his did come out. Clear the range, no harm done. I wish those other shooters had done the same. Live and learn. Thats what this forum is about.

It's always great to visit the venders tables at the major matches. I LOVE THAT NEW SVI SHIRT. I liked it so much I washed it in the sink at the hotel so I could wear it again Sunday. :wub: They didn't have another XL. <_< I've got to order one more from SV.

See ya Ronnie

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Those shooters payed a lot of money to shoot the match, not to get DQed.

I don't ever want to have to give a shooter their DQ. And, I don't want to see guns tumbling down the range. But, keeping the boom-stick in the holder is all on the shooter.

(also, just thinking out loud)

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I had a great time meeting old and new friends and loved the match.

Parachute stage had me worried. I use a Limcat holster and was worried about retention. Kept that puppy locked and I made three full speed (relative term) runs during walk thru to test retention.

Had dinner with Jon Merricks and didn't know it was him until I got back here on the board. Jon shot great considering the condition he was in. Great job Jon.

It was a pleasure watching all the good shooters and picking up tips.

I learned that I have to loose weight. It takes my jiggly mass a good second or two to come to rest after my feet are planted plus it adds an oscillation while I try to shoot on the move.

A lot of the foreign shooters are under classified.

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Still Praying-

You are an ok kind of guy/shooter. My hat's off to you. I was indeed puzzled about your use of Power Pistol powder, and even accused you of maybe holding "stock" in the mfg. company. :lol: But after you graciously let me shoot your blaster at the practice range, I must confess to being intrigued by its performance. I told some people I intended to do some tests with it (Power Pistol) and they too kept on asking me why. But the proof is in the doing, and you certainly have got your act together with your loads! I noticed also you came prepared with your zero in your offset C-More as when I shot your gun at the practice plates they all consistently fell with a slight aim to the lower right, just like clockwork. Kudos. On the other hand you had to correct a lot more while shooting mine as you initially were shooting high and left with a similar offset C-More set-up (in mine). That should had given me a hint to correct even further for those distances. (Hindsight on Monday morning quarterbacking, I guess!) Now, again, about powders ... I received/won a two pound bottle of VV n140 in my "mystery black bag". I wonder how many grains of it I would have to "compress" to make major in my 9mm Major? ( Just kidding!!!! :o:wacko: )

About "them fur'ners": I have been introduced to some who had told me their classification was other than used. I know of one, who had priorly introduced himself to me as a M class but I see where he is listed as a B class. Hmmm! When pressed further I was informed that they followed IPSC classification standards and not USPSA standards. Maybe I am wrong but I don't see how that translates to plain "american" english ... :blink: Anyway, I am glad to have them here spending their money ... :unsure:

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Here is the Instruction from Matts Web Sight and the Address to paste.

Launch Itunes. Look at the top menu bar and click the "Advanced" tab then click Subscribe to PodCast.

Insert http://mattburkett.com/podcast/podcast.xml and then hit save. Click the podcasts button on the left side and you will see it load up Practical Shooting TV.

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Hey just added another vodcast about the open. Added commentary over the stages. If you are on a mac, either use ITUNES or SAFARI on a PC the easiest way is to use Itunes which is a free download from apple. If anyone else has some software suggestions on the PC end, please drop me a note.

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