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Florida State '06

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This is more than likely too late. Check the weather before you leave it sounds like it is going to be COLD.

Last weekend at the 12 Hours of Sebring (car race) it was way too hot now this weekend cold, go figure.


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Fri 24-March-06

3:00 pm EST

Leaving the house in the next 30 minutes. Won't get to check the stages the day before. I have that horrible feeling that I'm missing something...

See you at the range or tomorrow night at Don Jose's.

Good shooting to all!

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I had a blast! Being my first major match, I had no basis for comparison so I didn't think anything of the tight shots and multiple no shoots on the stages. I'm definately hooked! It was nice meeting a few people from the Forum (Jack Suber and Sharyn).

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Whatta Match!!! I've been shooting this game since 1997 and never been to nationals or a WS. The 2006 Florida State has been the toughest match I've ever shot, and I did it with a WHEELGUN!!!

Big time humble pie! My hat's off to Cliff and Luke and all full time revo shooters. Let me also tell you that I'M HOOKED!! I want at Ti cylinder and a Randy trigger job with his hammer and another 625 and stainless moonclips and... :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Shot it in Squad 20 with friends that came from Puerto Rico thus I couldn't be with the revo squad and couldn't make it to Don José, although looked for the place and didn't find it. Venry, raincheck for next year, please.

Had the chance to very briefly meet Sharyn, DP40 and his lovely wife Andrea, Radical Venry, Blackbird, Eric Nielsen and to see other forum members that I already knew like PaulW, BigBaddaB, Smitty "The FL Champ" among others. My pleasure, ladies and gents.

Derek and Wadette and the RO's and the match staff, my biggest "THANK YOU" for a great match!

Looking forward to 2007!


Nemo = No one

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It was an interesting match for sure. The weather was great, but deceptive. I forgot to apply my #95 SPF sun block on Saturday and now my face looks like a boiled lobster and feels like a deep fried shrimp. Ah, the joys of the Sunshine State. :D

Like Bigbadaboom said, it was a love/hate match. I asked the match director what did he have against drawing from the holster that there were so many "pick up from the table" starts. He (Derek, my good buddy, my pal :D;)B) ) just smiled and blamed it on his "help" Mike Callaway. When I asked Mike, he looked away and then back, sly-smiled and said his life had already been threatened, and then further passed the hot potato by saying he only designed a couple of stages, and it was quite a coincidence that the designers had made it that way, BUT that from now on he will walk to our local matches rather than drive, fearing to get flat tires...

One of our forum members did complain to me that "he felt ignored a couple of times" when introduced to some of our forum members in attendance ... I reasured him, saying it was the pressure of the stages or the unfamiliarity with "real" names, and not an "unfriendly" reaction. I hope I was right?? :(<_<

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I made it back! Arrived at 2:00am this morning - ouch!

I have to say that this was one of the best matches I have ever shot in the State's. Challenging and fun. Cliff and I were comparing the stages to those of the World Shoot. Wow! This was a shooting match. Very humbling. This match made me realize that I need to learn how to count!

A big thanks to Derek and all of the staff. You guys did an outstanding job! I also appreciate everything the staff, Derek, and the ROs did to help my son through his first major match. ALL of the ROs were great. Very encouraging and helpful. I can't thank y'all enough. My face hurts from smiling so much. John was asking if we were coming back next year before we had even left the parking lot.

My squad (16) was great. Everyone was very patient and helpful with the new guy and I really appreciate it. (John asked me if we were on the same squad with y'all at the South Carolina State or A6). Thanks, guys. I look forward to seeing some of y'all here in S.C. in two weeks.

NEMO - As always, it was great to see you and Jose. We'll have the house ready for you and the boys next weekend. Take care, Hermano.


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As is becoming my habit, I rushed in last minute, picked up gun and ammo at the match. I hope it’s NOT becoming a habit that I shot like crap. That being said I did get a whirlwind tour of some tough stages, and got to see a lot of friends, and finally meet some new BE faces.

Great to finally meet Nemo, what a nice guy. (OK, so he did GIVE me a heinie slant pro, but I would’ve said he was a good guy anyway.)

Congrats to SmittyFL on the three-peat.

Edited by dirtypool40
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Now that I'm rested I'ld like to thank "The Shooters!!" This is the first Match I've R.O.ed (Stage 9 "Every Which Way") with only 2 R.O.'s per stage (Robin, my wife, was a great help on Sat.) and if it weren't for the tremendous help of the shooters in getting their stuff together and assisting in resetting/pasting the stages the match could have turned out a lot worse. We even had shooters who were not shooting on the present squad helping out. It was great.

Great "Hat Trick" to SmittyFL for Florida State Champion. Congrats to all others.

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Great to finally, meet Nemo, what a nice guy. (OK, so he did GIVE me a heinie slant pro, but I would’ve said he was a good guy anyway.)

Alright, you said it... Now I want my sight back! ;)

It was great DP! My best to Andrea.

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Great match. Derek, Mike, the staff, and RO's did an outstanding job. The stages were very good in my opinion, difficult no doubt, but good.

Got to meet a couple new BE faces and see some old ones again, all around fun weekend.

Thanks for your kind words. I sure didn't shoot one of my better matches, but I guess it was tough for everybody. Except Todd. I don't like winning anything by default, but that's how it goes I guess.

It's a heck of a lot of work putting on a match like this. I think we'll be able to talk Derek into another year or two. It will help if those of you that shot it would drop him an email to say thanks.

See ya'll at the next one.

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Anecdotes and Quotes from the match...

Terry: "I had FIVE mikes on TWO targets!"

Keith: Got Ammo?

Sandro: "I just think things should work properly"

Cliff: "I hit a no-shoot with that lime."

Kevin: In IPSC, real world tactics will get you killed.

Sharyn: "WHO did WHAT to my target?!?!"

Shannon: "oops"

What a GREAT match!!! Derek and staff did an OUTSTANDING job! Now THAT was some shooting! A GREAT BIG HUGE THANK YOU!!!

Great to meet more forum members and see some familiar ones. :D

I shot like ass... and Sandro, you shot VERY well! Congratulations! 2 out of 3, right? ;)

I'll get working on some video footage tomorrow (hopefully) and try to get it posted.

Since I had nothing to lose... I got a bit froggy (for me) on our second to last stage:


Shannon gettin' froggy too...


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Great match. Derek, Mike, the staff, and RO's did an outstanding job. The stages were very good in my opinion, difficult no doubt, but good.

Got to meet a couple new BE faces and see some old ones again, all around fun weekend.

Thanks for your kind words. I sure didn't shoot one of my better matches, but I guess it was tough for everybody. Except Todd. I don't like winning anything by default, but that's how it goes I guess.

It's a heck of a lot of work putting on a match like this. I think we'll be able to talk Derek into another year or two. It will help if those of you that shot it would drop him an email to say thanks.

See ya'll at the next one.

First of all thanks to all the Staff (Wadette, Roger Sigman and the RO's) for a doing a outstanding job to support the shooters in what I a hope was a fun time for everyone. The South Florida guys did a great job helping us with the stages, thanks Mike, Mark, Steve, Joel and of course Shannon and Andy. I'm sorry for not thanking them sooner but I am still recovering from 200 trips down the Cooper Tunnel.

I would like to ask everyone that sees Wadette to give her a big hug or thanks for all the time she puts in for the shooters. The amount of work that she does is unbelievable and to think she pulled this off just weeks after doing the Florida Open, that is beyond dedication.

Sorry about not posting the stages, I didn't have time to read the forums prior to the match and we had to do alot of redesigns at the last minute since we ran so close to the Open.

As far as fearing to drive to the local matches for putting so many guns on the tables, I'm not worried since I usually ride with Derek :)

Congratulations to Todd, Shannon, Lesgar, Bill, Clifford and Alan

By the way if you want a second shot at the stages Wadette and Andy will be running their local club through them again at the next match.

Derek and I would like to thank anyone else we forgot.


Edited by browndog
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I had a blast! Being my first major match, I had no basis for comparison so I didn't think anything of the tight shots and multiple no shoots on the stages. I'm definately hooked! It was nice meeting a few people from the Forum (Jack Suber and Sharyn).

Looking at the results, looks like you shot pretty d*mn well for your first major match! Good job, and you should be congratulated.

Heh -- looking at Open, every other adult gunowner in Florida must be a USPSA 'Master.' :)

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Kudos to the Florida State Championship Match Staff, You guys and gals did a hell of a job.

It was a great match. But I really needed to rethink my sanity of shooting Single Stack at this match. Nah just kidding.

I did not find any place where the stages were that difficult for a single stacker. Just had to perform "magazine management" on a lot of stages.


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Congratulations to all of the winners for the match! Thank you to all of the RO's, match director, support staff and everyone else that made this match possible. You all did a great job and should be proud of all your hard work in supporting our sport. I had a great time in spite of my poor results...most of the good time is attributed to my squad, you are all great folks and comedians! Look forward to shooting with all of you again soon. Squad #16!!!

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I enjoyed the match a whole bunch. It was organized and on time, squads of 10 shooters works extremely well. And the stages made you shoot well - or else.

Any match like this one that comes along, I want to be there. Thank you Derek and Wadette and Mike and all the RO's. This was not a hoser match or a gadget match or a luck match, it was definitely a shooting match.

That should've put me in great position on most of the stages, but like a lot of folks I just didn't get it done. The 4 or 5 stages where it all came together good, I learned something on those & I'm hungry to perform like that again.

Y'all watch out for John Suber. Once he hits another growth spurt & his hands start to wrap all the way around the gun, the kid is going to be great.

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For my first major match that was a blast. I do have one recommendation----can we Please get more stages like "Jack in the box"--stage 11 and 12 also??? That was just a kick in the pants!!!! I actually got all my hits on all the targets in a decent time for a "Unclassified" guy. Yes, Im looking at my best stage which is the positive stage. After "3" runs down the Cooper tunnel for lucky reshoots due to holes not pasted and then pasted shots before being scored I think I got it right. All RO's were great. Thanks guys and gals. Guess I'll head up Mississippi for that match too. Hopefully they got some ideas from this one. Thanks for a great match Derek and all the helpers.

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I had a great time shooting this match. I appreciated the work that Derek and others did. I could see that they worked really hard in building the stages and worked all weekend long to let others like me have fun.

I shot the match too conservative, I thought not dropping points was the best strategy, but I didn’t realize until the next day when I saw the scores that a lot of other shooters were shooting fast AND not dropping points. I had a 30 point penalty in one stage because I forgot one stupid target, I finished 4th in my class 30 points behind the 3rd place. But so much for “WHAT IF”… I guess the last three stages for me “1, 2 and 3” I shot how I wanted to shoot.

I can’t tell you guys how much I owe Leo. Leo, I appreciate very much all the support you constantly give me. Giving me the best gun out his safe, loading my ammo and even fixed the gun after I broke his best gun in one day so I could have a good match. That’s not shooters just helping out other shooters. That is friendship; I greatly appreciate everything you did for me Leo. Thanks man.

It seems like everyone was having fun. Shooting on the squad 14th was a blast. I have a picture on my cell phone. I will use it just in case someone stops me for speeding. :ph34r:

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Shooting on the squad 14th was a blast. I have a picture on my cell phone. I will use it just in case someone stops me for speeding. :ph34r:

Maybe a Clearwater Cop wearing lipstick?

After Brokeback Mountain, maybe he was coming out of the closet? :P


Glad it all worked out and you had a good match.

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Shooting on the squad 14th was a blast. I have a picture on my cell phone. I will use it just in case someone stops me for speeding. :ph34r:

Maybe a Clearwater Cop wearing lipstick?

No, more like someone taking advantage of someone taking a nap, who just happened to be a LEO. BIG MISTAKE Sandro. Sorry to be you bro!

Sandro, can you say I.C.E.??? Your new word for the day is "deportation" and that picture won't save you. Nice knowing you bro. ;) Evil wink.

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