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Rocky Mountain 3 Gun

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The RM3G is referenced like it is suppose to follow some standard set by the 3 gun nationals. If other ranges were like the Whittington Center, perhaps other MD’s ideals would mirror the RM3G’s. Then who would be the outlaws hu?

As for the conduct and judgment of the OR’s, my hat is off to their candor. I would like to add that my time spent at the RM3G matches was to short, they are some of the best times in memory. Now that should be worth at least 50 match points.

Best friends


Oh give me home

Where the hot holstered roam

And the skies are not cloudy all day

Yeee Haaa

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I thought the RM3G RO's were just fine ... just different.

I don't know what your frame of reference is. But if you call somebody a "hard-ass" or any kind of "ass" in my parlance that would be a negative. For me a synonym for "hard-ass" is "d*ck" (and no... that's not "duck"). I WASN'T calling the RM3G RO's any of these. If you take a look again I wrote they "aren't hard-asses or even soft-asses." And if you use my synonym the "RM3G RO's just arent d*cks." And again that's not "ducks."

I'm ok with that :) Thanks RS!

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Mell.....I Love you He-man! (but don't get any ideas...LOL)

As a RO at the RM3G, since it was created-like PacMan, I would have to boil all this conversation down to letting Blane make the decision and we all live with it. Blane is a national shooter himself for many years in 3-gun and not just some fly by night guy that started a match. I trust his decision and I will still have a great time at the best match of the season.

As for the DQ thing.....yes i will confirm that the first match had the only DQ and it was a RO. But as a RO, I look at GROSS safety violations to warrant a DQ. And all the shooters over the past 3 years have been very kind and safe while shooting the stages. We have had a great bunch of people there shooting the matche.....my hats off to them.

As for the Hard-Ass, Soft-Ass, or any kind of Ass........I would prefer range-nazi, as my brother and I was called in the 2003 match......HAHAHAHAHA!

With all the kidding aside.....I hope all the shooters this year have fun, gasp for air (in high altitude).......and get the satisfaction of how well you place with the competition that is there at the match. (and prizes are nice also).

Edited by Helmut
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I thought the RM3G ROs were so mean that they'd run over your rifle with a truck if you looked at 'em crossways.

I, for one, see no purpose other than getting a warm GI Joe feeling for requiring hot pistols on every stage. And I carry hot pistols all the time. But I'm not going prone with a .38 Super open gun w/ a 1 lb trigger in a Safailand 012 all the time either.

As a competitor, I'm concerned with my own and others safety. I don't care to look down the muzzle of a hot pistol from an unknown gunsmith with an unknown safety record while another competitor is prone. Why is it in every match that I've seen where there are hot pistols on shooters going prone, you can see a wave of all the spectators (at least those who paying attention) move out of the way so the muzzle is not pointed at them? Why? Because people don't like guns pointed at them. It's a basic instinct that I happen to agree with.

Ian makes a good point about the average skill of the 3 Gun crowd. It is very high. But there are no qualifications to get into any 3 gun match beyond paying your entry fee. Combine that with the licensing requirements of gunsmiths (as in none) and you have a recipe for an accident. Is 3 gun perfectly safe? Of course not. But I just don't see the benefit for this particular requirement. What are we testing that can't be tested just as well by carrying the pistol in Condition 2 or 3?

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Religious shooter, please supply us your real name so we can make sure to R.O. you in the way you seem to want! I will happily supply the type of R.O.ing I have seen at the 3-gun nationals, as long as I know who you are. I will use Mr. "KellyN has had to edit this as I know he would" as my roll (I meant role but I can't spell) model. :blink: Kurt Miller

P.S. Helmut: Eric, Blain, Jimmie, and Kurt started RM3G not just Blain.

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I, for one, see no purpose other than getting a warm GI Joe feeling for requiring hot pistols on every stage. And I carry hot pistols all the time. But I'm not going prone with a .38 Super open gun w/ a 1 lb trigger in a Safailand 012 all the time either.

Hot handguns and transitions are not compatible with race gun holsters and guns with less and a 3# trigger pull....I think we could all agree with that statement?

So the question is which is more imporant to the match?

I think it is very easy for us all to co-exist with each other. Open gunners can't carry hot handguns. Hot handguns are only allowed in tactical class and he-man, with appropriate holsters. Everyone shooting the courses with hot handguns will be squadded together....those who do not feel comfortable being around loaded holstered firearms can be squadded with each other.

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+1, +2. +3 ??

OK it's been solved, Whats hot is hot and whats not is not. Show me the application, All this talk, Let's just shoot.

RM3G 2003, 04, 05 = The greatest three gun events , from the RO's all the way up to the prize table.

Good Luck !

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Before anyone thinks I have anything but the highest regard for RM3G's safety practices, I have to say I have never felt as though my safety was ever compromised at the ones I have attended except for one instance in 04. It was up on Iron Harry with 4x slugs on a big steel plate way up above you on a hill. Really "big" chunks of slug were visibly raining on us with enough oomph to really hurt if you got hit. While the shooter was engaging the steel, all I was interested in was looking for the chunk trajectory and doing whatever it took to make sure it wasn't going to intersect with my trajectory. No one was hit at that match but I have actually been hit by slug spatter at a recent USPSA event. No match is intrinsically safer, they are all just different and the good ones all try to avoid accidents with every step they take, or there wouldn't be large numbers of repeat customers.

I guess the reality here is that I do notice a slightly lower "fear of DQ" factor at some types of matches and at some others I notice that we all watch that 180 with a little more attention to the fine points about the difference between 179 and 180 ;-)

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Once again, I would like to point out, that 'we" may have got this thing "solved" but I haven't heared a single word/read a single cypher from the match director or anyone involved in putting this match on this year. Where is the new web site and where are the new rules? without that stuff "we" really don't have much to type about...yet.

BTW while watching hot holstered prone stages I like to watch while standing behind Kelly :P I have NEVER seen or heared about a hot holstered gun discharging when one goes prone, but I was struck by lightening ( well the roof right over us ) once along with my brother and Ed Rhodes at the Whittington Center so I guess anything is possible :wacko: KURTM

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I really dont understand all the hype.

Carry your pistol empty. Practice reloads and it should only cost you 2 seconds. That shouldn't make a significant difference if you have had to jack with a broken gun. You have the option to go to it if you choose.

Saves time. No loading and unloading in a stage it is not used.

Preserves Witt;s cold range.

If this doesn't reach a happy medium, then let me have it. Tell me where I am wrong.


Edited by baronee
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Once again, I would like to point out, that 'we" may have got this thing "solved" but I haven't heared a single word/read a single cypher from the match director or anyone involved in putting this match on this year. Where is the new web site and where are the new rules? without that stuff "we" really don't have much to type about...yet.

BTW while watching hot holstered prone stages I like to watch while standing behind Kelly :P I have NEVER seen or heared about a hot holstered gun discharging when one goes prone, but I was struck by lightening ( well the roof right over us ) once along with my brother and Ed Rhodes at the Whittington Center so I guess anything is possible :wacko: KURTM

I have been told that I am the designated interface with the match and this forum. The rule change stands with the handgun being chamber empty and either loaded or a loaded mag carried on the body. The Application should be out by the end of the month.

On another note, I agree with NM3gunner ............let's shoot! Let's not tarnish the match by overly spirted debate on this forum, even though as a lawyer it has a certain appeal...no pun intended.

Kurt are you going to help RO this year? I look forward to seeing you on a stage or running you either way!

Guy Hawkins

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P.S. Helmut: Eric, Blain, Jimmie, and Kurt started RM3G not just Blain.

Kurt.....easy big guy.....you better reread my post......it did not say that blain was the only one that started "RM3G".....just referencing some bonehead starting up a match somewhere, not knowing what he is doing........here is the qoute from my post.....

"I would have to boil all this conversation down to letting Blane make the decision and we all live with it. Blane is a national shooter himself for many years in 3-gun and not just some fly by night guy that started a match. I trust his decision and I will still have a great time at the best match of the season. "

Also, let us not forget all the others like JJ/Hung Dang/Denise and all the others that have stuck with the match since its birth.

By the way.....the okc match this weekend was great....it was nice to see Keith and the Mellinator!

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In an earlier post I was not making accusations as to anyone or any match being safe or not safe. I was just speaking in general. However, I really do want a stage with a slingshot and a pocket full of ball bearings. :D

pocket full of ball bearings is low-speed dude....you need the sling shot with the internal magazine for ball bearings that drops them into your hand. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

How about a stage where you are about to be beheaded?????


Guy Hawkins

P.S. I have a real sword. We can substitute it if we need it for any shooter who commits an offense that is DQable...........

'DQable'.........yet another word created on this forum.

By the way applications will be out shortly....thanks!

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I will have to check with Blaine. I am all for that. I love cutting, beating, shooting and hurting evil people Religious Man!

It is all about love. That is what Jesus said. Didn't He? The SEALS not withstanding.

Guy Hawkins

Disclaimer: All comments within this email are not the opinion of the RM3G and are solely the opinion of Guy Hawkins. And he is very proud of them..........

Religious Shooter,

Kurt and I have a bet on who you are. I bet Richard Simmons and he bet Jaba the Hut. Let us know, I need the money or need to file for bankruptcy. Just joking, we will love you no matter who you are. Let us know if you dare!

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