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Sig MPX Unloaded Start

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I have a question for competition shooters and using the Sig MPX PCC. For unloaded start, what do you do to have a smooth insertion of the magazine? I have no problem inserting the mags if it has a small amount of bullets in it, but if there are 25 and over of bullets in the magazine, I am always struggling to insert the magazine. I tried to loosen the magazine release button but it did not help at all.


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Definitely do not loosen the mag release, could cause mags to drop out under recoil. As suggested download a couple. Also practice loading with the mag full (at whatever capacity minus two) to get used to seating a loaded mag. Also watch the angle of the mag, keep the front level as the can be a tendency to drop the front. I use the “beer can” grip on the mag, it’s not like a pistol mag. 

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It helps to mark the magazine with a turn of tape just below where the bottom edge of the mag well lines up on a seated magazine.  Then practice grabbing the magazine just below the tape, so when you slam the magazine into place, your hand is as high on the magazine as possible and the mgazine as close to vertical as possible while not slamming your thumb knuckle into the edge of the mag well.


Ask me how I know how painful that is on the first stage of a match in cold weather!


Once it becomes automatic, you can take the tape off, or not.



Edited by Nolan
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It helps to mark the magazine with a turn of tape just below where the bottom edge of the mag well lines up on a seated magazine.  Then practice grabbing the magazine just below the tape, so when you slam the magazine into place, your hand is as high on the magazine as possible and the mgazine as close to vertical as possible while not slamming your thumb knuckle into the edge of the mag well.
Ask me how I know how painful that is on the first stage of a match in cold weather!
Once it becomes automatic, you can take the tape off, or not.
I see some shooters insert the mag like butter, so I was wondering if there is something I am missing mechanically. I normally load the mags at 36 to 38 rounds but inserting it needs force to enable to lock. I have no issue inserting when it has a small amount of bullets. Yep, I dryfire a lot and practice my reload.

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Here's an unloaded start at match speed: 




Not sure the time to first shot but the total time was 6.57s with 3 Charlies.


Mags are downloaded to about 18 (full is 21) rounds.  I prefer using short mags for unloaded starts and mandatory reloads as I feel like I have better control with this than a big stick.


This is a JP with Glock mags, which go straight into the magwell...I find the load on this gun is a bit more reliably fast than on my MPX due to the angle you have to insert the MPX mag.

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Practice, practice, practice lol! 

Seriously though, it can be a pain if your hand slides up the mag... I just grab the mag like I’m squeezing the life out of it while I jam it in. I like Nolan’s idea about using some tape, I used to work in the music biz and am pretty sure I’ve got a couple rolls of Gaffer’s tape kicking around somewhere so I might try that...


Looks like DAA have a new widget that may help?: https://www.doublealpha.biz/us/pcc-mag-grip

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