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Four Aces - Phil's Drill


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We were all awestruck when Phil admitted that in his first practice session back he ripped a draw, two Alpha, a reload and two alpha in 1.80. That's about a .75 draw, .75 reload and two .15 splits.

But, what can YOU do it in?

Gear and Class please.

10y. Relaxed or surrender your choice.

1.80 seems WAY out there, I'm guessing for myself anything around 2.30 for four A's would be pretty spiffy. That'd be a .95 draw, .95 reload and two splits of .20.

Give us some runs, even if they were down a "C" of two. Throw in the hf if you like.

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.92 draw .20 split, 1.89 reload .20 split...... Can do this pretty consitantly now.

Revolver S&W 5 inch 625 in .45 ACP (Major PF)

CR speed holster, California Comp moonclip holders (I reload right handed like Jerry Miculek) Hearthco moonclips.

4 Alpha, targets 10 yds away, arms relaxed by sides.


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Daaaayyyummm! :blink:

I'll be lucky to clear a 2+2 in under 2.5. You guys are machines, that's all I can say. I've got to stop reading these threads because every time I do, the goal seems so far off, that I start losing motivation to keep on working.

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Since Ron let the cat outta the bag, here is the story:

I was practicing the basics one day, and I had been doing draw, 2, transition 2 drills at 5 to 7 yards and I noticed I was sneaking in some pretty good draws. Had a slew of .70's, a few .60's so I decided to see what I could do on a 3 yard open target. Started in the .60 range, then hit a personal best somewhere in the .50's, then decided to try to hit a .4x while I was at it. Manny was the inspiration for this BTW since we had a few conversations on the subject. After a few .50 flats in a row, I hit a .49, then I had a perfect execution and hit a .41, all with Production gear, DA first shot, etc...

So then I decided to see what I could do a 3 yard draw, 1, reload 1. After dinking around in the 1.3 range, I hit a new best, I think it was a 1.21, but that PB didn't last too long so I don't really remember. I was running out of ammo and I was still feeling a bit perky so I decided to go for it. I ran a bunch of 1.20-1.30's then for some reason I had this really smooth, relaxed run and looked down and saw a .99 on the timer. My first thought was crap, it didn't pick up the 2nd shot and I musta been sleeping on the draw on that one... My second thought was, that figures I had a smokin load on that one... So then I counted the shots on the timer and saw it did get both of them, a .49 draw and a .50 load. I about fell over... :o

And I do believe this personal best is gonna stand a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGG time......... :blink:

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Hmm, Matt you been holdin out on me,

why didn't you call and tell me that one!!

That beats my buck twenty nine bill drill hands down!!

I didn't have to call you, I was sitting right next to you at Applebee's when I told you!!!!!!! Since it was only me and you I was assuming you were listening. :D

How many Corona's did you have anyways?!?! :lol:

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One thing about it, it is a lot of fun to practice, but of course it isn't

the way we do it in a match, but I know it has to help somehow or another!!

if nothing else, it puts fun in practice and lots of lead down range...

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Well reading this made me go out and do it.....

.80 draw, .18 split, 1.76 reload, .20 split. (2.94 total)

I was shooting Static 8 inch plates at 10 yds, hit the right one twice and the left one once.

Same Revolver and other stuff.

Oh yeah.....A class


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best ever was a 1.93

A class limited,

i had a .77 draw and a .88 reload... and some fast f-in splits...i think it was only 7yd though.

Open Unclassified.

best was 2.18 sleepy 1.00 draw, .14 split, .90 load and another .14 split

this was today...for some reason i cant get the draw down on the open gun like i could with my limited glock..perhaps its the Dot...?

a side note to all this, my limited hits were all over the A zone, some busting the perf for the C, but still As.

the Open hits were all clustered beside the "A" in the A zone.

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  • 10 months later...

My best on this one, so far, is a 2.38 (did it twice) with 1.07 draw and 1.02 reload (7 yards, RAS, Open Master). I did a 2.39, as well, with a trigger freeze on the 2nd shot, with a .95 draw and a .97 reload. Lots of runs in the 2.50 range with 1.10-ish draws and 1.10-ish reloads.

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I know this won't impress you guys but I am putting it down here so I can reference back to it.

Tried draw fire one reload fire one at the range on Sat.

Best was 1.07 draw and 1.28 reload. for 2 alpha at 10 yds

O yeah I was pleased as punch.


Edited by alellis
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Wow! This is some impressive stuff!

What's the standard human reaction time, 0.20 sec?

To get .40's and .60's shots off after a .20 reaction is some unbelievable speed (getting your hand to the holster, grabbing the gun, drawing the gun and pulling the trigger) Can that all be done in .20 seconds?

...apparently. :)

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