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First Time Nationals


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I'm going to Nationals for the first time. What can you veterans tell me that I need to know? What is different from, say, an Area match? For instance, the squads are big. What do you do between runs on stages? I know, paste and such, but how do you keep your focus? Will it be like shooting three section matches on three consecutive days? What do I need to do to maximize my performance that's different from other matches?


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Hydration-Barry, IL is known for being 100degrees hotter than anywhere else during the Nationals. Know it, prepare for it, deal with it. If you are like me, you will be having so much fun you won't notice it, as long as you stay hyrdrated.

With 18 shooters per squad, there probably won't be any "between stages" downtime, unless you follow one of the really slow moving squads denoted by the TV cameras following them.

Mainly just relax and shoot like you normally do. Forget it is Nationals, you'll have more fun, and be less tense.

I like the formality of the schedule, the established shooting order at each stage, and the single-file walkthroughs. It is also cool to see some top shooters shoot those stages if you get a chance.

Good luck and great fun!

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Relax. Watch you front sight. Don't change game plans at the line. Call every shot. Take the time a couple of shooters before you are up to check that your equipment is in order (fiber in the front sight, mags are loaded and in the correct pouch, etc). When it's your turn to play on the stage, DO IT. Know where all the targets are and what kind they are.

Also drink when you're thirsty. Have something to munch on.

Most important thing. Have fun.

Good luck. I will see you there Dave.

Tony Hawkins

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Shoot your own game. Do not try to shoot outside of YOUR limitations. Oh ya, pre-approval for vendor tent expenses through the wife would be good. You have not seen a vendor tent until you have been to Nat's! :)


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I like the formality of the schedule, the established shooting order at each stage, and the single-file walkthroughs.

Whoa. How is the shooting order "established" at each stage? The squad doesn't decide and then rotate? Is it a surprise at each stage or is an order established and then you know where you are on each succeeding stage?

I think I understand the "singe-file walkthroughs." The biggest match I have shot was Area 6 this year. 14 in a squad. We did the single file thing. I think some of our squad had nationals experience. The rest of us just followed their lead.

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Just go, and have a blast! My first Nats was one heck of a learning experience, but my squadmates and the staff were all too willing to answer questions/coach/advise. Just try to think of it as several club matches on back to back days.

Also, I will add to the several that posted that you will need to stay hydrated or you will get into trouble. In fact, I need to get some 'hydration' right about now! :lol::lol::lol:

See ya in barry and be sure to say hello!

BDH - CRO Stage 12

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Dave it's nice to have a set shooting order. You can set it several different ways.

You can set it by shooter number, alphabetical, or just write all the names on your shooter envelope and start with that. First shooter on the previous shoots last on the next stage. 18 stages = 18 different shooters going first.

Bring something back for Jane. Something really nice, like mabye a plaque and a gun. The gun is for her. The plaque is to start your collection or add to it.

Or just bring her along to cheer you on.

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Your squad will pretty much decide what order to shoot in. I've shot on squads at Nationals where it was random each stage. But, most picked an order and just rotated. Don't worry, a good bunch of the folks on your squad will have been to Nationals before and can help you through. Stay hydrated. Nothing will sap your energy and mental game faster than dehydration. Don't wait until you are thirsty, if you do you're already dehydrated. Keep drinking, water, gatorade, whatever...not soda. If your not taking a whiz every stage or every other stage drink more.

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Bring something back for Jane. Something really nice, like mabye a plaque and a gun. The gun is for her. The plaque is to start your collection or add to it.

Just bring her along to cheer you on.

I'll be cheering her on. I'm shooting Limited the first half of the week. She's coming out Tuesday and shooting L10 the second half of the week! I guess I can let her select whatever she wants from the vendors tent (she usually gets what she wants anyway)!

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You might find more info with a search.

Thanks, Kyle. I did a search on "nationals" (I wanted a broad list) and got a 9 page list but didn't really find anything specific to my topic - rookie at nationals. I'm sure if I looked through a number of them I might find a tidbit here and there, but I don't have that kind of time. I'm trying to get ready for NATIONALS!!!!!! Besides, the discussion aspect of a new thread is getting me REALLY PUMPED UP!!!!

(pause for some deep breathes, heartbeat slowing gradually, OK, I'm fine now)

BTW, really enjoyed the Ohio match. Nailed the classifiers. I maybe in the same boat as Cameron . . . moving up in class just days before Nationals.

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Hey buddy,

Don't worry about it....it is just another match.

The biggest factor tested at Nats is consistency...just shoot your own game for every stage and I guarantee you will be fine.

Hydration is defintely huge though! Make sure you get plenty of water in your system...especially the day before nats starts because when you get out in that heat for 12 hours it will be a hell of a shock to your body if you haven't been hydrating yourself for at least 24 hours.

Good luck and have fun!

See you there.

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Whoa.  How is the shooting order "established" at each stage?  The squad doesn't decide and then rotate?  Is it a surprise at each stage or is an order established and then you know where you are on each succeeding stage?

It depends on the squad. When I RO'ed at the Nationals last year, we let the squad decide. Some of them had a pre-arranged order, others told us to "mix the order up." This is how it is done at most major matches.

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don't forget to bring something to combat the chiggers and ticks. i use repel with 100% deet.

oh....and have fun, the nationals is a blast not to mention all the new shooters you'll meet. come and find me and i'll introduce you to my wife.

c u there

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I too am going to the Nationals for the first time. I am also in the longest slump of my life. So my stress level seems to step up a notch with each tick of the clock. But for a guy at my level shooting the Nat's is for the fun of it anyway.

I have added another case of water to my list. That does sound like the one common thread.

Eveyone travel safe. I will see you on the range.

Mike Thompson.......

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Sorry Dave, looks like I will still be shooting B class for Nat's.  Appears that some of the matches I shot last month did not turn in classifiers.

Me, too. I'm still C. I'm giving up on anticipating a move up. I've been between 58.5 and 59.825 all year. Just when I nail a couple good classifiers, a couple of good ones fall off the other end. Oh, well. Doesn't affect my shooting or mindset a bit. One stage at a time . . .

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