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The Hard Sell


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I really hate it when you call a company to ask them a question or to do something, and then they launch into the hard sell for some product or service that "we think you'll be interested in".

I call up my cc company yesterday to activate the cc they sent me. The person then starts the hard sell for some loan or something else that she says I'm "qualified for." I tell her very politely, no thank you I'm not interested. But, apparently she doesn't comprende, as she keeps at it, spouting off about what a great deal it is. Again, I say, no thank you, I'm not interested. So what does she do, she makes yet another run at it! Arrgghhhhh!!!! :angry:

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Yea, I hate that as well. I recently bought a new digital camera (online) for the Norway trip. The next day I get an email saying I need to call to clear up a couple questions before they'll ship it. So I call and get this absolutely incredible salesman who tried to sell me everything even remotely connected with the camera. He was truly impressive. Since I forgot to order a larger memory card with it - I had him add a 512 card to the order. Well, guess what - when the camera arrived the memory card was backordered! Man, was that irritating. So now I have a week to either find out if they can get me the card before I leave, or buy one from somewhere else. Monday, I call the same number I called (for the guy to sell me everything in the universe) and the phone message said "we are now closed." (And then gave their office hours.) Well, it was smack dab in the middle of their office hours, so the next day I called them back and got the message. So I email them - and get an auto-reply that they're closed till Wednesday! Ahhhh! I was so pissed I couldn't deal with it. Thankfully, a friend came through for me, did the research and ordered another card for me, guaranteed to arrive the next day. ;)


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My wife's grandmother used to keep a police whistle by the phone. You know, one of those big brass numbers with the ball inside it to give that 'special' trill..

Anyway, if she got a call she didn't want, or couldn't get off the line with someone, one big blast of the whistle in the mouthpiece usually was enough to terminate the call. :lol::lol::lol:


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My wife's grandmother used to keep a police whistle by the phone. You know, one of those big brass numbers with the ball inside it to give that 'special' trill..

Anyway, if she got a call she didn't want, or couldn't get off the line with someone, one big blast of the whistle in the mouthpiece usually was enough to terminate the call.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Wow! Go Granny GO! :D:P:D

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I hate the hard sell too.

This guy was trying to sell me something for my business I really wanted, but the cost was just a bit more than I can spend right now.

He kept trying to offer solutions and deals and everything, but the simple answer that I did not have the kind of money he wanted somehow fell deafly on his ears.

I just didn't feel like paying a "sign up fee" that would probably take several months to recoup. they get a fee for the service which is high, so the sign up fee made little sense to me in the first place.

He then offered all these solutions (requiring a long term contract) that would waive the sign up fee. Said no to that (not sure if the service will pay off, sure as heck do not want to be married to it) and he wouldn't listen to that either.

THEN I hung up.


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Do what I do..... Ask them what they're wearing, start breathing hard, and say "yea baby, yes,yes, tell me more..." they usually hang up by then and I get a good laugh! :lol:  :o  :P


Good one.

I usually say no. If they continue I say no again. If they keep going, I'll say "OK, tell me more about your product, lay it down and finish my dinner (they almost always call during dinner time).

Another nice one is to ask for their home number so you can call them back at a time that's more convenient for you.

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Unless you hang up :lol:

If I did that, then I'd never get my cc activated.

Actually, credit card activation is where you have the most leverage on this. When they break out the hard sell, simply tell them that if they bring it up one more time, you will be cancelling the credit card immediately.

It also works for mail order where they try to sell you add-ons at the end. Simply say I already ordered everything I wanted, please complete the order or cancel it, but I do not want to hear about anymore products.

I made the mistake of making an iquiry to an agressive auto dealership.. that is a mistake I will never repeat. They STILL don't get it after I went and purchsed the same car from someone else. It's like the terminator of car dealerships. They just hand out any numbers they got a hold of but didn't sell a car to and have the next shift cold call them.

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