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Nationals Squadding


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The reason for the different PIN is because the numbers were reset on July 13th. As they are routinely. Your new number will be reflected on the July/August issue of Front Sight which is right now, as I type, being shipped; and to be sure you have not yet received yours.

However, the number from 2 issues back will also work. We will no longer be giving out PINs to members calling in requesting them. I've instructed the USPSA staff to cease immediately. With the sheer numbers in these matches we simply cannot continue. If you've lost or given away your magazine you will simply have to wait for your letter to arrive. I also cannot give you the PIN for your friend who is out of town for the next week or so that you really, really just want to make sure gets squadded with you and your other buddy. I just can't do it, guys.

Thanks for your consideration and cooperation.



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Wow, glad I called today before you guys stopped helping the customers who pay the dues that covers your salary! It isn't like we paid two hundred and seventy-five dollars (or $225 ;) ) of our hard-earned money to shoot this match...sorry to be such a pest!

So let me make sure that I'm following along. We can use the PIN to log into the website and squad ourselves...tonight...but have to use the PIN from the letter that you will mail to everyone...tomorrow. :wacko:

Or we can use the PIN from the Front Sight magazine that has't been mailed yet OR from an old Front Sight magazine (that may or may not be the March/April issue). :wacko::wacko:

OK, who put this wonderful timeline together and will their head making a loud "pop" when they come out for air? :blink:



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I have to say that I find these criticisms a little un-becoming. I have no doubt that everyone is working hard to make these Nationals a success, there are a few teething problems but I just don't see the need to fly off the handle about it.

If for some reason you are unable to use the on-line squadding then in a worse case situation you may find sourself in a squad with people that you don't know. At the end of the week you will have made new friends.

I think we should cut these guys some slack. Rob is not paid by USPSA, Kim is and I have no doubt that she is working to the best of her ability. I for one have no complaints... just chill.

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That is nice, but doesn't help people who are sharing a vehicle (or a golf cart).

And the system isn't working anyway:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/uspsa/public_html/squadding/index.php on line 427

Table 'uspsa_classification.squadding_squads' doesn't exist


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And the system isn't working anyway:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/uspsa/public_html/squadding/index.php on line 427
i'm having the same problem
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For those of you who aren't geeks: I think I have it fixed

For the geeks: No matter how much you try to anticipate every contingency, stuff happens. Although we thought we had this system totally "shaken out", we had not run a major match where competitors would use the Front Sight password, and that was wherein the bug resided.


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O.K. Squadding appears to work now. I just got done squadding 18 or 19 entries spread across both matches. It would appear the one can use the pin from either the March/April or the May/June 2005 issue of front sight ---- unless one has used such a pin to set a custom password on the USPSA member page already. If that's the case, you might need the password you set up --- that was the case for me......

Serious kudos to Rob Boudrie for being up and online when online squadding started, for responding quickly, with a fix, no less, to my emails and for even monitoring this board.

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If for some reason you are unable to use the on-line squadding then in a worse case situation you may find sourself in a squad with people that you don't know. At the end of the week you will have made new friends.

And as cool as that was last year --- when I shot on a squad packed with Benosverse members --- it wouldn't be cool this year, when I really want to shoot with my regular crew. This is likely to be my only break this year......

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O.K. Squadding appears to work now.  I just got done squadding 18 or 19 entries spread across both matches.  It would appear the one can use the pin from either the March/April or the May/June 2005 issue of front sight ---- unless one has used such a pin to set a custom password on the USPSA member page already.  If that's the case, you might need the password you set up --- that was the case for me......

The Front Sight PIN will continue to work even if you have set your own password on the member page.

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What if you are pre squadded and are riding, sharing golf cart ect. with others and would rather/need to be off that pre squadded squad ?

You can try to do what I did. My shooting partner is signed up in the squad next to me. Not perfect but at least it's close. I think 20 would work for you guys.

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I hate to confuse anyone here with the facts, but here goes:

First, Kim's salary isn't quite covered by your $40 annual dues, or your life membership (or mine, for that matter). Second, exactly which one of the many tasks that all of the USPSA office staff people do would you like suspended while they deal with everybody and his brother trying to call and get: 1) special treatment 2) someone elses PIN so they can squad their buddy or 3) someone to just do it for them? (Not to mention the normal USPSA business phone calls they handle everyday.)

Here's a short list--pick one or two, and I'm sure the HQ staff will be happy to comply.

Classification updates? NROI certifications? Membership renewals? Sponsor solicitation and coordination (so then everyone can bitch about the prize table sucking)?

Also, just FYI, the match entry fee covers match expenses, it's not going to get you treated like a VIP. Everybody pays it.

More facts: The PIN you will receive in the mail OR the PIN on the last two issues of Front Sight will get you into the squadding system, and you can make your picks. The delay in getting this online and running stemmed from delays in setting up the super squads--not with the online system or the office staff.

Additionally, both matches are oversold by a pretty large margin in an effort to accomodate as many members as possible, so this may mean that not everything is going to run exactly on time: cowboy up and get over it.

Kim and Rob have nothing to do with that, so the delay isn't their problem. In fact, Kim and Rob have gone above and beyond in getting this squadding system up and running; using the Front Sight PIN is a first, and was done to aid you in squadding more quickly than making you wait for a letter, and to allow everyone the same opportunity to squad themselves. Aside from a minor bug at the opening of the squadding, (which Rob fixed quickly--thanks, Rob!) it seems that many of you have been able to squad yourselves with little or no trouble, so try not to panic.

As Kim mentioned in an earlier post, the USPSA office will not give out PINs; the sheer volume of phone calls was overwhelming and disrupted the entire office staff. Believe it or not, they do have other work to do, so be patient.

BritinUSA, and the rest of you who aren't bitching: thanks for the comments. You are entirely correct--these criticisms of the system and the people trying to make it work are unseemly and unwarranted.

One last fact: I have nothing to do with squadding, either the online or manual super squads. I do know what's going on with the squadding, and the matches, and I know how much effort has gone into producing this year's matches. Those of you who are not involved and are basically ignorant of the facts are really not helping; you're just being boorish and rude. If you have some constructive criticism (i.e. a solution to the problem you are pointing out), or want to volunteer to help out, we'll be happy to hear from you. The system may not be perfect, but it is working.

Troy McManus

Range Master, 2005 USPSA Handgun Nationals

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I concurr.

Not pissing in any one particulars cherios but.....

This is thefirst time this had been done, there will be problems. <_<

If you have trouble, bring it up to someone who can fix it Politely and let them have elbow room to work.

As with all types of squadding, not everybody will be happy, no matter how it is done, that is just the way it is.

If you have solutions or suggestions, bring them up to the proper person(s)Politely and professionally.

Bitchin and gripein don't do nuthin but piss folks off !!!!!!


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Kimberly, Rob,

What if you are pre squadded and are riding, sharing golf cart ect. with others and would rather/need to be off that pre squadded squad ?

Thanks in advance.



If you'd like to be off the Revolver SS I can manage it. Will you just send me an email confirming it please?



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There are 20 squads of 18 in each match. Chances are that just abot everyone who has a "shooting group" will be able to be together. The larger squad size, and fact that there is only one start time, makes it easier to accomodate groups that a multi-start time Area Championship with squad sizes of 8 or so.

We have temporarily closed 3 squads in each match so that we can preserve contiguous blocks of slots in case any large groups squad late. If you have a group and can't fit it into one of the open blocks, contact Kim. (sorry Kim).

Complaints about "I did not get what I wanted" are certainly valid, but complaints of the nature "I got exactly what I wanted, but there was a chance under some scenario where that would not have happened, so I am mad!" are less applicable.

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