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I am in a quandry and I am hoping the wonderful people of the Enosvere can help me. I was granted a waitlist slot for the Open/L10 Nationals. Now that I have that secured and out of the way, I run into problems. As it turns out, none of the people I shoot with regularly, nor anyone that I even know halfway well, are going to the Open/L10 Nats. I shot so terribly last year that I was pretty pumped to return this year and get some revenge. I really dont want to go by myself and I dont know what to do. It appears that I am left with the following options...

1. Go by myself, stay alone in a hotel room, eat dinner alone, and be able to really concentrate on the match and hopefully shoot well.

2. Take my girlfriend with me so I am not alone in the evenings, and let her drop me off at the range in the morning and she can spend the days shopping and smashing my car into everything Quincy has to offer. I still end up shooting without my friends.

3. Not go and give my slot to someone else.

If I choose #3 then the $1000-$1500 I was going to spend is now a real nice start on a Limited gun. I also save 4 days vacation that I can use to shoot several Area/State matches. This would likely be the only vacation I will take all year.

I have spent my vacation the last 4 years shooting, 3 Bianchi Cups and 1 USPSA Nats, and I kinda wanted to keep with that trend.

I am sure some of you have been in similiar situations. Please tell me what to do so I can have the best outcome to this situation.

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I'm not going - but I'll bet you find that a lot of the folks here are pretty social and would love to have a meal w/ you or something like that :) Fair warning, though - there isn't that much in the way of things for your GF to do in Quincy. I brought my wife along once, and she was basically bored to tears all weekend...

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I RO'ed at the Nats last year for my first time. While I knew quite a few people who were going to be there, I met tons of new people, both ROs and shooters. The only way you're going to be alone is if you choose to be.


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I like to shoot too...but... you have $1000-1500 available, a girlfirend...and vacation time.

When we shot the ICORE match, you seemed like a good red blooded American boy. Think, man,think! :D

The Nationals would, I'm sure, be a great experience. The Nationals will be around for a long time.


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Thanks guys for the replies. I dont know how to say this without offending anyone, so I guys I'll just say it and hope that everyone understands I mean no insult..... I was at the Forum party last year and to be totally honest, I felt really outta place. Everyone was nice enough, I just felt a lot like I didnt belong there.

Airedale may have gotten a slightly warped first impression. By nature I am fairly quiet and reserved. At the ICORE match we were shooting with some of my best friends that I have known for years so I was much more comfortable, not to mention, I was in the #*%^&$& zone!!! Maybe the best match I ever shot. Big Dave I also met under easy circumstances.

Renee, I dont actually believe for a second that you remember me from the casual 3 minute conversation we had, but thanks. Plus the fact that your comment could be horribly misconstrued as flirting, you just made my day.

(whisper) hey dave, you see the cute brunette hittin on me.....

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With online squading you should be aqble to gat squaded with some BE'ers.

No matter what squad I have been on since I started shooting USPSA I have made friends. And I always hope to see all of them at the next match.

I f you feel lonely eating by yourself. Come on over to the Ritz. just about the only people there are shooters. Plus there are several resturants close by the Holiday Inn that get a frequented by shooters.

Yes bring the little lady. And the video camera. You can send her off to tape the other stages you have to shoot the next day. And you can have her get footage of the super squad. Oh'ya and she can tape all your fabulous shooting. There are plenty of others that bring their wives/girlfriend.

I'll be there all week, so look me up. Just ask a RO and they can point you in my general direction.

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I was in the same situation last year and chose not to go without my husband being able to shoot with me.

That said, if he breaks his ankle again this year, he'll be on the couch alone during the Nationals B)

Get yourself on my squad, I'll treat you just like your friends do, no problem :rolleyes:

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Mike (KimberKid throws everybody off),

Are you shooting any other major matches before that?

I only like to hit the ones within driving distance...and that don't take more than a day (and extra hotel nigthts) to shoot. Hit a match or two and you will start to see a lot of the same people. It's really a pretty small community (USPSA shooters).

Besides, now that you've said something...everybody will be looking for you to make you feel welcome. :)

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1. I now realize what a retarded name "Kimberkid" is and keep thinkin of just switching to my real name as it does throw people and the people here that do know me, half know me as Mike, and half know my screen name.

2. I'll be at Targeting Education for sure, hopefully IN State, and if I can still get in, maybe Ohio Section. That is sorta the thing at play too, cause if I skip the Nats then I can easily shoot all the other majors I wanted to this year. My workweek starts sunday night at midnights, so any 1 day match within a half day drive I can do without takin vacation. However, any 2 day, or Sunday, or long drives I have to take 1 day off. Missing the Nats = 4 extra majors.

If I skip the Nats, I also have the option of spending a week in Mesa visiting the gals family, rather she visits while I seek out local club matches during the week. (The whole idea of a match on a weeknight baffles me and I just gotta try it.) The fun is a lot more important to me than the competition, but I also wonder if I would learn more from shooting the Nats again (this time prepared) or a week carrousing Mesa area clubs.

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Go! If you REALLY have the need to shoot on a squad with someone that isn't a 100% stanger, I bet there is still room on our squad. There will 2 A's shooting L-10, 1 M L-10, and 1 A Open for sure. If you want you can shoot (HA-HA) me a PM.


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