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Friday Flame War


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I hate that I have ants everywhere!!! My new neighbor decided she didn't like her landscaping and nuked it all. Now all the critters are trying to move in with me....!!!! BTW, she jack hammered the bottom of the pool and filled it with dirt. If ya didn't like the house why did you buy it....??? I can feel my house losing market value as I type.

I hate that I have to clean like mad to get the house ready for the inlaws. They are okay, I just hate cleaning.

I hate that I spent hours longer in a meeting this morning then I was supposed to so I didn't have time to chrono before picking up the kiddo from preschool.

I hate that I have more guests from overseas coming next week which means less time to get ready for Area 6...I hope they don't expect me to play tour guide the WHOLE time. Here are the keys, go have fun - avoid the demilitarized zones....

I hate that I have a new project at work that will eat all my spare time and make me spend more time in cube hell then at home....


Time to go fold $&(@&()#%^- ing laundry!

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I hate that the "temporary" Rec Center doesn't have shit bolted to the f@cking floor. It's real disconcerting when you've got 505 pounds on your back squatting on a guided squat rack and the goddamned rack lifts off the floor and slides backwards a little bit. I hate that when you complain they tell you it's a temporary building, so it won't be bolted to the floor... even though they've been in this temporary building for at least 4 years and probably have another 18 months in it before the new Rec Center is finished.

I hate that my back hurts 'cause of it.

I hate that I have no motivation to do anything but go to the gym and shoot. It'd be fine if I didn't have other stuff to do, but I do, so I hate it.

I hate that I have other stuff to do besides going to the gym and shooting.

I hate that Flex is probably going to poke his 'bot head in this thread and insult us for not taking jabs at one another. Quit being an asshat, Flex$! :P

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I hate that if I had 505 lbs in a squat rack that it wouldn't matter in the least if it was bolted to the floor or not. :P

I hate that Cullen hurt his back.

Maybe they are just "temporary" cuz they are planning to be sued for having an attractive nusiance or a gross negligee.

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I hate that if I had 505 lbs in a squat rack that it wouldn't matter in the least if it was bolted to the floor or not.  :P

Just think of it as a paperweight.

I hate that Cullen hurt his back. 

Thanks. :D

Maybe they are just "temporary" cuz they are planning to be sued for having an attractive nusiance or a gross negligee.

I don't think I've ever seen a gross negligee, but I have seen a gross negligee-wearer.

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Wait a minute? How'd you know what I cooked for dinner?

This is a spectacularly lame Friday Flame thread.... sigh...

You all suck for having enough of a life to be out instead of sitting at your computers! I hate that!


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Sitting here enjoying a BIG Jr Ulitmate I can't think of much to be hateful about,


If we are going to focus on Flexbot bashing then I'm in!!!

505 lbs is nothing I once saw Flex heft a plastic gun all day and then have enough strengh to hoist 12 whole oz's,,, Repeatedly!!!

I'm personally PO'ed at 'Da FBot', Steve A. used to bring some cool stogies to the matches with him in the past, he said he he found that they affected his shooting so he stopped. I think he dropped an ember in the Flexmobile and was offered to walk back if he did it again...

This is a future slam,,,

I think the devious mind of Flex is brewing a classifier that makes us less than immortal types shoot in some wildly impossilbe stance emphasising proper shooting skills to make fun of us ' dexteriously challenged' types. I'm working on excusses why I can't shoot that one now...

BTW,,, squatting 500 lbs is like riding a bike across a tightrope. I could do it, but I'm afraid of what would hit the ground during the attempt!!!


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..."BTW, she jack hammered the bottom of the pool and filled it with dirt. If ya didn't like the house why did you buy it....??? I can feel my house losing market value as I type."
A general contractor's and a real estate agent's nightmare. I've seen it happen. Interior decorating changes (read that 'disasters'), too. No explaining some people, I swear!! :angry:
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..."BTW, she jack hammered the bottom of the pool and filled it with dirt. If ya didn't like the house why did you buy it....??? I can feel my house losing market value as I type."
A general contractor's and a real estate agent's nightmare. I've seen it happen. Interior decorating changes (read that 'disasters'), too. No explaining some people, I swear!! :angry:

LMAO - as a matter of fact, we have bulk trash pick up on Fridays and in the pile at the curb, was all the lumber needed for a custom built wall cabinet that she had obviously pulled out of the den. Nice wood...I scavenged the good bits and the moldings. I can't imagine what gaping holes are now in the den that need patching.

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Ants shouldn't be a problem, you're a pistol shooter ! I figure you can probably get at least 5 of the little buggers with each shot (assuming that they huddle together in fear).

Go on have fun !... blast those suckers, maybe your neighbour will move out because of all the noise.

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I hate that the 3-gun match I shot on 4/17 had 2 squads that lost/did not turn in score sheets on two stages. My squad was one that somehow does not have results for one stage. I shot a solid match and now the results are screwed :angry::angry::angry:

3-gunning is a lot of work and expensive and now the whole effort is lost. :angry:

I also hate that there was 4 IDPA refugees on my squad that thought our rules (USPSA) were stupid and and so were we for doping and caring about the fastest way to shoot. I don't hate IDPA (never shot it) or the refugees, I just hated their attitude.

I also hate that because of the attitude the IDPA dudes exhibited, I can't help but wonder if one of them, on purpose, kept the missing score sheets. <_<

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I hate that I get to spend 2 of the next 9 days packed like a sardine in airplanes heading east and then back home for my annual week of incarceration in New York for a user's group conference. Usually a great conference but it just isn't worth the pain of flying anymore. (Any shooting going on Saturday 5/7 in the Ithaca area? I'll come watch.)

I hate that the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown is STILL being renovated so I'll be giving that a pass again this year. I hope the remodel is worth it. My annual pilgrimage to "The Hall" was about the only thing that made the NY trip worth the effort on a personal level. I guess I'll just have to drown my sorrows at the local micro brewery.

I hate that it is tick season here. My dog had been tick-free for almost 5 years until yesterday without much more than a flea/tick shampoo bath now and then. Must have something to do with the deer that spent the winter in the back yard or else the racoons that have moved back to the area (FWIW...the racoons HATE my new airsoft SV! It wouldn't hold still for the whole mag though).

I hate that my local city govt is so screwed up that they have run off every LEO in town (all both of them) and the chances of anyone taking the jobs is darn low until the idiot factor in the city govt is removed by a recall vote this summer. So now we are without law enforcement except for the county which is already spread too thin. We had two great guys who were just strict enough, were great with the kids in town, and were gun friendly. Now we have squat and the criminals know it. Meth lab guy across the street is probably back in full swing now. Grrrrr.....

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I hate the fact that winning one big match changed my attitude about EVERYTHING concerning shooting negatively! I shoot like shit. I'm too slow. I throw mikes. Shooting slow will not guarantee that your accuracy is better. 113 days to the World Shoot. Note to self: Get you act together a_-hole! :angry:

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I hate it when people put crappy rebuilt stuff on cars. Alternator went out on my truck last night. It was a rebuilt one, of course (not put on by moi). The price difference between new and rebuilt: exactly $4. Why in the hell would anyone put on a junker rebuild for $4? The guy at Napa actually thought I was nuts for wanting a new alternator. I'll spend four lousy bucks to get brand-new all day long.


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Way past Friday now, and I hate that!

EricW tripped a nerve. I have a special hate for the subhumans who raped and pilaged the rebuilding industry. Not all rebuilt items are crap, but you can't tell by looking at the box. So many won't buy rebuilt because they have been burned too many times. There are good rebuilders that put out product as good as new.




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Time to go fold $&(@&()#%^- ing laundry!

Sounds like it's time for remedial husband training....... :lol::lol:

I entered into matrimony knowing how to shop and cook; clean and straighten. Carol however decided that I needed laundry skills as well........

I drew the line at gardening! (A woman's got to know a man's limitations....) :P:P

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I hate the way I feel thirtysix hours after tripping over the fracking rail in the middle of the track at the Penn Relays --- a mishap that sent me sprawling to the ground, in front of 20,000 fans, without dropping my cameras. It sucks to get older ---- I don't remember it hurting this much when I was a teenager.....

A Like within the hate: 23 years after I last hurled the shotput in competition, I finally got an ovation at the Penn Relays ---- for the simple act of regaining my feet. :D:D

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I hate that the 3-gun match I shot on 4/17 had 2 squads that lost/did not turn in score sheets on two stages. My squad was one that somehow does not have results for one stage. I shot a solid match and now the results are screwed  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

3-gunning is a lot of work and expensive and now the whole effort is lost. :angry:

I also hate that there was 4 IDPA refugees on my squad that thought our rules (USPSA) were stupid and and so were we for doping and caring about the fastest way to shoot. I don't hate IDPA (never shot it) or the refugees, I just hated their attitude.

I also hate that because of the attitude the IDPA dudes exhibited, I can't help but wonder if one of them, on purpose, kept the missing score sheets.  <_<

Sorry to inject some good news into the Friday Flamer, but the scoresheets were found today. As soon as we can get them to Bill, the results can be recalculated.


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I hate that I get to spend 2 of the next 9 days packed like a sardine in airplanes heading east and then back home for my annual week of incarceration in New York for a user's group conference.  Usually a great conference but it just isn't worth the pain of flying anymore.  (Any shooting going on Saturday 5/7 in the Ithaca area?  I'll come watch.)

Eastern Lakes Section webpage will give you the best view of USPSA activity in those parts.

Geneva Practical Shooters will be the closest match on that day. Approx. 45 min. drive from Ithaca. I suspect they will have a small turnout, as they shifted dates from the regular schedule.

Watervliet also on that day. 3+ hour drive. Don't know what their monthly matches are like.

Best bet is Genesee Conservation league. 1 1/2 hour drive. I'll be there. You are welcome to shoot with us.

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Time to go fold $&(@&()#%^- ing laundry!

Sounds like it's time for remedial husband training....... :lol::lol:

I entered into matrimony knowing how to shop and cook; clean and straighten. Carol however decided that I needed laundry skills as well........

I drew the line at gardening! (A woman's got to know a man's limitations....) :P:P

I will gladly trade laundry, cooking, vacuuming, and dusting for having to clean the bathrooms - I hate scrubbing! My hubby has good skills - and he does his fair share (I cook, he does dishes) but I quit letting him clean the kitchen appliances when he broke out the car wax. I couldn't stop laughing! Did I ever mention he's a gear head? His idea of Sunday sports on TV is the Speed Channel. I almost didn't get family approval as I drove a Ford <gasp> and they are a chevelle/corvette family....Then I explained I was the only corvette accessory that you couldn't order from a catalog legally (a strawberry blonde for the passenger seat.) :lol::lol:

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