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I'm torn on this one.

On the one hand I can understand why someone who served in that era would want to spit in her face, but on the other hand I was raised not to do something like that (unless similarily provoked). I can appreciate how someone involved in that particular military action might feel they were provoked in an extraordinary way.

What I found cowardly was the guy's flight from the scene, and once apprehended, he said he was proud for what he had done. If he was proud of it, why didn't he just stand there with his hands in his pockets and await arrest?

I don't think I would have done it, but I can't help feeling some sympathy for someone who might have felt compelled to do so (IF they did so without shame or flight).

[apologies added to the moderators and members if this crosses the line into "too political"]

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Good sentiment, stupid action. Howsabout a lawsuit in civil court seeking compensation for mental anguish from thousands and thousands of vets. Don't make her squint, make her broke.

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Oooh, George...I like that one. Free speech is free speech but it has consequences. Although for those who were tortured, I don't think they want to re-live any of that trauma giving testimony. That would take some serious resolve.

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My hate for “Hanoi Jane” was almost palpable and I still believe she should have been tried for treason and jailed for life! However, I saw a recent interview with her on 60 minutes or some other news show, were she said that she was sorry for her trip to North Vietnam. She said she was young and foolish and that what she did was WRONG, unforgivable and she understood the resentment that many veterans have for her.

She didn’t apologize for her belief that the war was wrong and she didn’t apologize for her other anti-war activities but she did seem genuinely contrite for having gone to Hanoi.

You know, somehow her apologizing for that trip made that little ball I get in my gut every time I hear her name just go away.

Would I spit in her face? No, not now I wouldn’t, but also, I don’t I think I would shake her hand either.

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all i can say is, i'm an Army veteran and jane fonda can kiss my ass. there is no excuse that she can come up with that will make up for her stupidity. I have a good friend that lost both his legs in Vietnam while that spoiled little Hollywood brat was flirting with the enemy. :angry::angry::angry::angry: i wouldn't buy her damn book but if i had a copy of it i'd be using it for toilet paper.

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It wouldn't surprise me if she came out and said she deserved it. If she did that people might actually start to think she might actually mean it when she said she was sorry. Long way from anyone forgiving her but taking spit in the face would be hard to do.


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I find it funny hanoi jane decides to apologizes for her actions while she's on a book tour and has a movie about to open.

the last time she apoligized for her treason in Vietnam was in the late 80's, after the filming for a movie she was in was disturbed by people protesting her actions in vietnam.

funny she always seem sorry when theres money to be made

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As much as i dislike Jane, I would have punched that guy out if I had been standing next him at the time.---SingleStack

Which would make you a worse criminal then him!



I think I know where SingleStack is comming from with his statement - and I do agree with his statement - in Nearly every situation.

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Jane Fonda is not much of a lady....

I would pay this guys fine just to have seen it in person...

Seeing her interview on TV made me want to hurl...and I am with Dan...she can just get the hell out of the US and live in Viet Nam along with all the rest of the Hollyweird clan that oppose Bush and his actions and especially thosse that take trips to the oppressed land to see the horrible things the US did to those people...

Well, how about touring the empty spaces where the Twin Towers used to be and then tell me how bad we are to those who want to terrorize us... :angry:

I was IN COUNTRY to serve my country, not ussue treasonous remarks and have your picture taken on an AA gun.... :angry:

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