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Best Adrenaline Rush

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Kind of a spin off of the "Where is ZHunter" thread.

So what makes your top 5 list of things to get the heart thumping?

1. Skydiving. Fear of deceleration trama rush.

2. Cave Diving. Up to 3 hours of Please don't let me die down here rush.

3. Motorcyle at 125+. Is that squireel going to get off the road rush.

4. Free Rock Climbing. Don't slip Rush.

5. IPSC. The most fun I have had with a gun rush.

:D "Life has a flavor the protected will never know" :D:huh::wacko:

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So what makes your top 5 list of things to get the heart thumping?

1. Skydiving. Fear of deceleration trama rush.

2. Cave Diving. Up to 3 hours of Please don't let me die down here rush.

3. Motorcyle at 125+. Is that squireel going to get off the road rush.

4. Free Rock Climbing. Don't slip Rush.

5. IPSC. The most fun I have had with a gun rush.

In order of the way I've experienced them.

1. Motorcycle drag racing. Amazing how long 11 seconds to 125mph is all the time knowing asphalt is just a few inches away from your toes. Quit doing this as everybody I knew that had been in the sport at least 5 years had a major crash. After 5 years I quit and took up ....

2. Skydiving. Simple sport. Pay money. Get in airplane. Jump out. 15 seconds from hitting the ground throw out strings and cloth and hope it saves you. Jumping is always a rush but comes in different quantities. I've had five malfunctions that have resulted in a reserve rides. Each one had me wired for sound for a day or two. My current fix in jumping is wingsuits. http://www.bird-man.com/ Every one gets the blood pumping.

3. Scuba Diving. There's something about being in an alien envionment knowing that if anything goes wrong only you can get yourself out of it. All bow to the cave divers for they go when few dare. I'm not one of them.

4. IPSC. Ditto what TriggerT said.

Things I won't do.

1. Bungee Jumping. No personal skill involved unless you rig your own equipment. Something about trusting your life to rubber bands doesn't interest me.

2. BASE Jumping. Although much safer than when I was first exposed to it a decade ago the risk/benefit ratio isn't there for me. Just can't bet the farm on one roll of the dice.

3. Cave Diving. The cave diving community has got it down to a science but there's still much that can go wrong. I may go there if I get to see all the reefs in the world.

4. Single-Engine Night or IFR Flying. You aviation types will know what I'm talking about.

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I don't know if it was the "best" but certainly the most intense adrenalin rush I've ever experienced.

The night of Dec. 15, 2003 at 6:00 PM I finished on the splitter in the barn the nights firewood and returned to the house to watch the news with a beer. At 7:00 PM went back out to light the grill to burn a steak and saw flames licking up the inside of the barn door and heard the crackle. Nothing hits you as bad as fire. I cell phoned 911 at the same time as I was unreeling the hose (thank God for freeze proof spickets) and entered the barn and kept it down until the fire dept came and put it out. 23' boat, V-Max, tractor and mowing equipment and then probably the house as well. A barn swallow made a nest on the light fixture and I never saw it.

Fire is like a mad animal when it gets to you and I will never forget the feeling. I take special attention to make sure I won't have a feel for it again.

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Biggest adrenaline rush is almost crashing a motorcycle. Losing the front end, getting on the gas, and saving it.

Next would be riding one hard. Braking hard, cornering at the limit of adhesion, and applying just enough throttle to avoid spinning out.

Making a close pass in a race is a rush, too.

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I guess when I started this I was thinking intentional rush, but yes haveing a motorcyle ALMOST slide out from under you and then saving it will get the blood pumping.

I forgot about the time I was real dumb and ran OUT INTO a tornado to try and get the horses in.

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Well, if we're talking about scary-type adrenalin rushes (as opposed to the pleasurable kind):

--Hitting the brakes but knowing you and the motorcycle are going to hit that car broadside anyway. :o

--Looking out the window at 0530 and seeing water EVERYWHERE and your car buried up to its windshield in it, knowing you have to evacuate the house by boat in a matter of minutes. :angry:

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1) Bull riding (If only I could work with broken limbs!)

2) Street racing a motorcycle at 120+ mph

3) Riding co-pilot in my buddies Mustang droptop and we're late for a


4) Bowhunting

5) Watching my 18 month old son try to bend the Laws of Physics while he

learns about gravity. (In other words he's a climber!)


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Biggest adrenalin dumps (some good experiences, some bad):

1) Feeling the labor pains start and realizing that I will shortly be delivering a baby.

2) Hitting the apex of turn number 1 at Texas World Speedway perfectly at 110mph.

3) Hooking a 65kg Marlin and landing the thing without giving up.

4) Catching a car in my peripheral vision about to run the red light, locking up my motorbike, and sliding sideways to a stop just in time to avoid becoming road kill.

5) Seeing the gang members cross the street coming towards me in my broken down truck and realizing I may have to shoot somebody.

I'm supposed to limit it to 5 but I have to include

6) RO'ing my husband on a course of fire and having to DQ him for breaking the 180 (the gun was pointed right at me). :blink:

Reading some of the other posts made me decide to edit and add

7) Realizing a student standing two foot from me has just had an AD in the class room and realizing that my leg hurts (it was concrete that had embedded in my leg and not a bullet thank goodness).

8) RO'ing a local match and getting hit square in the sternum with 230 ball splash back off a piece of 10 yd steel. I thought for sure when I looked down I would see I was blowing bubbles.

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Telling 12 or 15 hopped up crackheads that their landlord's fire insurance doesn't cover their personal "stuff" and wondering if the 3 that end up pointing a gun at your head will actually "cap yo white ass." :unsure: Detroit - 1996

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Most of my own adreanaline rushes were experienced while doing very stoopid stuff. I'm going to leave those unlisted. :ph34r:

But, there were a few that weren't my fault and can actually be listed on a public forum.

Most recently, and the safest, shooting the helo event at the ITRC in Gillette, WY.

Winning a free 150 ft bungee jump. And collecting on it, just as my wife arrived to witness my descent. The bungee jump was the safer part of the festivities......

Slipping and falling down at the buzz of a rattler and instincitvely hitting the draw and getting it before it got me.

Having lightning hit so close that my hair stood on end right before the st...st...st...strike.

Getting very close to a POed bull elk.

Getting very close to a POed bull moose.

Horse wrecks in general. :o

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