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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


Chriss Grube

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Monday I got the call for Sgt. Lucked out and got to stay close to home. 20 miles to work instead of 10 but now I get most weekends off. No more trying to work out the schedule so I can shoot. Heck I might even start to practice since I'll be mainly 8-4 Mon-Fri. Going from Patrol to Crime work will be a big change but I'm looking forward to the challenge. Only bad thing is now I have to buy some suits. Any tips on how normal people live and sleep at night instead of hunting the bad guys? :huh:

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Hey, congratulations!!!! :D

Well, my Sheriff's detective friend got called out at night a lot, but maybe your job is a little different. He used to bitch about it a bit, but then the SO was so short-handed (and still is) perhaps that was the real problem.

Especially glad you'll have more time to shoot... and live.

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Chriss, I got the same nod two years ago. It comes with its mixed blessings. I am still not enamored with the job, and do what LITTLE I am allowed to do, you will know what I mean later if not now. Take care of your people, and try to make one of your people happy per shift.

Good luck, and sweet schedule! I am jealous.....


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Monday I got the call for Sgt. Lucked out and got to stay close to home. 20 miles to work instead of 10 but now I get most weekends off. No more trying to work out the schedule so I can shoot. Heck I might even start to practice since I'll be mainly 8-4 Mon-Fri. Going from Patrol to Crime work will be a big change but I'm looking forward to the challenge. Only bad thing is now I have to buy some suits. Any tips on how normal people live and sleep at night instead of hunting the bad guys? :huh:

I think you've earned it. Congrats.

Wake up at 7 in the morning, breakfast...drive to work...do your job....lunch....do your job...leave at 5...dinner....social things.....go to bed at 22.00. Rest well...up at 7 etc. :P;)

My respect for those who maintain Law and Order!

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Congratulations! It's about time. Think this will help you avoid being assaulted with mirrors by old people? :lol::lol:

As to the schedule change, just set a routine and go with it, even if the first week or two throw some hickups your way. They'll smooth out....

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Doug and Eric,

Yeah unfortunately they are going to chain my butt to a desk. If it wasn't for the wife and kids needing some type of a normal life I'd have stayed a Cpl. At least then I could slide out and go hunting.


Yeah I should be safe unless one crashes into the building! ;)

Hey Jake aint you a little small to be messing with me? I get my own filing cabinet so I can do that hong kong fooey change over thing too!

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:( :( :(

Amazing how cops have rules they need to follow when defending themselves isn't it...That, my friend, is why I could never be a cop...the second some punk with a desire to be masochistic took a swing at me or came at me with some type of weapon, the gloves would go totally off.

As far as I'm concerned, the dirty bastard forfeited his right to eat solid food when he came at me with a knife. ;)

Rant off.

P.S. Congrats again. ;)

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Yeah aint that a kick in the butt. I guess its time to let the young guys have some fun. I'll still find a way to escape every once and again.


Yeah, practice seems like a odd concept. I always thought that was what matches were for? go figure. Might even have to go for the M card. ;)

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