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Area 1 2005 - Missoula MT

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Just got the squad assignment email.  They claim work/shooting schedules are on the website but don't see them yet.  Probably will go up soon though.

Should be an interesting match.

The squad schedule and match schedule are up. What I don't understand is why the 3 hour down time between when results are final and the awards ceremony. There aren't alot of flight opportunities out of Missoula...and even fewer after 7PM.

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I noticed according to the squad schedule for Area 1, that they're allowing a walk through time of 5.0 minutes per squad.

See this link --> Squad Schedule

After hearing of all the complaints from Area 6 where the 5 minute rule was enforced....it would seem that shooters are NOT happy with this optional (match directors discretion) USPSA rule. Is anyone here closely affiliated with the match staff to know if this is going to be the case?

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I can't speak for the match management but the Nationals use a 5 minute walkthrough schedule and it was not a problem to most shooters. The Area 6 complaints were about the closed range and not a 5 minute time limit.

Steven, how much time should a squad have to do a stage walkthrough? Should it be based on the number of shooters on the squad or maybe the number of shooters times the number of shots on the stage?

For anyone who has never shot at Missoula before the ranges are seperated into east & west bays about 1/2 mile apart so your half day schedule is on one end or the other. Your schedule starts on Thursday but the staff will still be putting the finishing touchs on the stages until some time on Wednesday. So if you get there early what you see may not be what you finally get.

Please come and enjoy the scenery and we stop shooting for wildlife on the range backstop.

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I can't speak for the match management but the Nationals use a 5 minute walkthrough schedule and it was not a problem to most shooters. The Area 6 complaints were about the closed range and not a 5 minute time limit.

Ahhh... I see. I guess I mis-interpreted it. I knew that the no-peek rule was enforced (to some shooters surprise) but I thought I had also read that shooters weren't allowed enough time to do their walk-throughs and felt disadvantaged.

finishing touchs on the stages until some time on Wednesday.  So if you get there early what you see may not be what you finally get.

Well this is going to be a bit of an experience for me. This is my first time RO'ing a big match...I know we're supposed to shoot the match on Wednesday (8AM - 4PM) .... but I didn't realize that the stages would still be in a state of flux at that time.

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Yea, I'm going. This is my 3rd year shooting USPSA and my first big match, I've only shot in local club matches. My goals are: 1) Don't shoot myself or someone else; 2) Don't DQ; 3) Have fun watching good shooters. I hate to admit it as a graduate of Montana State in Bozeman, but Missoula is a great town and the range is beautiful. They have grass, trees, and flush toilets, which is a big change from the ranges out here in Eastern Montana. I'll probably stay in a motel, but I was thinking of sleeping under the Van Buren Street Bridge with the other old hippies and bums. Maybe I'll recognize some BE'ers at the match.

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Question for you guys involved with the match - As I read it, a competitor does not have the option of shooting only on Saturday. Is that correct?

I am looking for a match in June (have a free airline ticket) and was looking into the Area 1 (don't know if there are any openings). Anyway, if I have to travel on Thursday to be there Friday, that will kill it for me - extra day of leave. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Keep your right eye on that youngest Rayner boy...he had our whole squad covered with pasters today. I probably still have a few on the back of my shirt.

Flex, I just know that Rayner kid and me are going to hit it off! :P

I'm on squad 12. It looks like we won't shoot at all on Saturday.

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Steven, welcome to the RO staff. I am also going to RO a stage. The Wed 8AM-4PM schedule is only a guess that will probably run late based on how much time the RM spends tweaking the stages. The range is scheduled to be closed starting the 19th so that doesn't give us a lot of time to get every thing placed.

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Question for you guys involved with the match - As I read it, a competitor does not have the option of shooting only on Saturday.  Is that correct? 

I am looking for a match in June (have a free airline ticket) and was looking into the Area 1 (don't know if there are any openings).  Anyway, if I have to travel on Thursday to be there Friday, that will kill it for me - extra day of leave.  Any feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks.

We have the EBMMM in Couer d'Alene, Idaho prior to the Area 1 if you want a weekend match. Go here www.sppl.us for more info.

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In the interest of public disclosure, I asked the match director the following:

Eric Wesselman wrote:

Hello Paul and Joe,

I would like to enquire as to whether the Area 1 match will be conducted on the "no peek" basis as Area 6 was recently.  I am referring to the closure of all stages to viewing by competitors before or after the match, and during break periods.

If you could let me know if the "no peek" rule will be in effect, I would certainly appreciate it.

Best Regards,


Paul Miner responded:

Hi Eric.........Rule US8.7.5 will be in effect.

Paul Miner


It is unclear to me what that means, so I requested further clarification for HOW 8.7.5 will be applied. I'll keep y'all posted. (I'm not terribly interested in shooting no peekie matches for various reasons which I will not go into here.)

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(I'm not terribly interested in shooting no peekie matches for various reasons which I will not go into here.)

I agree with Eric on this. If the Nationals, being our biggest match, has done away with the "no peek" rule, then the rest of the matches should follow suit.

Rule US8.7.5 states:

US8.7.5 No person is permitted to enter or move through a course of fire

without the prior approval of a Range Officer assigned to that

course of fire or the Range Master. Violators may be subject to

the provisions of Section 10.6 for willful offenses.

Giving Paul the benefit of the doubt, maybe all we have to do is ask the RO on the stage while no one else is on and they will let us walk through.

My $0.02 :)

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Alma, I am on squad 1. Nice morning sched if you like that time of day. It will be cool. We can watch the RO match on Wednesday. There will be at least one M class shooter who usually has good stage solutions.

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Great! I moved to Idaho this week so it will be nice to shoot with some people from just over the border. I will be shooting Production-M so I usually have to make up a different plan anyway.

See you there!

Alma Cole


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  • 2 weeks later...
Any more news on the no peeky no sneaky rule?

I haven't heard anything official from Paul...but reading the relevant section in the match book.....

Course Inspection: Stages are open for inspection:

* During setup (please be courteous and stay out of bays where

work is still obviously underway),

* During shooting hours and lunch breaks (provided the stage

CRO is present), and

* During your squad’s walk-through.

You may negotiate obstacles only during your squad’s walkthrough,

and when you’re “on deck” (10.6.1 & .2 will apply).

All ranges close at 6:30 pm each night - no inspection permitted

after that time (10.6.1 & .2 will apply).

I read that as as long as its during shooting hours and you get the CRO permission (???), its OK.

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I was concerned about this and contacted the MD. I don't have permission to post his response (yet), but the synopsis is that sanity will rule the day at Area 1. Competitors will be allowed reasonable access to inspect the stages, but will not have access when the range is closed to everybody. No tampering with any range equipment will be permitted, as it should be.

Looks like a match that will run like a well-oiled machine. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I leave for Missoula tommorow and I've got a bad case of nerves. This is my first big match. I know I should treat it like the club matches and just shoot it, but that's easier said than done. On the other hand, Missoula is a great town with three good brew pubs to drown your sorrows in (or celebrate in depending on how it goes). I especially like Big Sky Brewing Co., home of Moose Drool Brown Ale and neat T-shirts to go with it. There's also an Indian/South Asian vegetarian restaurant (Tipu's Tiger) to get you in the proper Zen attitude. Missoula is the only place in Montana you could get away with something like that. I feel better already. I'm shooting with Squad 21; anybody else out there in this squad?

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My first big match too, no nerves just excited. Gonna kick back at night and smoke some cigars on Rock Creek and have fun shooting in the day. Maybe the pressure is less cause I am in D class. I am in lucky number 13 sqaud. Good luck!

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