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Safariland experience


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Called Safariland moments ago to ask about holsters that might work with my Glock 34 for IDPA competition. I asked for a competition holster specialist. The young rep that answered the phone was a nice enough young lady. Personally didn't care if she was from Mars as long as she could answer a few question.

I asked about the new IDPA rules and which holsters might meet the new rules. She said: "I don't know much about competition holsters". Didn't I just ask for a competition holster rep??? That is what I was thinking but didn't say that and wasn't rude. Just asked if there was someone else there that could answer some questions. She said no, but she would try and help me. I asked about which holsters might fit the new IDPA rules for no light in the belt channel. You could feel the blank stare over the phone.

I felt sorry for her since this poor kid trying to work for a living obviously had no training about the products that she was trying to sell. I guess it is no different than the kid behind the gun counter at Walmart. I guess by calling the manufacturer I expected more. I wrote to Safariland and asked for them to please do some training for their employees. Maybe this was a rare experience, but how many of you have had something similar happen to them?

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Ummm - If I was the Safariland rep on the opposite end of the phone during that call, my answer would probably be "it depends". Look at the rules, what might be legal for one person might not be for another. However, like a previous poster mentioned the 561 would be a good bet and a great holster. I have the 560 and love it for a 1911 (560 paddle, 561 belt).

BTW - Safariland rocks.

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Big Dave, yes I understand the 3/4" rule depends on body shape. The light in the belt tunnel depends on the holster. The difference between you and that rep is you are aware of the rules in the first place.

J Kelly, on Brians site they 560/561 is not offered for a Glock 34.


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I picked up a 560 (paddle) from Brian and got the little $16 adapter to convert to belt. I use the paddle for carry and the belt for competition. I was using a Kydex holster before, it was no comparison to the 560.


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J Kelly, on Brians site they 560/561 is not offered for a Glock 34.---clay1

I checked Safrailand's "Will Fit" sheet and you are correct they don't offer a 560/561 for the Glock 34, sorry.



It it is offered for the Glock 17,and it is, then won't the 34 fit also?

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I wish that it did. The deal is that the G34 has a longer slide. In some styles of holsters the muzzle area is open so slide length isn't that big of a deal. When this area is closed it is gun specific only. Thanks for the thoughts though.


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I emailed the company and got a fairly quick response. It turns out that the model suggested in the new IDPA rules in no longer manufactured. They suggested a 5186 (about $60) for a Glock 34. I happen to have Mepro night sights that add a little height and were accomodated by my Sooper Hooper, but still might fit. Frankly, was surprised the new rules would reference a holster no longer available. Oh-well!

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Will the paddle version (560) work for IDPA under the new rules. (I did read the postings above.) Stew is the belt coversion a preference or necessity for IDPA competition?---tangram

I think the 560/561 will meet IDPA holster requirements as it is on the Wilson Combat web site as the "Adjuster". At least I think this is the same holster as the Safariland 561 I'm holding in my hand. The leather patterens and screws line up.

And it is the type of adjustable holster that is allowed in the new rules. Hmmm???

Wilson sells them for $110 and Brian Enos sells them for about $75.





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I'm hearing a lot of good responses on Safariland. It just wasn't my experience the first time that I called them. Maybe I was a little too fast in my judgement of them but the above is the how it happened.

I'll call again on Monday and see what happens with a different rep. It's always nice to hear good things about a company. Every company has a bad rep once in a while. Your great comments will have me call again, before I write them totally off.

Indshrk, thanks for the pointer on a specific model.

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I've used both the 560/1 and the 5183. The only downsides I see is that the belt versions doesn't work as well with the Wilderness Instructor's belt as they do with a standard 1.5" leather belt.

They are not super slick boy kydex holsters as they are lined with suede or some synthetic version. This makes for a bit of a break in period.

Also, they both have a plastic roller inside as part of the retention system which (at least on the 560/1) will wear on the dust cover of a 1911 leaving a mark (at least on a blued or coated gun).

If you want a fast kydex holster they may not be for you. They are made for concealment use and ride higher on the belt than the current favorite gamer rigs that normally ride at the top of the belt.

If you want a fast, affordable, kydex "carry" hoster that won't wear as much as a pure kydex holster they are good choices.

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Mayonnaise, now that is exactly the kind of comment for which I was looking. Thank you very much for the wonderful words of wisdom. The 560 is a nice true carry holster, but I am looking for a pure competition holster at this point. Again, thanks for the comments.


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If you want a fast kydex holster they may not be for you. They are made for concealment use and ride higher on the belt than the current favorite gamer rigs that normally ride at the top of the belt. ---Mayonaise

Interstingly, since moving to the 561 from my now illegal kydex gamer holster I've dropped 0.14 seconds off my draw. So the concealment/gamer stuff is pretty much a wash for me in that respect.

I think the 560/561 is a bit more on the gamer side of the concealed holster word. It's open top, adjustable restraint, adjustable cant and very close to my gamer holster in gun height. It does hold the but of the gun closer, but maybe not close enough for the 3/4" rule.



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I see that holster dynamics are a very personal choice. It looks like the best way to go is to try as many as you can. If nothing else the changes in he holster rules is making all of us rethink of choices for holsters.

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The 561 was my personal favorite for my 1911's. When I heard about the potential changes to hoster rules in 2003 I traded it for a Alessi DOJ. I love the now well broken in DOJ and find it as fast as the 561. If you want an even gamier version of the DOJ go for the Rusty Serrick Rangemaster version. Sits lower.

I don't like my 561 for my Glock as much as the 5183 or the Kytac however.

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I'm not Mayonaise, but Sherrick's website is http://www.c-rusty.com. I've got a couple of his holsters, including the only straight drop 1911 holster I've ever seen that actually works as a concealment holster. Excellent workmanship. Unfortunately, the last one took nine months to get to me. His normal wait is about two. He's one of the rare folks who doesn't charge your card until he ships.

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