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Double Tap Championship WF, TX

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I just got off the phone with Robert Porter. He said the scores will be up today. His trans went out in his truck. When he gets it squared away this evening he will get them posted.

Thanks to all the shooters that made stage 12 run so well. It was a hoot running all of you.

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Just got back last night..this was a really fun match...the stages were pretty fun..and fast to shoot. I shot pretty poorly, didn't bother to look at any results.....but for my first big match in a long while..it was OK.

The squads were big..but Squad 7 was great...we were fighting over targets to tape..:D We got hung up by a couple of slow squads..so ended up with some down time on the first day..

I got some photos of the supersquad...and Squad7 so I will hopefully post a few up tonight...

Thanks to the match staff..you put together a good show...

A lot of fun to see so many good shooters...the match seemed quite competitive. I hope to come back next year..do better and maybe I'll even peek at the results..:D

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I enjoyed the match quite a bit. The range has a lot of potential and will be super once they get the wider bays that were mentioned in the shooter's meeting. I would go back for another Double Tap match for sure.

Congrats to the staff for putting on a fun match! Thanks again for all the hard work.


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I had a geat time, especially when Sniper elbowed me (Like a Muay Thai Boxer) and spilled her drink on me when we were waiting for scores.  All of this was an "accident".


You're lucky it was diet Coke... the bees were out in full force... :lol: Sorry 'bout that.

I had a great time! This was a super fun match!!! Congratulations to all the winners and a million thanks to Robert and all the ROs/staff. Everyone was so nice! :D

Our squad (2) was awesome and worked very well together. I'm glad we were squadded together. Johnnie was even well behaved. :o:lol:

It was great to meet so many BErs! What incredibly nice people y'all are! :D

...and... MY GUN WORKED!!!! YEAAAH!!! (and nothing broke!) thread to follow in The Gallery :wub:

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Great job Robert and crew!! A well run, extremely fun match! I can't wait to go back to the next one!

As to Jamaica " sand bagger " and "cheater" comments I heard about some of the Limited shooters, namely me (8th) and the "other B" who finished 7th over all. USPSA need to fix it's system.

I'm that "other B" who finished 7th overall. Unfortunately for me, life has kept me from shooting USPSA for the last 18 months and as a result, my classifiers are a bit dated. I wish it were different, but its not, and we have to play within the rules we are given. I was spared any of the comments that Kurt overheard, thank goodness.

The good news is, there were oodles of GM's at the match, so I believe it will count as a classifier (or is that just area matches?). If so, strong finishes will help everything even out as it should.

Again, super fun match and it was great seeing a lot of you there. Area 4 is the next big one for me, can't wait!


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When I first saw the squad size (16) and only an hour per stage, I said "no f-n way.." I was mightily impressed that we were ahead of schedule almost all day, and only had to wait for the prima-donna six-video-cameras-at-once-squad a time or two.. :D

Bill had a little problem with the timer picking up extra shots.. he still owes me fifteen seconds for that.

I'm not sure the classification percentages are going to help any in Open.. They went something like 100% (Max). 90% (Adam) 85% (Lee), High 70's (Mr 'B') and down from there. I was 7th with barely an A-class score.

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You weren't spared you just didn't hear the remarks. Like I said, no one knows who I am by sight, because I don't shoot many pistol only matches and I only saw about 8 people I knew at the whole match. As I was posting the over all Limited and Open results for Robert was when I heard the most comments. You were called the "biggest sandbagger in the nation" among other things, and then they said I had to be just as bad but that they didn't know who I was but I still had to be a cheatin sandbagger. Several around the board agreed and launch into stories about how they "knew" it was a fact. I am not telling you to stir the pot, just to point out that anyone who does well and isn't a "G.M." has to be a sand bagger in the eyes of many.

It is a beautiful catch 22, If your not a USPSA member you can't shoot these matches. If you join to be able to shoot these matches, and do well right from the start you are an automatic cheat and sandbagger. You would really have a problem with my brother Eirc. He shoots pistol WAY better than I do, but isn't a member USPSA at all. If he ever decided to join, although I don't know why he would, he would be an instant U classifeid G.M. sandbagger. Why is it that anyone outside of USPSA is just automatically assumed to not be able to shoot??, and when they can, is a cheat??

I know this is an amazing thread drift and I apologize. GREAT shooting BradC! and T space T as well as your team mate!! Chet it was great to meet you and we will be in touch!! KURTM

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I shot in the squad with the 5 Jamicans , (1 from Dallas, at least I could understand him) They were all good shooters, no better or worse that other sandbaggers I've shot with. They worked , they shot well,and they played within the rules. They were nice guys, I would welcome shooting with them again.

To bad it was not a 6 stage match , I could have done well.

I'll do better next time . Space City here I come.

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Hey Kurt and Brad, I know it really stinks to be labeled a cheater or sandbagger. I have a suggestion, contact USPSA and ask to be moved to a higher classification so that all the other less able sandbaggers such as myself can win, hehehehehehe.

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Hey Kurt and Brad, I know it really stinks to be labeled a cheater or sandbagger.  I have a suggestion, contact USPSA and ask to be moved to a higher classification so that all the other less able sandbaggers such as myself can win, hehehehehehe.

Hahahaha! I'll do that as soon as I finish my 'sand'wich and get my daughter out of the 'sand'box and, oh, anyone seen my 'sand'als? =)

Sometimes sandbagging isn't on purpose, its a circumstance. Sucks that people assume the worst.

So, to get back on topic... once again, super awesome match =)

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Did that! Have known Mike Voight since 95, he just laughed and said it would all even out in the end. Mean while the joke is on you guys I guess, as I don't think I should be in B either. I guess I need to get hold of my section coordinator, who ever he is and do a "formal" request, the funny part, i'm informed, is that you can only jump one level so now all the As will start in on me. :angry: The other choice of course is just quit shooting USPSA matches, and right now that is very attractive. I think I will just do the odd club match here and there and just not give them a number and tell them if I win anything just give it to someone else like I used to do when I first started.....now if Robert gets 3-gun going down at Double Tap that would change :D KURTM

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BTW, Stage 9 Double Whammy really was, shooting thru the barrels! You had to be up close to pivot the things to the targets. I think we all left with a headache after that stage!!! :blink::o:blink:

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BTW, Stage 9 Double Whammy really was, shooting thru the barrels!  You had to be up close to pivot the things to the targets.  I think we all left with a headache after that stage!!!  :blink:  :o  :blink:

:blink: no kidding! I probably lost a few seconds on that stage trying to regain my composure after the first shot through the barrel. THAT WAS STINKING LOUD!!! :lol:

I can't imagine what it must have been like for the open guys.

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The score are posted as of 9 pm Monday Night, Sorry for the Delay my poor old 95 truck got me to the range the last day of the match and then just layed down on me and died. Really, the transmission is shot. (Pun intened)

Any way, all the directors,RO's and staff spent some time with me after the match to make comments and suggestions on what to improve. We covered all of the comments on this fourm page and a few not on the page. (what a great staff to work with, My hats off to them)

The PA was planned but like the truck, the rental gave up at the last minute and all the others where rented at all the other rental spots. So I talked as loud as possiable. Next year we will just buy one.

About the 180 There was no target on the one 180 at the start UNLESS you moved about three feet before you drew and started shooting that particular traget after engaging the other avaiable targets. ( And that would be the slow way to shoot the stage) It is up to the shooter to engage in the "right" "safe" order. We will not have targets as close to the 180 next year, you can be asurred.

BTW: I heard a comment on range about a timer picking up shots, So I got two timers and stood around in the bay to see if they would pick up shots and the answer is NO... unless the timer is pointed at the front of the bay. I held both timer directly at the side berms from the middle of the bay while a few open divison shooters shot in the next bay and NOTHING. ¥ou had to be pretty close to the front of the bay and had to have the face of the timer pointed directly to the front of the bay, Other wise I got nothing on either timer.

Also we are going to fine tune the Prize distriubution part of the match to try to make it a lot faster. Part of the slow down was alot of folks never have done a "bucket raffle" was not sure what to do. And we never have done one either, so we were a little unorganizned, Next year we are looking at half the time. We are also going to be using two computers and two stats input folks to try to make that part of the match speed up also. Are Goal is to be done and off range on Sunday by 2:00pm.

Thank you all for the Great Comments at the Match and here in this fourm and look forward to shooting some of the match in the area with you. We look forward to next years match the same time and as I told Max Michel Jr. you think these stages were "fun" wait till next year. We held back this year.

Once Again.... THANK YOU

Robert Porter

Match Director

Double Tap Championship

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:blink:  no kidding!  I probably lost a few seconds on that stage trying to regain my composure after the first shot through the barrel.  THAT WAS STINKING LOUD!!!   :lol:  

I can't imagine what it must have been like for the open guys.

Oh geeze! Who let you in here? :P ...And now the complaining begins... :lol:

The stinkin' barrels were torture for this Open shooter... I couldn't see straight because my brain was pushed against the back of my skull whilst pulling my sinuses along with it. I thought my nose would start bleeding after the first shot. I have that stage on video and I stumbled while trying to get out of the barrel after shooting... an obvious sign of some brain jarring.

After I shot that stage, I wondered why any stage designer would want to inflict physical pain on the shooter. I did not like that stage... it hurt. :(

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I started out smoking the first stage on day one with the handcuff stage. I ran it in 8.61 with 4 down. I think that was 3rd fastest overall. I will always be able to say I beat Dave S. and Travis T. in a stage one time.

Nice to finally meet some of you guys I see on the BE forums.


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