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How many matches did it take you to.....?


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How many matches did it take you to finally say that you have all of the gear that you need for any stage?

Last weekend, I competed in a match with a high pistol round count. I thought three mags for the G34 with the TTI base extension would be enough for any stage at any match.....boy was I wrong! I ran the stage and missed more than I planned too when I realized that I was out of ammo with two Texas Stars no engaged......arrrgh! So I will be purchasing a fourth mag and base extension before the next match.

Another example, the same match require a sling in one of the stages. This is the first time that I have needed a sling in my six months of 3-Gunning......thankfully I read the stage description before I arrived.

At the end of the last match I was confident that I would NOT have to say the following words....."Honey, I need one more thing!"

So my question still stands, how many matches did you attend before you realized you had the gear to handle any stage that was thrown at you? A curious mind wants to know......

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Took me about a year and a half to get my gear dialed in. Lots of buying and selling along the way!

I don't think I'll ever be completely done tweaking my gear, but it's not a mad dash to get the right parts and peices anymore. That first year was EXPENSIVE!!!

Edited by Mberry
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How many pistol targets were there ?

I shoot open, I haven't even had to reload maybe twice in the last 2 years. I do carry 2 extra mags, sometimes I wonder why ? ? ?

The stage had paper, steel and a Texas star at the end of the course. One guy ahead of me said that he used 47 rounds and he ran out on the Texas Star. He is a much better shooter than I am so I planned to use more than 47 rounds. If I remember correctly there had to be at least 25 targets total. The Texas Star and small steel fallers ate my lunch; Three rounds on some of then before I had a hit. I always double-tap on paper targets because I am not good enough yet to get "A" hits. This was the first time that I used that many pistol rounds in one stage. I will make sure to have extra mags until I can improve my shooting! BTW; I loved the stage design.....

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It (all the equipment I need for 3 Gun) won't happen.

Some MD out there somewhere is already thinking up the next 45+ round shotgun stage (JJ at RM3G?). Possibly with a few buckshot and/or slugs sprinkled along the trail. Rifle stage design can get pretty ammo intense also. I watched several competitors empty 75 round mags plus a couple of 30 rounders on the long-range rifle stage at the Rio Salado Team Match last weekend. I started stage 12 (20 pistol paper & 12 pistol steel) at this year's RM3G with 80 rounds of 45 ACP strapped to me (not more than 10 rounds per mag).

I have found that it is a good idea to be ready to lend equipment to shooters that don't have what they need for a given stage, because they might end up having something that I may need (want) to borrow before the match is over. I would not trust any 3Gun competitor who tells me they have all the equipment they might need for any future match.

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There were 20 steels and 12 papers, plus or minus a couple.

Daniel, I had to sit out this match but when I first saw the stage description the first thing that came to mind was "don't miss on the steel plates". I know, easier said than done sometimes but on a stage like that it's critical to have the patience to get the sight picture you need and break the shot cleanly.

You should have been able to complete that with your three extended mags and had a few left over. I might have carried a fourth, just in case.

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There were 20 steels and 12 papers, plus or minus a couple.

Daniel, I had to sit out this match but when I first saw the stage description the first thing that came to mind was "don't miss on the steel plates". I know, easier said than done sometimes but on a stage like that it's critical to have the patience to get the sight picture you need and break the shot cleanly.

You should have been able to complete that with your three extended mags and had a few left over. I might have carried a fourth, just in case.

Thanks JPeel for the correction.....yea...I thought 60 rounds was enough, but I did not factor in my misses :angry2:!

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No I mean it in they way that people will always take things to the most ridicules extreme, so when I bought gear....shotgun caddies for instance....I knew at some point someone would have a 75 round shotgun stage. When I bought mag holders I knew sometime there would be a 100 round pistol stage....etc. You see, I'm "ammophobic"....the fear of never haveing enough ammo :)

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There is always some company coming out with the newest and greatest. And in my limited experience, you'll always find something you "need" for 3-gun. I thought I had enough gear as well and then shot the Noveske Area 2 match this past weekend and learned I didn't have enough shotgun shell holders. I've made a list and am constantly adding to it. I ask past participants of the match what it's usually like and then I know if I need to buy something off my list. If not, the list becomes my gift list for other occasions.

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Going on my 2nd year and still buying.... Good luck with the wife......


Are you still buying due to new stage designs/requirements or just to replace old gear? I suspect in two years, you have seen a lot of stages.....

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I've been playing the game for a few years, and still add gear. Pistol and mags are good, I just use my Limited gun (.40 S&W). Rifle mags, well, it seems that Mag Pul is very generous in donations to matches, Troy and Lancer also. My mag population just grows it's own, mostly. Shotgun caddies, and holders are pretty good. I've enough that I can loan to new shooters.

Now, I'm one of those shooters that is pretty "handy" with mechanical things. I may add gear, but, usually make a lot of it.

Another point, is, since I live in New England, we have extremely little 3 gun up here. I have to travel to attend matches that are regional, for lack of a better term. I shoot 3 majors a year, Rocky Mountain 3 Gun, He Man Nationals, and FNH (which I also work) Other parts of the country have monthly matches which adds a lot of experience in a shorter time.

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Daniel, for the majority of matches, both the local NTMG and majors, you'll be fine if you can carry two pistol mags, a rifle mag, and 20 +/- shotgun shells. Yes, Jeremy likes to push us and will put a high round count stage, or two, or three in a match. The only time you "need" extra gear is for the high shotgun count stages since shells coming out of your pocket is a slow loading method. But you can always drop a rifle mag or pistol mag into your pocket and be just as effective as if it came off your batman belt.

Now if you're needing a reason to justify a purchase to your wife just tell her "it's what all the cool guys are using".

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Probably about a years worth of matches.

First few matches I was using single 4x caddies so on big shotgun stages I would wind up going to the side saddle and the armband.

Now it takes a huge stage before I go anywhere but my belt (AP 4x4) for shotgun ammo although I usually put slugs or buck in an armband to keep it segregated.

I haven't ponied up for the new fancy shotgun quad loaders yet though.

While a flat-footed standing reload is unquestionably faster with them, it seems like in match conditions with movement a really solid weakhand load is still at parity, more or less.

I ran out of shotgun shells one time at a small match because I loaned a guy a caddy and forgot to get it back before I ran a stage. I always finish with lots of extra pistol and rifle ammo because I carry more than enough mags in the event that I am forced to drop a mag to clear a malfunction.

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