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Automatic Primer Filler


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I splurged for the Dillon RF100 a while back after years of thinking it was just too pricey. It is too expensive, but it's worth it. This thing rocks. It does away with the most monotonous (and dangerous) task of reloading.

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Damn Erik!!  You beat me to this post!  The RF100 is the bee's knees.

I really did some thinking about how to improve my reloading throughput.  The concusion I came to is that the little labor saving devices are as or more important than having a speedy reloader.  You can piddle away 25-50% of your time on non-handle moving nonesense if you let stuff get away from you.  The primer filler, rotary separator, and some other non-Dillon time-motion improvements really put a new lease on life for my 550.  I can push 600-700 rds an hour now w/o straining.  Seriously consider this kind of stuff if your 550 is slowing you down, but you're short the $750 it's going to take to set up a full-blown Dillon 650.  It really helps.

BTW - all you cheapskates in BE-land, rationalizing the lost time as "well I do it while watching TV" doesn't wash with me.  Busywork isn't an excuse to rot your brain.  


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Quote: from EricW on 6:42 pm on Mar. 18, 2002

BTW - all you cheapskates in BE-land, rationalizing the lost time as "well I do it while watching TV" doesn't wash with me.  Busywork isn't an excuse to rot your brain.  


But then what would I do while watching TV? Taping about three hours a night on average ----- some night there are three VCRs going at the same time........ And I like the way my brain is rotting....  

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I have three Dillons to feed ( I started on a Square Deal, then a 550, and now a 650, I got so fond of the non red coloured presses I couldn't sell them ) so I get my daughter to fill my tubes using the RF100. It is awesome, she is as happy as a cat in a cream puddle. It gets her out from under my feet and I can burn through the loading. The only fee she demands is a go with the 38Super next time at the range, not bad for a 7 year old. I just love kids like that.

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Man, you guys need to stop this.  I've already transitioned from "No way, too expensive.." to "maybe someday.."  It's that Federal primer packaging that'll do me in.  Winchesters are easy to flip and then pick up using the 2-tray trick.

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The flipped primers issue has to do with the way you set up the reject gate and also with the quality of the primers.  If the primers have a lot of variation in height, there is little you can do to prevent flipped primers.  Try fooling with the clear plastic flapper thingy to make sure that any upside down primer gets rejected at the second cutout.  I had to tweak mine out toward the center of the bowl a bit.  Now everything is just ducky.  

I had a few startup problems, but now have gone a couple thousand trouble free rounds with both large and small primers, Federal and Winchester.  My main problem was tall primers getting stuck under the flapper thingy and not feeding into the tube.  Switching to the B flapper fixed this.

The miracle in all of this is that if anybody here has ever bought an industrial vibe bowl feeder, you know these puppies cost THOUSANDS each and now Mike Dillon is mass producing them for under $250 a whack.  It's a rock-solid product & it's nothing less than an engineering marvel.  


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I sold 2 to a commercial reloader who has purchased a couple of 650s off me. The guy who used to have to fill the primer tubes can now spend more time actually making ammo/money instead of spend too much time at the shrinks office. He thinks they are a godsend. Yes they do occaisionally load primers downside up, adjust them properly and they will do their job. He has loaded nearly 100,000 since getting the RF's. I have loaded maybe 7,500 on mine.

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My buddy was experiencing @ 1 or 2 upside down primers per tube, and called Dillon - they advised him to attach a variable dimmer type switch to the power to the vibrator so you could adjust the vibration frequency - he tried it , turned the power down a notch, and *bingo*, no more problems.....  go figure  :)

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