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Winner Football


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Championship football again runs through the SEC! The buckeyes once again proved to be the WAY overrated team we suspected. The first time they played any real competition in the last 2 years, and they got their a$$es handed to them. 25 YARDS in the entire 4th quarter is all they could muster. I'm SO glad they're not in the title game...FSU would've had their 3rd stringers in by halftime. Now we have a good game for the championship!

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Default ??? I guess that is code for ohio state loosing and dropping them out of the championship game picture and putting Auburn (#2 ranked team in the nation,now) who has won 9 consecutive games with 5 of those coming against ranked teams including 3 in the top 10 and beating the #1 and #5 ranked teams back to back weekends then yes, you are correct, by DEFAULT....Thanks and can I get a WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!

Edited by DrawandDuck
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College football is a funny thing.....from zero to possibly playing for Nat Champ in one season.....Think I have watched a total of 6 games this year and 2 of them were last night......Gives us something to to bicker about.....Was in the grocery store yesterday and everyone had their Auburn AND Alabama shirts on......Bama fans were giving the Auburn fans crap....their resonse was "What time does bama play today!", thought that was pretty funny.

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You are so right! I don't watch football in general. I watch OSU and the Bengals. They are my home teams. I can't even tell you what state Auburn is in and more importantly, I don't care. I like watching the replays more than anything. I guess it was last weekend when Auburn ran back for that touchdown against Alabama to end the game. The play was pretty good but the looks on the faces in the stadium was far more interesting. I never saw so many "What the Fu@% just happened?" faces in all my life.

And then I hear on the news that one Alabama fan stabbed another because she wasn't upset enough that they lost. Really? Get a life.

To be honest, I feel kind of foolish spending December 7th in a pissing contest over a football season.

Congrats to all the teams who are moving on, no matter how you got there.

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I really don't watch a lot of football but I do have a grandson at Auburn,and have been to a couple games when we visit..

I am watching the Eagles on TV right now playing in a snow story,wow they got to be cold..

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