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I think it's BS. I'm not a fan, either. I think the remainder of the season is excessive.

I hope the fans are held to the same standard as the players are being held to. Oh wait, that won't happen!!! People aren't responsible for anything anymore. :angry:

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I think it's BS. I'm not a fan, either. I think the remainder of the season is excessive.

I hope the fans are held to the same standard as the players are being held to. Oh wait, that won't happen!!! People aren't responsible for anything anymore. :angry:

This isnt a punishment handed down by a government, it is from a private corporation. That same corporation is going to take the season tickets away from the fan. The criminal charges should be against both though. The fan should get disorderly conduct and Artest should get assault and battery.

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Stupid people do stupid things. Too much money, not enough brains.

All those involved should be permanently ejected from the game.

The last guy here in NZ who attacked a member of the crowd at a club game has been given a life ban. Forever, gone.

No sport needs fans or players like that. Chuck them out, never to be seen again, tough on them.

Artest got a lot less than he deserved. This will not change him, get rid of him now before he really hurts someone. He has unfortunatly proved that you can take the thug out of the streets, but you can't take the streets out of the thug.

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My thing is that it seems that two different people are guilty (on film at least) of the same offense are being held to two different standards. That is what bugs me. I think both should be held accountable, and done so to the same standard.

Take the fan(s) out of the equation and it never would have happened.

Not enough brains? No kidding. These people are paid to play a sport, not solve for Pi. You run around with your adrenaline levels through the roof, get something thrown at you and then see how easy it is for you to keep your cool. I'll bet it isn't easy (obviously not).

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Artest may have been provoked but being pounded on by a giant is not even in the same league as being hit in the face with a plastic cup full of beer (or whatever it was). I don't think I would get off too lightly if some 5 footer came at me with a water gun and I pounded him into the ground.


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There are certain other players who should be gone also..Sprewell for one when he choked the coach...now Artest and a few more...

I am sorry Dave, but the whole pro sports thing is way out of control...the NFL drug screening program for example is a joke...you get to mess up three times..and all the people in Hollyweird are the same way too...no one bats an eye when they check into a detox center to get straight again...

It is an instance of way too much money, no morals, ethics or common sense..and are allowed to get away with it because the public does not get outraged about it...same way it allowed Clinton to stay in office after he lied about Monica...

It is just criminal.....I say pitch them all out on their ear, and don;t let them come back...

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TL - I don't disagree with you at all. I think your're right.

What concerns me is that people think that just because Artest is a professional (read: paid) athlete that he is somehow more responsible for his actions than any other average citizen. I think it is socially irresponsible to continue to think that one person is more responsible than another for their actions simply because of the the $$$ you make (or don't). And, the only reason there will be any civil suit (and there will be) is because of the multitude of deep pockets, and no other reason. Place that same altercation with an average couple of Joe's in a townie bar, you won't get the same thing. It is the displacment of responsibility through arbitrary assumptions of stature that is the problem. People in this country have become comfy with the thought of taking some, if not all, of the blame for their actions and placing it onto another "because they are such and such, they are more responsible for what happened than I am."

When you were a child, and you acted out at your aunt's house, it's pretty likely you got a crack on the behind from your aunt or uncle. No, the people who are supposed to be there to correct your bad behavior, your parent(s), were not. Substitute fan for child, player for aunt or uncle, and police/security for parents. Same thing in my book. Did what happened Friday go to far? I think it did. Did the fan(s) deserve what they got? I think so for the most part. Should that come with consequence? Yes. Should all parties involved in this case be held to the same standard. Hell yes.

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The thing is, Artest and those like him have been getting a free ride to act any way they wanted for far too long. Being a "thug" is not just tolerated in the NBA, it's encouraged. That either needs to end or be addressed in a more honest manner.

This whole debacle is a lot like someone who messes with animals at the zoo. You stick your arms through the bars in the tiger's cage and provoke it, and you're going to lose your arm. In this case, though, the difference is that they let the people in the same cage and hope nothing bad happens.

Everyone involved in this is responsible for their own actions. There should be criminal charges filed against both players and the fans who were involved.

The absurdity is that the fans who should be charged with assault and battery are sueing. And they're sueing for the wrong thing. The problem wasn't inadequate security at that one game. The problem is a subculture that has developed over the last 20 years that has encouraged and propated a wholly negative situation. In addition to actively promoting bad behavior on the part of the athletes, they have been paid way too much allowed to break laws left and right without even the fear of prosecution. The few cases in the news where one may be charged are a mere speck of dust compared to the pile of dirt that is the NBA and several other pro sports.

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And I agree with you....let's hold everyone to the same standards....player, coach, fan...everyone....if you did it, hold up your hand and take your lumps...

Like Baretta uses to say...If you can't do the time, don't do the crime....

I just fail to understand the apathy of the Silent Majority in this country who look the other way on something like Clinton, or OJ or Artest.. if they don;t want to participate in the system, get the hell out of Dodge..

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Glad to see Stern make a stand, but too little too late. Money is a killer. I find it amazing that any 20 year old men survive being given millions of dollars, not to mention a guy that a doctor has ordered to take meds for his mania. I hate to think what I would have done at 20 or 25 with a endless pile of money.

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