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2005 Space City Challenge

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The Lack of GM anouncements was my mistake. I will do what I can to make it up to

David Weers 1st Limited Grandmaster and 2nd overall and

Jake DiVita 1st Open Grandmaster and 2nd overall.

2nd mistake

I had planned to post Friday and Saturday results from the hotel. My desk top wouldn't comuicate with the internet from the hotel and my notebook wouldn't comunicate with the ISP. I'll do better prep work next year.

3rd mistake

two out houses. It worked last year but the new match format didn't have anyone walking by the real bathrooms. One of the outhouses wasn't usable on Sunday. Quick solution. I parked my golf cart there so anyone could use it to drive 100 yards to the real bathroom.

4th mistake

I had planned to put steel behind the front no-shoots in "Assume the Position". It just didn't happen. There was controversey in the calls.

5th mistake

Targets too close to the 180 on Does Speed Mater. There weren't any DQ's on that stage but there was some whining.

6th Mistake

I shouldn't have 1/2 empty mags in my back pockets while shooting the Four Meskiters. When I stood up, the chair came with the mags. Unfortunatly there was not vidio.

There was one DQ in the entire match.

Rumor-has-it: for a dropped unloaded gun. Between "If Clear, hammer down, holster" and "Range is clear". That was picked up by the shooter. I was not on that stage and only heard about it 2nd or 3rd hand.

One of my goals in the match was to make it home by 3:00 PM Sunday. It was 3:15. It took 3 hours to unload my truck, put my computers back together, and gather enough energy to post the results.

Next year I hope to post to the internet from the range.

SCC2006 5th weekend in April. I don't have approval from the range. YET!

The application will be on the TSS web site when I get approval for the date.

This years match sold out on entries postmarked 1/10/2005. I expect 2006 to sell out mid December.

It may be the same format as this year. Or we could go back to the same format we have used in years past.

This years format made for a long day for the Staff on Saturday but it sure was nice Sunday afternoon.

See you at the range

Tom Neal L2362 CRO

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Stage 1: 6th Felt good I even looked at the front sight!

Stage 2: 19th Felt good but I waited for the slow swinger on the second port!

Stage 3: 44th Missed the all the steel at least twice and had 3 mikes on paper!!!

Stage 4: 28th Took one extra shoot at the steel and 3 mikes on paper, paper is not my friend! At this point I ask Mark M to just DQ me and stop the pain!!!!

Stage 5: 9th I was able to pull together and felt like it was going to be a nice run UNTIL the No shoot!!! I made up the shot but Oh well!

Stage 6: 37th 2 mikes

Stage 7: 35th 2 mikes

Stage 8: 38th Good time but hit the No shoot and mike

Stage 9: 43rd Just wanted to go Home!!!!! 6 ½ hrs!!

I did have a load of fun!!!! Tom you did a great JOB!!! I guess you can’t lay off for 6 weeks and then go shoot a major match!! I felt pretty good all weekend and my arm only bothered me a small amount.

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Congratulations to Tom Neal and the excellent staff for this match. It was a great match, very well organized, and a blast to shoot. I finished rather poorly, but had a dynamite time. :D Won't miss next year's match, either.


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you'd better look out Lee, the rookie GM (jake) from michigan is comin to getcha.  :)

:) jake shot a very awesome match - i was behind him by 4 points after day one. to me he's not a rookie. he knows a lot more about the game than most would - i congratulate him for shooting a REALLY competitive match - he kept his head in the game through all 9 stages. I probably had a 50% chance of pulling through on day 2, with only short stages - there wasn't much to gain. i either had to push it and pray that i don't crash and burn- or shoot conservatively and just wait for him to screw up.

i expect to be shooting against jake several times this year - and i'm looking forward to the competition!

But anywho congratulates to all the winners - thanks to the RO's and staff who worked hard to make a great match!

its too bad texas south section won't be my 'home' section anymore next year =\

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Congrats to all the winners and glad to see a lot of old friends and make so new ones. I just hate being accused of making the steel dance on stage 4. Hope to see yall at area 6,4 or nationals the next few months.

MarkS_A18138 , couldn't DQ you, too much fun watching the suffering! :D

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I had a good time at the match. My performance was sub-par but no need to talk about the negative. There is always next time. LOL.

Jake and Lee were in my squad so I got to watch "the battle royal" first hand. Both of these guys are great shooters and can move and shoot seriously fast. We often use the term "good run" but with these guys the word RUN was appropriate. Both had their ups and downs and in the end they were so close it literally came down to the last shot scored on the last target. Wow!

I also got to meet Bob A. and Dave O. from PA. I hope to shoot with you all again some time.

I look forward to next year's match.



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I met Jake and I saw him shoot.  He's a great guy and a heck of a shooter.  The good thing is his sense of humor especially when he stuck his foot out and tripped Lee as Lee was  walking to accept his award.

I don't know if you're joking or not, but it doesn't matter, cause I can see that happening! Goodnaturedly, of course. :P

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I met Jake and I saw him shoot.  He's a great guy and a heck of a shooter.  The good thing is his sense of humor especially when he stuck his foot out and tripped Lee as Lee was  walking to accept his award.

I don't know if you're joking or not, but it doesn't matter, cause I can see that happening! Goodnaturedly, of course. :P

He's not joking. And it was very funny. :lol:

One of those "you had to be there" moments. True competitors having a laugh.


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you'd better look out Lee, the rookie GM (jake) from michigan is comin to getcha.  :)

:) jake shot a very awesome match - i was behind him by 4 points after day one. to me he's not a rookie. he knows a lot more about the game than most would - i congratulate him for shooting a REALLY competitive match - he kept his head in the game through all 9 stages. I probably had a 50% chance of pulling through on day 2, with only short stages - there wasn't much to gain. i either had to push it and pray that i don't crash and burn- or shoot conservatively and just wait for him to screw up.

i expect to be shooting against jake several times this year - and i'm looking forward to the competition!

But anywho congratulates to all the winners - thanks to the RO's and staff who worked hard to make a great match!

its too bad texas south section won't be my 'home' section anymore next year =\

Where you heading Lee?

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Got to the range around 7:30 and it was C O L D. As in hands and fingers totally numb cold.

Stage 5: Assume The Position.

Wonderful luck for us....start on the stage with targets at about 15 yards surrounded by no shoots with frozen fingers...great. I shot the stage with a decent time of 16 seconds....unfortulantly I got greedy for alphas and had a no-shoot/mike. Great way to start the match. Here Lee, have 22 match points, I don't want them. :angry:

Lee - 117.4301

Jake - 95.2029

Stage 6: Tons O' Ports

Getting a little warmer....this is my kind of stage with a lot of movement, I hope to make up some ground on this stage. Off the table draw, nail the two poppers, come into the right port and shoot 10 perfect A's....while running to the next port I'm thinking "hey that was pretty nice" come into the next port, shoot the first 2 targets then index on the hardcover target on the 180....first shot is an alpha, 2nd shot was questionable...I had already started moving so I decided not to make it up. Finished the stage with great points...and a mike. Wonderful. 3 penalties on the first 2 stages...this is looking promising.... :angry:

Lee - 237.7387

Jake - 215.9365

Stage 1: Load and Be Ready

Ok now I'm pissed. 3 penalties is not like me at all...this has gotta stop. And what a perfect stage to do it on. Start on a chair...at the beep hauled ass to the barrel where I picked up the gun....did a little ballet move because I didn't keep my weight down, then once I stabalized started shooting. Stage went pretty smooth and I ended up with a decent time. I walk back to reload mags and the RO comes up and says you got a reshoot because someone pasted a target (thanks Dave, j/k). So I say fine and start prepping to shoot it again like a whole new stage. Run it the second time with a couple extra shots, but slightly faster with good points. Alright that is better...starting to come back a bit. :mellow:

Lee - 367.6362

Jake - 355.9365

Stage 2: Teetering on The Edge

This stage is mine. Very long stage with a ton of running and hosing....running is my specialty. Lee shoots the stage pretty solid in 17.39 dropping 3 points. Not bad at all. I get up to the starting position...thinkin ok, time to do this. At the beep I take off like a bat out of hell....so much momentum I need to grab ahold of the bridge to swing my around because I couldn't turn fast enough. I ran it fast as all hell in 15.75 but dropped 12 points....shot way too loose. Still a stage win, but not by as much as I would have liked. Fun stage though, big props to the designer. :D

Lee - 485.3769

Jake - 475.9365

Stage 3: X Factor

Alright now I'm startin to feel good. Makin a comeback and have closed the gap with me and Lee to 10 points. This stage looks promising for me. Get up ready to shoot but have to wait 8 minutes for a popper calibration. Spent that time workin the stage in my head....probably too much, but I'm feelin good and confident with my plan. At the beep, run to the left and shoot the first array really well. Move into the next position...full target at about 12 yards. Folks, let me digress for a moment before I continue. There is a universal truth I wish to relay to you. When the dot is not on the target, and you pull the trigger anyway, you will not hit the target. What? You ask how I know this? I know this because I threw a mike on a totally full target at 12 yards....knew it...and just continued on my merry way to finishing the stage. Lee, I don't want to make a comeback, please, take some more match points because I really don't want them. :angry::angry:

Lee - 625.3769

Jake - 606.4385

Stage 4: Does Speed Matter

Alright now I'm pissed again. Get to this stage, which was 6 plates at the beginning at about 18 yards and then a bunch of hard cover only targets. Shoot this stage....didn't feel like I was going that fast but ended up with a great time and all A's. Amazing how getting pissed can affect your shooting. Gained a lot of ground on this stage and felt pretty good. This was out last stage of the day. At the end of day 1, this was where we were. :D

Lee - 742.1553

Jake - 746.4385

Day 2.

Not nearly as cold this day...thank god. Only 3 stages today and 170 match points. Not very much area to gain a lot of ground so I decide to shoot consistently and try and keep my 4 points lead.

Stage 8: Madness

Crazy classifier with tons of no shoots. Figure there is a lot to possibly lose so I'm just gonna shoot my sights. Dropped 2 points in 7.4. Gained another point on Lee so I'm feelin good. :D

Lee - 803.2847

Jake - 808.8530

Stage 9: Heels R Toes

Real fast stage...Hit factor ended up being 13.8...only a 60 point stage. Lee shoots it first and posts a great time with 4 down. Instead of pushing it and possibly miking I just shoot consistently a little slower than him with 2 down. He gains a point, but I still feel I shot the stage well. :)

Lee - 863.2847

Jake - 867.9254

Stage 7: The Four Mesquiteers

Last stage of the match....40 points possible. Go into it with a 4.5 point lead. Lee and I talk it over and I decide to go first on the stage. If you have ever shot this stage...it is a bitch, with 2 targets right on the 10 and 170 degree mark and 2 others out at 10 yards with no shoots. A lot of possible points to lose. At the beep I throw the lid open and grab a chunk full of gun....in other words...not the best grip. Have a little bit of trouble finding the dot but eventually got it and shoot the targets. Final two shots were a Charlie, Delta...I knew it as soon as I shot it and I knew I had just opened the door bigtime....dropping 5 points on a 40 point stage is not a good idea. Lee needs to shoot the stage and beat me by 10% to win. He does his job and shot faster and better hits. Figured out that the last shot of the match (the D) cost me 2.8 match points. Final Results were. :blink:

Lee - 903.2847

Jake - 901.4064

Major props to Lee for him shooting the best match I've seen him shoot. Shot a totally clean match and shot every stage in control...pushed when he needed to and won the match. You da man bro! Overall I am pretty happy with how I shot other than the penalties. I think I made a good comeback until the end.

Easily, the closest match I have ever shot...and I loved every second of it.

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Great analysis of what you were thinking and doing as it happened....I enjoyed reading it almost as much as if I were there...

Thanks again, and while you did not win the thing...they KNOW who you are now...Great job to both you and Lee...

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Hey Lee and Jake, great match to both of you. The YOUNG Guns were rolling in Houston.

BTW, Jake, Aren't you from Michigan...........I can understand the Texans complaining aboutt he cold but not you. :D

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