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Mulligan during a 3 gun event, good or bad idea?

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We do this for fun. Sometimes it seems like that fact gets lost on people. It's not the Stanley cup finals, the Tour, or anything remotely like those events. Until we have drug testing, and a lucrative TV deal with millions of at home viewers all over the world, I think that we need to take a step back from the edge and relax a bit. If you want to try Mulligans then I say more power to you, if not then thats cool as well.

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Kinda my thoughts too...just adds another thought process to the "GAME" but it seems that most think this is a Championship Match! I just want to put on a fun and challenging match that other people like too. I was shot down with a random prize table so the table is by order of finish this year and the majority of our shooters wanted the match fees to go up so we can put on a better match (Vendor Tent, food at the Prize Table and buy some more goods from vendors for the table). I guess my thought process is all messed up. I would still shoot if there wasn't a prize table! I still have a passion for this Multigun stuff but am slowly loosing my passion as time goes on.


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Just in case anyone is wondering...We will not have a Mulligan for the NWMGC...the shooters have spoken and they are the customers. I think I could use a group (all female) hug:)


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I'm with ya Scott and Sean! I actually enjoy shooting overseas more and more. It costs me more, there is absolutely no prise table, and it is still about the comrades and shooting rather than the "shirts and glitz". Hell it is starting to be an effort just to put on my little local match.

Edited by kurtm
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Just in case anyone is wondering...We will not have a Mulligan for the NWMGC...the shooters have spoken and they are the customers. I think I could use a group (all female) hug:)



If you were coming down for the He-Man Nationals - we could all give you a He-Man hug...but it sounds like you might prefer a wee-man hug!!! :roflol:

They'll all be wearing pink shirts, so it'll feel like an all female hug!!!!

Think a hug from me and my beautiful ______!!!!!!! :devil:


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  • 5 weeks later...


I've thought about this before. If I were to give out "mulligans" or sell them as a profit stream. I would make you pick where you are going to use it when you buy it. That way as a MD you can plan ahead for thier use.

How would a shooter pick where he is gonna need a do over ahead of time?

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I've thought about this before. If I were to give out "mulligans" or sell them as a profit stream. I would make you pick where you are going to use it when you buy it. That way as a MD you can plan ahead for thier use.

How would a shooter pick where he is gonna need a do over ahead of time?

Was it Yogi Berra who siad " 90% of the game is half mental" ????

Its a thinking mans game. Yo

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  • 1 month later...

don't like the idea. A mulligan will always disadvantage the last shooters in a squad (since they won't know if they want to use one till everyone else has shot, and those individuals may have already exercised their mulligans).

PLus, mulligans are not recognized (to my knowledge) in any official sport....its only recognized where scores don't matter.

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