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Since I haven't seen it posted here yet, I thought I would give up the details I know for your planning use:

2014 Area 1 championships will be held in Benton City, WA at the Rattlesnake Mountain Shooting Facility by the Eastern Washington Practical Shooters club.

Date has been set at the third weekend in May, 2014 (14th or 15th through 18th). 12 stages plus Chrono. Price will be similar to this year and registration will be open for Area 1 members towards the end of this year, opening up probably in March for others.

Some web sites to keep an eye out on:

http://area1championship.com/ (as soon as we can get control of it)

http://www.ewpsa.org/ (local USPSA club)

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eastern-Washington-Practical-Shooters-Association/106584939369485?fref=ts (club Facebook page)

http://www.tcsa.info/ (shooting range info)

https://maps.google.com/?ll=46.347372,-119.470482&spn=0.008887,0.021136&t=h&z=16 (location of the range)

About the range and area:

The range is near the Tri-Cities, Washington (Richland, Pasco, Kennewick). Richland is closest at a 15-20 minute drive, although it's only 10 more minutes to the others.

The area is desert, 540 feet altitude at the range. Typical May weather would be 70-80's and clear. Wind is common, but anything can happen (Spring in the Northwest...)

Drive time is 3.5-4 hours from Portland, 4ish from Seattle, 2.5 from Spokane.

Pasco is the closest airport.

More details posted as we get them. Hope to see you there!

Edited by DarthMuffin
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Registration is open......

Looks like my info got through - still 295 spots open according to the banner in the middle of the page.

Looks like this will be a popular match. Now shows 181 of 300 spots open.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Registration is open......

Looks like my info got through - still 295 spots open according to the banner in the middle of the page.

Looks like this will be a popular match. Now shows 181 of 300 spots open.

Looks like only 7 spots of 350 left, I'm out for next year. Hope it's a great match.

Edited by HI5-O
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  • 5 weeks later...

Given that the PractiScore online registration system allows you to sign up for a match without needing to immediately pay, I can see a lot of fall out from the online registration system like happened last year. Does anyone know when or if there is a registration payment deadline for the existing shooters who have already registered? Hopefully that is going to be done sooner than later so shooters on the wait list who will actually go can get registered and start making travel arrangements.

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Here's the info I could find for you guys (I'm just an RO and the web site guy, not MD or anything like that), more as I have it:

The reserve spots are for sponsor slots and for the Juniors. We probably have more set aside than we need, so the extra will be given up to waiting list people.

The waiting list isn't posted anywhere publicly (yet?), but we do have one.

Right now they're working out staff assignments and staffing levels, from there they will start asking for payment. There is no payment deadline yet. This is kind of breaking new ground as there's no guidelines or precedent to follow but payment will obviously have to be due in time to notify waiting list people.

Cha-lee, I'm curious what were the problems that happened last year so that maybe I can push to help avoid them? I didn't do A1 last year but our "upper management" did and are working with the Utah team to learn and make it better. Feel free to PM me if you feel it would cause ill-will posting publicly.

Some other info I can give: 12 stages plus chrono, 11 person squads. Each squad will shoot a half day Friday and Saturday (5 stages plus a break each day) and a short 3-stage day on Sunday.

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DarthMuffin> Thanks for providing the feedback on the match. The issue I observed last year is that the online registration filled up instantly because people didn't have to pay while they registered. Then only a couple of weeks before the actual match the MD started to open up the extra slots to the wait list to fill the match from all of the people who registered but didn't pay. I know there were several Colorado shooters who wanted to go to the 2013 Area 1 match, were on the wait list, but got notified way too late. There wasn't time for these guys to change their schedule or book travel at reasonable prices.

If this match is popular enough to "Sell Out" within days of opening registration, then the match staff can mandate that they actually pay for their entry fee immediately. If they don't pay immediately then they can start offering the slots to the wait list guys right away so people can commit and start booking travel.

I am on the wait list and want to go. But if the match staff waits until one or two weeks before the start of the match to notify me of an open slot then that is probably going to be too late to book flights, hotel, rental at reasonable prices.

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As a match director myself, there would be no way that I would offer a match registration process that does not immediately force the shooter to actually pay at the time of registration. If you offer an online registration system where anyone can basically register for "Free" then of course a boat load of people will jump on it even if they are not totally sure they can or want to go.

I can't even imagine how much of a nightmare it would be to iron out the payment side of the process in this kind of Register for free then pay later situation. It just seems like it would be a lot of brain damage and hassle trying to iron out the back end of that kind of process. But to each their own.

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Thanks for the input guys, I will definitely point that out at our next meeting and see what I can do to get them to commit to an early payment deadline and waiting list processing.

I know the registration and payment system was partially driven by what tech we had to work with. We weren't really in a position to set up an online registration and payment system on our own, so this was the path of least resistance and allowed us to focus on other things (like stage design and props, putting in a 13th bay, a chrono bay, and irrigation which is all but done!).

On the plus side we have been using Practiscore for about a year now and just invested in a half-dozen Nooks for scoring (were using a mish-mash of tablets, phones, etc). They are working out well so more will be on the way for the match. I heard about some Practiscore problems last year and I'm confident we have the experience to avoid that.

Oh, and it'll be good to see another Tanfoglio at the match :-)

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I'd go for the Richland Red Lion, the Hampton, or the Richland M Hotel and Conference center. All are 15-20 minutes drive from the range and have restaurants within walking distance. Hampton is the newest, and right on the river. Shiloh and Days Inn are just a few blocks farther.

Really anything in Kennewick or Pasco is only 15 more minutes away, so if you can swing a good deal in one of those cities don't rule it out.

We don't have a hotel picked for our visiting ROs yet, and awards will be at the range.

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i, like many others in Area 1 registered as soon as it came out because it fills up fast. Found out a little later that i could not go and sent an email to give up my spot. Even though for me i only need to drive there, I think that there should be a dead line for people to pay. this would allow those that wish to go, and are fortunate to be called on the backup list plenty of time to make travel arrangements. Anyone that travels knows it does not get cheaper the closer it get to departure.

My friends have booked their rooms already, and the rooms are not inexpensive, especially given that its in the middle of nowhere. $100 to 150 a night is what they are paying. Those that are flying in have to figure if its worth it for them to go.

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  • 3 weeks later...

An update on the waiting list, posted on our facebook page:

"Staff notifications went out earlier in the week with confirmation / commitments at about 75% complete.

Anyone that is registered but not paid will be getting notified this weekend that they need to pay within the next 10 days or the slot will be released to someone on the waiting list. Those still on the staff consideration list will not be released until the staff list is more complete; hopefully in the next couple weeks.

There has been some cleanup of registration (duplicates, a few drops, that sort of thing) so some of the waitlist slots will be approved this weekend.

The match is sitting at 439 registered, 392 approved, 68 unpaid. Some of those unpaid are staff awaiting confirmation. That leaves 47 on the waitlist/pending.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any schedule available yet? Or is it up there but yet I can't find it?

Also, might seem like a strange question... But would anyone know what vendors may be there?

Umh, Jeff, right above where it shows that you are in our squad there is a header Late-Early-Late. The means that our squad is shooting on the late shift on Friday (Friday afternoon); on the early shift on Saturday (Saturday morning); on the late shift on Sunday (Sunday later in the morning). Is that what you meant by schedule?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Has a match ammo supplier been named? Or how can I get ammo there from elsewhere?

No, we don't have a match ammo supplier. We are recommending that you ship your ammo to your hotel (this isn't Vegas, I don't expect them to bend you over). If you need an FFL, I would contact http://www.ranch-home.com/kennewick/ in Kennewick. They are a match sponsor and I'm sure will be happy to help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has a match ammo supplier been named? Or how can I get ammo there from elsewhere?

No, we don't have a match ammo supplier. We are recommending that you ship your ammo to your hotel (this isn't Vegas, I don't expect them to bend you over). If you need an FFL, I would contact http://www.ranch-home.com/kennewick/ in Kennewick. They are a match sponsor and I'm sure will be happy to help.

Oh well. I'll probably have to withdraw, then. We can't ship from Alaska, and I don't dare risk untested ammunition, if I can even find enough of it locally.

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