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I own a bottle of Mojo eau de toilette.

Gendarme Spray CologneThe freshest! Casually sensual, yet professionally down-to-business. Distinctively driven to be assertive, yet ever so cleverly subtle. Made for a man because women love it! It blends uniquely with the user's

"Casually sensual?"

Even at $44/2oz I might *need* a bottle of that. I might actually go to bar again(shudder).

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I use "happy" for men from Clinique, but then the English have always been a bit strange :D

Reminds me, I'm going to have to go to Bianchi next year, as I'm almost out of moisturiser and face wash. Would you believe, you can't get this stuff over here?

Pah, typical!!

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  • 2 years later...
I hate perfume...just about all of it anyway...except for the french stuff an old girlfriend used to wear (France has its uses). I don't care what it's in, on, or for: detergent, soap, women's perfume (the absolute worst!), the toxic scent bombs you get in mail. I hate women's cologne most of all. It used to be nice. It used to be *subtle*. It used to be this pleasant little surprise you got when you got around to the kissing portion of the date.

Not anymore. Now it's full-scale chemical warfare. The stuff is so pungent, even a drop fills the room and knocks you over. The cheap tutti-fruity (sp?) stuff women wear is hideous. It's like they took the dainty, fruity-smelling perfumes little girls wear and distilled it using nuclear fusion. If you stink so bad that you have to wear that sh*t not to smell bad, wouldn't bathing be the better option?

I got a coffee today at a drive through stand and I had to just pull over and throw it out. The fat wench at the espresso stand had so much perfume on that it actually infused the lid, the cup, the coffee therein, and my car!


BTTT. I'm still pissed off and have nothing new to add three years later.


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LOL, no sense in letting go early......

I am with you 110% on the subject, drives me NUTS. Every freaking thing you buy now is scented, even toilet paper. Who is the rocket scientist that figured on putting something that is supposed to smell good on toilet paper? Did he figure it would change the outcome?

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I'm still not sure if I hate perfume or just those who think they should take a shower in it.

Went to see the latest Harry Potter flick with my daughter and had two young women sit next to me. One of them was nearly causing me to choke with whatever she was wearing. When my daugher asked "what's that stink", I clued them in to the fact there were many other seats available and they would be well advised to move.

Folks are always complaining about smokers, but I've never been anywhere except the Atlanta airport smoking area where there was a stink nearly so strong.

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I hate all perfume I dont care how "Classy" you think it is. Its rude and it's air pollution, I also hate the fact that I cant buy anything without perfume in it. Since the new ACU's came out with special laundry needs, perfume free detergents are finally readily available and I have also stumbled into a couple brands of perfume free soap. But it is very agravating to have to make special trips to special stores to buy soap and deoderant, Think I'll just order in bulk from Basspro,,,, Oh did I mention the fact that I am allergic to perfume ? OH and now that I am ranting "THOSE GD PERFUME INCRUSTED GREASY FEELING DRIER SHEETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that occasionally people want to do you a favor by putting them in the drier for you.

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OK, just got back from the gym. For those who like lots of perfume, here's how to know you're wearing too much:

If your perfume end up leaving a permanent, choking stench in the water of an 8 lane, Olympic-size swimming pool, you're wearing too damned much.

Thanks in advance for your moderation, male and female alike. <_<

Edited by EricW
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I particularly hate it when some guy half-drowns in his "cologne" and I end up leaving the room smelling like a cheap male cologne commercial!! It gets in my hair, it sticks to my clothes, I wash it dutifully out of my nostrils at night.

The perfume disgustery works both ways!!!! :angry2::angry2::angry2:

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Holy Necropost Batman!

When I saw spook's avatar and then rhino's I knew something was up.


So Erik, did this gal leave an Exxon Valdez like oil slick on the surface of this 8 lane Olympic size pool?

Then she is clueless on 2 accounts:

1. wearing that much perfume in the first place

2. not showering (how inconsiderate of her fellow gym mates) before getting in the pool. Hey, lady, it's a community pool not your personal bath tub, 'kay?

(jeff foxworthy voice on)

If you have to wear a sign that says, "No smoking within 50 feet", you might have too much perfume on.

(voice off)

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